RLX uses ... plastic bezels in subs since years... Recently , they introduced the ceramic bezel in GMTs, latter in the new Sea Dweller and lastly.... announced that they will make a new Sub wearing ceramic bezel. This first sub is supposed to be a blue bezel - blue dial sub... in 18 K ...
Generally speaking, new people to this hobby prefer the ultra-new , nearly-not-yet-released-but-announced models and their reps ... More experienced members recognize that there is no need to be a (very) early adopter in this hobby because of certain reasons:
1. The very first reps ... are full of flaws... well, actually they look [censored] most of the time...
2. There is a lot of reference for older and established models (photos, gen tutorials, gen owners) that they can use to compare the reps and help the market decide the best as well as use all this reference to make the necessary mods