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Thanks Admin for bringing this out and posting it.

And I am like most of the comments, I see people as either being honest, or not, if you are a liar, then normally you will lie about everything and can't be trusted.


Thanks for the kind words, that is not something I have heard before, or something I ever considered, thank you.

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Posted (edited)

Just a word of warning for any RG members posting in this thread. On RWI, we've have a consistent problem with RG admin coming on to RWI, reviewing threads in which an RG member says something negative or raises a question about something on RG, and then banning that member on RG permanently. In other words, the RG admin will ban you based on what you say on a completely separate forum. This happened as recently as two weeks ago. Just an FYI.

Edited by seanf

Great detective work! :thumbsupsmileyanim: RWG,s the place to be!!!!


RWG has always been my home, i got my brothers all here :) But i do have to say RG has been a cool place to hang, some admins/mods their can be very tricky also some members but in all i feel its been a cool place to go for off topic stuff and its much more easy to sell your watches their it seems then on RG.

If i had put my AP offshores their i em almost certain they would be sold in a matter of hours or a day, on RWG? on page 6? and not sold :bleh:


In other words, the RG admin will ban you based on what you say on a completely separate forum. This happened as recently as two weeks ago. Just an FYI.

This is like "stasi 2.0" :thumbdown:


I guess its not really about the size... its just that SOMETHING smells extremely FISHY down there...

Anyway... anybody who has a good story to tell about the "WHY" is invited to a beer...

Sorry for the "explicit" pics guys :whistling: i guess the kids are sleeping!!







exactly... LUV the mermaids fresh when they DONT smell fishy!!

And am the last man "standing" ;) on this planet

going to refuse anybody a good cold beer (we greek drink hannigan only)

that has A GOOD story to tell... even if it is an opposite-sex woman :D lol

yes... my grandpa always used to say "life can be very ungrateful and hard -

but a man always has the pleasure to take whatever crosses his musket!"




i don't get the whole thing, seems crazy to inflate the numbers unless they add up to more money.

i am a member there also, so i won't bash.

one thing- the rep trading zone prices are insane! ex. a guy today selling a sec @12 APROO for almost $1000. 'modded'

meaning service and lubed mov't and lume. seems like alot to me.

Posted (edited)

All of these threads across various forums arguing back and forth over who's e-penis is bigger are really kinda silly and the constant speculation is ridiculous.

I don't see the need for 5 bloody forums really but the fact is there are. Many of the people in this community are part of 2, 3, 4 or more of these forums and I am one of them. Each forum serves a different purpose and I guess has a different feel to it and seeing as everyone's different, perhaps it does make sense for there to be 5 after all. In saying that, I don't understand the point in wasting your time to investigate such matters. Each forum acts and runs independently of each other while participating in a black market hobby.

I'm not even here to defend RG. While I am a member there and it's the forum i've spent 99% of my time at for the past 2 years, these days I concentrate my time elsewhere @ WC. RWG (this site) has always been a great alternate place for me to read up on all of the great information provided by those with the most experience. IMO, let it be. Nothing's going to change from this and it doesn't affect RWG at the end of the day. No n00b is scanning through Google to find a rep forum only to choose one with 25000 members vs 22000.

In a hobby that is what it is, integrity IS paramount I must agree. At the end of the day though, what RG does wont change the reputation this place has built for itself so don't bother.

The last thing I want to say is that its a pain in the ass having to check 3-4 forums every day on the same subject! :D

Edited by elisiX

Again the point of the thread as I see it is not to degrade or compete for who is bigger..

The man who aided a sinking ship an has worked tirelessly for many .. Many years has built a forum on honesty .. Integrity .. In designing a raffle software that cannot be rigged .. To protecting members against scams (which is the number 1) reason why this forum has percevered through thick and thin ... Has been based on being truthful to it's membership!!

It's easy for those than come on board to look for a rep and are supported with info to wonder "why"??

Try spending hours on end prepping a review so others can benefit.. And make wise choices..

And Admin spend weekends upgrading software .. So we can have a forum that by all accounts does not have as much tech problems as the other foras..... do you see sub forums set up here so other forum members can gather when their forum is down ?? Two tone has gracious enough to do that so all can have a place to post when their home forums are down.

I understand another forum is bashing RWG for posting this thread.. Trying to play us as something other than what what we are... The same ones that claimed we were a copy of the original RWG...

How cowardly of them .. IMO..At least our Admin had the Intestinal fortitude to post the truth and back it up with facts Nd not bad mouth in a passive aggressive manner .. Wish others would man up to !!

This thread is not a bashing of the RG membership ..IMO.. But the deceptive way in which a forum is trying to build it's numbers ...attracting new members ..

Weather you are 1000 or 30,000 stro

g the point is we are a community in which honesty is a cardinal rule.. Not dishonesty as a means to an end..

We all have given from our own collections to support the entire membership..


As usual Lani - your words make more sense than mine. :D

I've just had the experience ... The BIG deal with our Admin is that our raffles are honest and no room is allowed for anything other than total fainess

IMO Admin handled this with pure facts ...

Imagined spending years building something and finding out someone circumvented that work to arrive at the same result in numbers using dishonest means... More apparent members may draw others ..

Weather we are 100 or 1000 the point is integrity.. That is what we are based on

I would be livid it I worked for years honestly to see someone else use dishonest tactics to try and gain whatever they are trying to gain.

I believe a leader as we have looks as this community as in his care and not as a "town he owns"

leadeship in it's purist form


I've just had the experience ... The BIG deal with our Admin is that our raffles are honest and no room is allowed for anything other than total fainess

IMO Admin handled this with pure facts ...

Imagined spending years building something and finding out someone circumvented that work to arrive at the same result in numbers using dishonest means... More apparent members may draw others ..

Weather we are 100 or 1000 the point is integrity.. That is what we are based on

I would be livid it I worked for years honestly to see someone else use dishonest tactics to try and gain whatever they are trying to gain.

I believe a leader as we have looks as this community as in his care and not as a "town he owns"

leadeship in it's purist form

+1 :victory:

Posted (edited)

The actual numbers of ACTIVE users is the most important data. Any forum should cleen the register once and a while. Say for example that you remove all users applying to these criteria:

- have zero (0) posts

- hasn´t been active for 180 days

if this was done to this forum i guess the numbers would drop by at least 10-15%. On RG significantly more, i´d say 30-40%.

In order to keep a forum alive, the numbers should have some relation to reality. Theres absolutely no point at all to have registred users that in fact are permanently absent.

But on the other hand, these numbers are important when you try to attract advert money...

Edited by Franke

Despite having so many members here on RWG, there is actually just a few of us *read few as in few compared to 22.000 members* who actually post actively and chat togheter :D


The actual numbers of ACTIVE users is the most important data. Any forum should cleen the register once and a while. Say for example that you remove all users applying to these criteria:

- have zero (0) posts

- hasn


Purged, such a dirty sounding word.

kinda wish my username was purge. Sounds cool and sexy. Maybe i'll name my first son Purge.

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