hookoo Posted March 30, 2006 Report Posted March 30, 2006 I would prefer the dealers post their prices. But they can do what they want. I do enjoy browsing thru Andrews threads with his prices listed. It helps in my decision making. And I am an impulse buyer. Like someone here said.. "I like, I buy"
Nebakanezzar Posted March 30, 2006 Report Posted March 30, 2006 I would prefer the dealers post their prices. But they can do what they want. I do enjoy browsing thru Andrews threads with his prices listed. It helps in my decision making. And I am an impulse buyer. Like someone here said.. "I like, I buy" i agree. i like to see prices. but if a dealer dosent want to, why make him.
Admin Posted March 30, 2006 Report Posted March 30, 2006 (edited) This has been discussced over and over and over....at ALL replica boards. In the end, this is how all of us are used to do business with these guys. I'm not saying it is right, but there are only a very few who are concerned about this. Every time this discussion is brought up, only a very small percentage of the members add their voice to the discussion and only a few of this small percentage, thinks that real prices should be mandatory. Personally, I'd prefer if all the dealers posted their real price in all their ads. Edited March 30, 2006 by Admin
Guest TTK Posted March 30, 2006 Report Posted March 30, 2006 You either run the risk of losing a-list dealers If a dealer is frightened of posting prices....and decides to cut and run to a board where he doesn't have to post prices.....what does THAT tell you........I know as a customer what it would tell me.......SOMEONE is getting ripped.....! If the regular dealers here have no confidence in the members trust in them to supply the goods at the a reasonable price....and continue to buy based on his service........then that dealers fear is that ...if by posting prices....he is gonna be tested and found wanting.....!
Chronus Posted March 30, 2006 Report Posted March 30, 2006 If a dealer is frightened of posting prices....and decides to cut and run to a board where he doesn't have to post prices.....what does THAT tell you........I know as a customer what it would tell me.......SOMEONE is getting ripped.....! If the regular dealers here have no confidence in the members trust in them to supply the goods at the a reasonable price....and continue to buy based on his service........then that dealers fear is that ...if by posting prices....he is gonna be tested and found wanting.....! There is some truth in that.
Viennawatch Posted March 30, 2006 Report Posted March 30, 2006 I say AYE! Aint that such a newb post!! viennawatch secretly trying to gain post counts~!
Guest TTK Posted March 30, 2006 Report Posted March 30, 2006 (edited) There is another aspect to this.......ALL dealers here have to pay for the privilege of advertising here......we ALL pay the same price.....monthly.....for the same privileges......why should we have a double standard....a level playing field for the 'dealers'.....and varying standards for the members....! I as a PAYING 'dealer' decided to post here.....because I was lead to believe that the NEW RWG was going to be different from the old RWG.....if as a PAYING 'dealer'....I decided I didn't like the idea of posting prices.....then all I had to do was continue posting elsewhere.....! At the very least......the one thing that you CAN say about the various SCAM sites.......is they at least tell you how much youare going to be scammed for....before you contact them......seems like a case of deja vu....here on the NEW RWG. Edited March 30, 2006 by TTK
Usil Posted March 30, 2006 Report Posted March 30, 2006 I appreciate the posting of prices on a regular basis and on sales too. It speeds up my descison making on purchases. Those who post may get more business because of this. It is a business and posting prices is part of the marketing strategy that should be left up to the seller. Usil
Pugwash Posted March 30, 2006 Report Posted March 30, 2006 Should these sellers be allowed to sell their items here without posting their REAL selling price? No. Still, I don't make the rules. I hate feeling like a tyre-kicker when I'm shopping around. I recently decided it'd be nice to get a Tourbillon watch and looked at Jos_Nana's ample collection of Vachequirits and Buggerits and decided to ask the price, all enthused about getting a technological marvel. I got the reply of around $650-900 or so, which depressed me. If I'd have seen the prices, I'd not have messaged him. I'd have looked at stuff in my price-range to get enthused about and he'd have possibly got a sale. I'm now feeling a reluctance to IM dealers in case I get that same disappointment. I'll stick to dealers that post prices from now on. Precious Tim, TimeToKill, Narikaa ... you are the sorts of dealers that will be getting my business from now on. You and Silix-Prime, when their site responds faster than a turtle wading through treacle with a brick duct-taped to its back. For the record, I believe trustywatchguy also posts his prices, but I've not had any dealings with him yet. Hmm ... I wonder if he takes pp.
airblade Posted March 30, 2006 Report Posted March 30, 2006 Im with SAINT NEIL on this,prices should be mandatory.
BlueLabel Posted March 30, 2006 Report Posted March 30, 2006 I'd like to be able to see the price because I dont feel comfortable keep asking the same dealer for prices and never follow through with a purchase. Its like the cry wolf situation, eventually I will see a watch i like at a price I can afford (read, wife allows ) they may not respond because I have asked too many times and never follow through. Same for me except I also get a little suspicious when there are no prices. Seems like the dealer may respond according to who you are on a particular board. I prefer up front prices - its an easier decison to make on a purchase. A standardised template for the watch features would be a great idea (copy Neil's) and also a note whether the dealer ships directly or drop ships. Seems to me a lot of problems occur because of drop shipping. With TTK you get a picture of the piece, and a description and often a note such as one only in stock, so you know he had it in his hands to photograph - so date and cyclops and all the other bits are in order.
ryyannon Posted March 30, 2006 Report Posted March 30, 2006 Standard template, dealer posts prices. Did I say that the dealer should post his prices? I'd also like to see the same type of layout as on WT, where you can see all the dealers displayed at once with the date and title of their latest offer. It's also an Invision board, so it should be possible to set this up easily. Much faster, much cleaner, looks gor-geous and you can see in a glance what's happening since you last hit their page...
mossanti Posted March 30, 2006 Report Posted March 30, 2006 I would like to see all price tags. I think most of the dealers make way alot of money from 1 watch with the current hidden price tag. Trust me, I've been to some REPs market..a good quality one..be it swiss,russian, or Chinese.....they are stilll much lower than existing dealers price ovver here on the net.
Edge Posted March 30, 2006 Report Posted March 30, 2006 Neil is 100% SPOT ON. If you are going to charge to be a dealer on the site then you HAVE, yes HAVE, to make sure that it is a level playing field for ALL dealers. There are absolutely NO valid reasons why prices can't be posted, Reg and Neil do it ALL the time. Sorry but not posting prices HAS to be for some kind of financial benefit to the dealers for ripping off newbies or whatever. HONEST dealers will not have ANY problems with posting prices as the prices SHOULD be the same for everyone, regardless of post count, or "seniority". SIMPLE, make prices MANDATORY.
Edge Posted March 30, 2006 Report Posted March 30, 2006 Edit: additition: People have said that they feel that members selling pieces should be forced to post the price they want, but that dealers should do whatever they want. Why the double standard, if dealers can haggle and rip a few folks off for some extra $$$ why can't the normal members when they want to sell something??? See where I am going with this.............you have one set of rules for one one set for the others and disaster is BOUND......
goog Posted March 30, 2006 Report Posted March 30, 2006 I can't see why a standard template and prices should not be mandatory. At the end of the day Blade started the whole RWG thing to protect people from getting ripped off. That is a _good_ thing, whcih is central to building a thriving community. Price transparency does exactly this and removes some of the risk that buyers have to take when buying watches. Seems to me this board (rather than WT) is specifically set up to build a community. Which to me implies a commuity of buyers. So why shouldn't this board do everything possible to make the buyer's experience as safe as possible? If dealers aren't happy, there is a specific dealer centric board for them. It's called WT. If dealers don't want to post prices they can go there and post without prices. And the whole argument of "we shouldn't force this on the dealers, cause we should be grateful to them" is crock. If having to advertise prices means they can't make enough money then I'd rather they changed careers and stopped ripping us off.
watcher71 Posted March 30, 2006 Report Posted March 30, 2006 I never got the obsession over posting prices. Makes no difference to me. If I email them and dont like the price, then I have the choice of moving on. Even if the dealer posts a set price, it does not mean that he wont give a discount to repeat customers, bulk orders, etc. And if the dealers are willing to put up with lots and lots of emails asking the price question over an over, then so be it. Anyway, seems silly to make them post a price if they dont want to.
Canuck88 Posted March 30, 2006 Report Posted March 30, 2006 I am most likely to purchase a product if I immediately see the price tag. I agree completely with this. Not seeing a price makes me think there is something to hide...
Happy T Posted March 30, 2006 Report Posted March 30, 2006 After reading this, and if I was a dealer, you couldn't make me NOT post my prices. Seems overwhelming what "THE CUSTOMER" wants. Anyone with any business snap knows the customer is always right and to survive you must please your target. I've said this before and I'll say it again..... price is not the only thing a dealer is selling.
narikaa Posted March 30, 2006 Report Posted March 30, 2006 (edited) I for one cant understand the discussion ..............the 'Terms & Conditions' of the PAID dealer section .....that I and others have subscribed to was a MANDATORY display of prices. On a personal note it doesnt require the wisdom of Methuzala to see that if a dealer is spending all that time fielding spurious mails/PMs someone somewhere is paying for this time and effort arnt they. . Edited March 30, 2006 by narikaa
Guest TTK Posted March 30, 2006 Report Posted March 30, 2006 It's not about 'forcing' anyone to do anything.......EVERY dealer KNEW before signing up that prices had to be posted.....!
mikellem Posted March 30, 2006 Report Posted March 30, 2006 I favor all dealers using a similar template to describe the product including the price they want to sell it for. If they want to inflate the price, that is their business as is their willingness to offer silent discounts to members who buy regularly from them. as the shady guy on the street whispered..."Caveat Emptor" I totally agree with jjajh.! Format being the same for all dealers would be wonderful.
Richard Tracy Posted March 30, 2006 Report Posted March 30, 2006 Though it would be more convenient, for both buyer and seller, bottom line is,.. Who has the power ? Who needs who more? I remember Paul telling us once that we were only 2% of his business base. That really struck me, though I know it was a exaggeration, it still brought into focus a factor that most of us to that point, were blind to. Who needs us when they can sell to the outside world, where they won't be pestered with all of our concerns over crown guards & rehaut, where their profit margins are as far above what they squeeze out of us here ? I don't want to lose our dealers,.. once more caught on that web, where the issue is not weather your watch is 99% accurate, but if you will receive your watch at all. I feel that our dealers have grown to see us as their friends, as we have them, and though I know that they profit from our addiction, they do have alternative sources of customers. All that is one side of the coin. The other is what Neil is presenting as is Narikaa. Though out of honesty, or competition, most likely a combo of both, they are stating that willingness to play it for our benefit. Trusty will also play.. he's that sort,.. customer comes first. I doubt however, that EL , River or Josh, will follow suit. The other dealers I am not too familiar with. Volume dealers are in another category. King and Jay are each other's competition and keep in a pretty even line. Their prices are always fair. As for Paul.. who by the way may have sold out to another dealer long ago, and after that big sale fiasco I don't understand how we have gone back to him, taking business away from Jay and King. So question is, are we willing to leave the dealers out who won't play ball ? I say let them go to another board, we can always meet them there, and If our little experiment, goes in the right direction they may change their minds. This is a chance to do something different, and make our board The Board that has placed the sentiment that we are an oasis from the web, into action.
thecrow Posted March 30, 2006 Report Posted March 30, 2006 I am so glad someone finally brought this question up. It is very frustrating to have to email each dealer to ask for a price on a certain watch. I recently emailed one dealer for a watch and was very surprised at the price. He was a dealer that I had purchased from before so I don't think it was an inflated price, but if I would have known the price to begin with I would have known it was out of my price range. So right now, I am currently waiting on 3 other dealers to see if they have this watch and what their price is. Is this a big deal?, not really....can it be frustrating?....yes. Will the price be my deciding factor on who I purchase this watch from?......probably not. Customer service goes along way, and if there is a problem with a watch it's not a big deal to pay an extra $20 to $50 to purchase it from a dealer who you know will make it right and reply in a timely manner and to save that extra money to be dicked around if there is a problem. So, to make a long story short, just post your prices.
Bignasty Posted March 31, 2006 Report Posted March 31, 2006 Wow, it took a long time to read this entire thread but some very good points have been made. When I started reading this thread I thought it wasn't much of a big deal. If a dealer doesn't post their price then fine. I'll still email if I'm interested. If I get a high quote and another has the same watch for less I'll buy from him instead. It all works out in the end. At least here I know I can trust who I am buying from. I've dealt like this with several dealers thus far and only bought from two, Andrew and Eddie. What I think we are forgetting is that these dealers don't post everything they have in stock on our site. If we are having a feeding frenzy here buying up massive amounts of POs or Subs then a posted price will make buying the "10 or 12" that are available much easier. But ironically several of the watches that I myself have purchased weren't even recent posts on any of the four Rep forums. Many were ones that were just in the seller's photo album. So posted prices will pull me in yes, but I don't think they are a necessity for a dealer to get my business. There are obvious benefits to the prices being posted. It will save us all some time. The service will likely be better, though it already seems good to me. Certainly a step in the right direction. But if we are going to take one step why not take two and also make the "Buy it Now" buttons a requirement as well? I know all dealers don't use pp, but they won't get my business anyway. $30 in western union fees are just flat ridiculous. If we require them to post prices, then why not ease the sales process by making the item be buyable without an email at all. Dealers can prefill the "For" lines with whatever stock numbers they like. No more pp accounts will be put on hold, because a newbie bought and put "For Rep Watch" or "Watches from the Replica Watch Group" in the pp information section. Bottom line is: If I get a good price, great product, and great service I will continue to do business. If I don't I will take my business else where. The prices posted or not, I'm still going get what I want when I want. A sleeper dealer that doesn't answer an email will just loose out. Cheers, Jon
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