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Apple Iphone


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You must be the first person I've ever heard calling UNIX too simplified. :D

By simplified, I mean the standard UI, not the stuff (BSD) underneath... I understand that you can basically do anything you want with it like any unix box, but that's not it.

I find the interface difficult to get around and the FS to be confusing to me (maybe because I am too used to what I've been mainly using for the last 20 years...

Even if it come to the choice of a mac and a linux box, I'd even go for the linux box running gnome (or even better, enlightenment RIP), I find it easier than a mac, except of course, when you have to install off the wall drivers and apps :whistling:

I guess it comes down to what you're used to :D

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I woud rather see a combo whit the nano and a mobil phone.

If you mean size-wise, I have two words for you...form and factor.

If you mean feature-wise, that's only a stop-gap, music and calls - most mobiles do that already and then some (such as the Nokia N91). May as well go the whole hog and cram as many goodies in there as possible. The iPhone looks to be a PDA killer for Mac/iPod enthusiasts and also take on the PSP for non-gaming functionality. In that, it will undoubtedly be a massive success.

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a few things As someone who used to be as into phones as he was watches - (i was a moderator at the smartphone forums) these "will be out in 6 months, or even 1 yr" is very common, back in the days of hte early palm phone, sprint would announce the phone and have it available almost 10 months later- we had to wait and drool over that time. This phone has just gotten a tremendous amount of press, so thats why it seems different.

this is definatly a leap forward in phones - its really amazing actually. I just got the new blackjack. the High Speed Data is Unbelievable. I get a crystal clear picture streaming from my home TV through slingbox. I mean, its really unreal.


1. this new phone will only have edge - which is ok, but if your puttinga full internet browser ect ect in - UMTS is the way to go. I'm sure its all about battery life. The screen will eat it up and so will the UMTS

2. Battery life on this thing will be miserable - we haven't solved that problem yet. we need fuel cells really to use this thing like we'd want to.

3. you won't be able to use it on a plane - which for travelers is why you have an ipod. This will be good for the gym or the subway and maybe the car, but if your really traveling, forgetaboutit. :)

I'm sure the 2nd and 3rd generation of this device wtih the high speed data (i am willing to bet were talking 6-8 months after the first one is released) will be quite amazing. - I hope they have a user swapable battery and a high capacity one, because, your going to get like an hour of talk time and an hour of music out of it and its dead - and, forget about using bluetooth headsets - battery battery battery :)

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a few things As someone who used to be as into phones as he was watches - (i was a moderator at the smartphone forums) these "will be out in 6 months, or even 1 yr" is very common, back in the days of hte early palm phone, sprint would announce the phone and have it available almost 10 months later- we had to wait and drool over that time.

This is because of the FCC filing. They wanted to announce the phone properly instead of having it basically released by the FCC's public documents system. In six months, when the FCC approval is done, the phone will be released.

I believe Steve Jobs wanted to be the one to announce this, instead of having the FCC do it for him. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

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3. you won't be able to use it on a plane - which for travelers is why you have an ipod. This will be good for the gym or the subway and maybe the car, but if your really traveling, forgetaboutit. :)

I use my RAZR for music on planes. It's what airplane mode is for. :rolleyes:

ps. I think you'll be surprised with battery life.

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3. you won't be able to use it on a plane - which for travelers is why you have an ipod. This will be good for the gym or the subway and maybe the car, but if your really traveling, forgetaboutit. :)

As long as it has a Game/Music mode you will be able to use it on a plane...


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I highly doubt it will be a success. I just watches the Video presentation of the iPhone ( over 1.5 hours long). I gotta give it to Apple, the phone simply rocks, and I'd love to get my hands on one of those, BUT 500$ including a contract for thze 4Gig version? I mean comeon, who is going to pay that much for a phone? I got my last phone for 100$ including a 2 year contract (that was about 2 years ago) and it was a State-of-the-Art 3G UMTS Phone that can place VIDEO CALLS and all that kind of stuff.

The only phone I have ever seen that cost that much with a contract was the Nokia Communicator, and that phone does not sell good AT ALL. A Student cant afford to pay 500$ for a phone. The only ones who can afford this, are those that make 50k+ a year. And I dont really think that those want all the fancy stuff the iPhone has.

Steve even said during the Keynote, the BEST selling iPod is the cheap one, the 4Gig Nano. Why do you think is that? Because ppl think 4GB is better than 8 or 80GB? No, it's because they say to themselves "60$ more is a lot of money for me, even though I get double the space, I cant afford it!"

They sold a lot of those 300$ iPods, yes, but they sell MUCH MORE Nanos, Shuffles and iPodMinis (the much cheaper ones). The iPhone is HUGE, who can fit this mofo in his pocket?!

Apple intends to sell 10 Million iPhones in North America in 2007. Let's see if they actually will, I certainly would NOT bet money on it!

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Do you fancy making a wager?

As I said, I wouldnt bet money on it. If I would, I'd place put options on apple or buy stock.

Just read my post and you'll see why. From your quick reply, I'm guessing you didnt even bother to fully read it ;)

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why is that incorrect? 10 Million in 2007?

The quote was 1% of the market, which works out at 9.nn million per year, meaning they'd need to sell under 5 million by the end of 2007. If you want to extrapolate the 10 million, it would have to be by July 2008.

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The quote was 1% of the market, which works out at 9.nn million per year, meaning they'd need to sell under 5 million by the end of 2007. If you want to extrapolate the 10 million, it would have to be by July 2008.

Steve Jobs said they want 1% Marketshare by the end of 2007 and then he said "which is about 10 Million units". If you dont believe me, watch the Keynote, I just watched it

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Now that the details are out it will be curious to see who tries to make a better version of the same phone. All the equipment manufacturers are getting bettter at updating models. I am sure it will get a big bang from the Apple loyalists but ultimately it will have to compete like everyone else. :)

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BUT 500$ including a contract for thze 4Gig version? I mean comeon, who is going to pay that much for a phone?
Oh you'd be surprised, lots of people. When Nokia released the 8800 about 18 months ago, in the UK they sold out repeatedly within days of release - about 10 production runs in total....and that was at $1000 on a 12-month platinum contract!

Steve even said during the Keynote, the BEST selling iPod is the cheap one, the 4Gig Nano. Why do you think is that? Because ppl think 4GB is better than 8 or 80GB? No, it's because they say to themselves "60$ more is a lot of money for me, even though I get double the space, I cant afford it!"
Apple has always had two tiers of customers, the cheap 'n' cheerful shuffle and nano buyers and an smaller but no less significant population that are willing to pay for a high-end premium product - that's why sales of the MacPro (ex-G5) and MacBook Pro (ex-Powerbook) are VERY healthy even with the release of the Core Duo 2 variants less than 6 months following the switch to Intel chips.

The iPhone is HUGE, who can fit this mofo in his pocket?!
Errr, correct me if I'm wrong but whilst it may be larger/wider than your basic phone, it's no larger than a current iPod? Also it's friggin' thin too, slip nicely inside rear trouser or jacket pocket. Bet it feels easier to handle/store than any PDA on the market.

Apple intends to sell 10 Million iPhones in North America in 2007. Let's see if they actually will, I certainly would NOT bet money on it!
Well lots of richer and smarter people than you HAVE bet money on it.....somehow I don't think Steve Jobs will be having any sleepless nights nights over whether it will be a success or not.
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Now that the details are out it will be curious to see who tries to make a better version of the same phone.

18 months development time (Apple took 3 years) and 6 months FCC validation? Apple have two years before they have to worry about competition copying them.

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18 months development time (Apple took 3 years) and 6 months FCC validation? Apple have two years before they have to worry about competition copying them.

'Course, that's assuming they (the competition) are starting from scratch as of 9am this morning ;)

But never mind the other bells and whistles, that this thing runs Mac OS alone means I'll be an early adopter. You hear that Mr Symbian? No? Well that's the 'winds of change' my friend. Hey Miss Nokia, my other faithful partner....it's not you, it's me, sure it's been fun and I'll always remember the good times, but hey I've met this new chick, she gets on much better with my family and frankly she's a monster in the sack. You'll met someone else, no really you will. Ok gotta go, see ya'!

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A lot of people did, look at how APPL performed yesterday compared to motorola & crackberry.

If you really think, that how ppl invest in the stock market is, how well the companys will do in the future, you should stay far far away from the stock market! This is also a big problem with most CEOs. They try to push their stock up, to make their investors happy. But in the end, they ruin the company.

The Blackberry service is a whole different world than what the iPhone offers. The iPhone has Push-Yahoo eMail, and thats it. It's not an opponent to the Blackberry service...

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Did I ever say this was an indicator of how the company would perform? Go back and re-read my very short post. I did not; I am very familiar with how markets work and the forces behind them.

My point is that lots of people are betting lots of money that this thing sells and sells well. I happen to agree with them :)

I'm sure the numbers will tell in a year or so... :D

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