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Posted (edited)

@Denise... Keeping an open mind regarding your loyalty to RBJ, I have done some background checking on you. First off, you talk a big game about Joe's mods, but from what I can see, you've only posted reviews of your MBW which Joe apparently did the CG, lume and a service on. You talk about others, but never seem to post pics. The pics of your MBW, seem to show it in various states of repair, which leads me to believe they are actually Joe's pics. Does Joe do a photoshoot of all his work? If not, why you? You also went to great lengths to point out that finepics was not responding when he was ill. You infer that you have watches with him for mods, but you never speak of them again. I also have it on good authority that you are on The Zigmeister's "banned list". Why is that Denise?

All these things (and others that I will not mention here) lead me to believe that you are not the person you say you are.

Edited by andreww

@andreww-In reply, I have an open mind. If you read some of my posts I clearly state that I would take a similar stand with RBJ if he did not make good on his word. As far as this post goes I believe that he has done just that. He did do work on a MBW for me and his photos are far better than I could take so they were posted. I cannot speak for Joe, but my understanding is that he takes photos of all his work. I go to lengths to point out that Finepics is not responding because he is not responding. Again if you read my posts I only ask that he place a comment up giving us ALL a heads up. I understand about relationships and distances and also being sick, but just a quick post every now and then to reassure the forum as a whole. As far as The Zigmeisters banned list, I was to have sent off a 063 for mods and I forgot to send it. It was my fault and I emailed The Zigmeister the reason why, he gave me a chance but I had other things that took priority. To The Zigmeister I will again say that I am sorry for not coming through.

Hopefully that makes you feel better.


@Denise - I ask specifically what work you had with finepics? Has Joe done anything beyond your MBW? I really have a hard time believing you at this point.

As far as The Zigmeisters banned list, I was to have sent off a 063 for mods and I forgot to send it. It was my fault and I emailed The Zigmeister the reason why, he gave me a chance but I had other things that took priority.

You reserved parts and time, then sent nothing correct? Then he allows you to book more time and reserve more parts, and what happened? Didn't you try yet again after that to book more time?

Yet you really had no problems sending a watch to Joe did you? Everything is peachy! What's his fiancee's name again?


@physher007-Look at the date! Again I am not out to beat anyone up, just ask for information from Mark. That all just as many others here are after.

@andreww-I thought that I cleared up what happened with The Zigmeister. But yes, I failed to send him the watch. I admit that I was the one who was wrong. Is that a problem? In fact I have not sent the watch to Joe because I am waiting for a datewheel. So really I am in the same spot I was many months ago with The Zigmeister. My problem with The Zigmeister is my problem not yours. I have said I was sorry to him many times over.

Posted (edited)

Okay Denise, I'm calling you out.

According to Joe, posted on Thursday...

now, the fact that denisegold has had two watches worked on by me and the fact i have more upcoming work for her and he means that i am doing my job and u r making false accusations for the benefit of your "Buddies" , not the "Board"!!!!!

Now lets look at your posts...

There was an MBW

I sent off a MBW 16600 to joe for mod's. I asked that he look at it and let me know what he thought it needed to bring it to a "almost" perfect level. He emailed me right after receiving the watch to let me know what was needed to bring it up to speed. My husband can be rather anal about watches and I wanted this to be perfect, or as close as one can make a replica. Joe kept us (I say that because my husband spoke with him more than I) informed during the ectire process, was there to answer any and all questions. This was my first dealing with Joe, and I found him to be very willing to share information about the process. He had the watch for about one month and it arrived just today!! Here are some photos to share. I can pass a comment from my husband regarding Joe, "he is a breath of fresh air". I have only dealt with afew members so far, but have found that everyone enjoys collecting and discussing timepieces. I look forward to being active on the boards and with further "worked" watches from Joe.
There was an 005

After Joe had relumed my husbands 005 ...

Then the 6152 and the 188

I saw his post about his personal 6152. I thought that it was a great watch and asked if he could build me one also. During this process I ordered a 188 w/7753 for the man and had it delivered to RBJ for modding. Well, they both arrived today. All I can say is WOW, WOW! Joe has posted photos in his relume section for everyone to look through and I will sometime Monday take some photos(if I can get them off his wrist).

Thanks to Joe for making both watches light up my weekend.


So on Thursday Joe brags that he has worked on two watches, never mentions any work pending, or the fact that your watches are complete, let alone that they have been sent???? Why didn't you say anything when I asked specifically "Has Joe done anything beyond your MBW?". Not a f___King word! Yet the very next day you run off to RWI and write a review about 2 new RBJ masterpieces, and again, no pictures included.

I call BU115H1T on you and RBJ, thats assuming you aren't the same person!

Edited by andreww

Oh no the puppet speaks again. If you read the post you will see that I will post photos this coming week. I prefer to spend some time with my family, while you troll looking to continue to inflame a dead sudject. You cannot fry me for the The Zigmeister problem so now you go out to try and find something new. You are rather useless and a waste of time. I never needed to mention that he was working on two for me because until I had them in my hands and I could give a quick post with photos to follow I did not feel the need. I will post photos when I am ready not before. Go away you little fly........before I swat you.


This Thread reminds me a lot of Las Vegas...

You gamble your money in Vegas, you gamble your money with Joe...

Vegas has Shill's, And Joe has Shill's...

Like I said at the beginning...

When will people learn...


PS: You can go away anytime now [both you and your alter ego]!

Oh no the puppet speaks again.

Isn't this a bit like Pot calling the Kettle black?

now, the fact that denisegold has had two watches worked on by me and the fact i have more upcoming work for her and he means that i am doing my job and u r making false accusations for the benefit of your "Buddies" , not the "Board"!!!!!

I thought the bold and italicized stuff was quite fun to read. Hormones would be my guess.

Posted (edited)
Oh no the puppet speaks again. If you read the post you will see that I will post photos this coming week. I prefer to spend some time with my family, while you troll looking to continue to inflame a dead sudject. You cannot fry me for the The Zigmeister problem so now you go out to try and find something new. You are rather useless and a waste of time. I never needed to mention that he was working on two for me because until I had them in my hands and I could give a quick post with photos to follow I did not feel the need. I will post photos when I am ready not before. Go away you little fly........before I swat you.

Well, I am a puppet for no one, unlike you, who seems to be Big Fat Joe's biggest fan. You have never found time to post pics of any of your watches, so don't start now sweetie. You have not answered on single question that I have asked you, so I can only believe that you are nothing more than a fraudulent shill for a guy who has nothing more than a shady reputation. What work did you have with finepics? You took the time to hunt him down on ebay to try and discredit him didn't you shill? Where was your precious family then? Very convenient that BFJs biggest shill gets two fab watches the day after he runs away in shame, isn't it shill? No pictures from you of anything he's done is there shill? You lied to zig, you misrepresented your position with finepics, now you've lied about Joe. Lie after lie after lie, an you always have a bullsh_t excuse, don't you. I won't bother you at RWI, I'll let those people learn for themselves. But we know who you are. Get joe to take those pics asap, but they don't mean rubbish here.

Good day, puppetmaster!

Edited by andreww

@andrew-You are a little boy with a little mind. I never hunted down Finepics, a member on this very forum sent me the link. I only posted the link so that it could be seen and others could comment. I am too busy in my life to take photos, but I will tomorrow as I mentioned. Again you stir the pot with remarks about a failed order with The Zigmeister. I have told my side of the story. As far as Finepics I never mentioned that I had a watch with him. All your questions have been answered and I grow tired of continuing to post the same things day after day. As far as Joe, I have not had a bad expreience with him and it seems other members have had similar experiences. Have you had a bad experience with him?

Posted (edited)
@andrew-You are a little boy with a little mind. I never hunted down Finepics, a member on this very forum sent me the link. I only posted the link so that it could be seen and others could comment.

LOL! What member?, what forum? I'm sure another member is just dying to send you info regarding a watchsmith that you have never dealt with Joe errrr Denise. Why would they do they Joe errrr Denise? Nothing you say makes any sense Joe errrrr Denise.

Edited by andreww

@andreww-I would rather put this all to rest. I and I am sure other members have grown tired of this matter. The member that sent me the pm shall remain nameless. I am sure that they did not want to deal with the rash of sh-t that I have had to deal with from some members. I only say that Finepics has not replied to many emails regarding datewheels. I am not the only member to show concern over this matter. My postings showing support for RBJ are just that MY personal views. While I understand that some members may not have had the experience that I have had I cannot comment. As far as my stricking out at you that was in defence over statement that I felt were unfair. To all that many continue to read this thread I amsorry for the negative comments I have said regarding andreww. I have never had any personal dealing with him and if I have offended him I am truly sorry. Understand that this is not running away, I am trying to put an end to this pointless saga. I have traded with other members and they can tell others that I am not Joe. We live many thousand of miles apart and are seperated by gender.


Denise -- kind of irritating isn't it. If you are like me -- you enjoy this hobby :) and have had experiences with Joe that met or exceeded your expectations :thumbsupsmileyanim: Others on this board don't like Joe (just in case you hadn't noticed) -- most with NO personal firsthand experience of actually being a customer of Joe's. There is quite a clique here on the board and unfortunately Joe is the unwanted outsider -- and if you dare to post with a positive feedback on Joe you are either an idiot, actually Joe himself -- or some poor sap who just hasn't gotten taken yet in the scam. :black_eye:

Now don't get me wrong -- I don't think Joe is some kind of Super-Modder who selflessly gives of his time and talents to those less fortunate. He is a regular guy (with poor internet grammar) who has an interest, talent, and the resources to work on watches. It is a side business for him (and yes he is free to charge what he wants for his time and efforts just like I do in my business) -- he appears to have health problems and has to deal with personal and family issues like the rest of humanity -- why is that so hard for some people to understand? IMO Joe is certainly opinionated -- but IMO he is by far NOT the MOST opinioned person posting in these threads. Who cares if he is opinionated anyway -- this is an internet forum for replica watches -- the only reason most people post here is because they are opinionated and want to share their opinions with others!

Before all the Kooks and wacko conspiracy theorists start to flame me -- I AM NOT JOE! I haven't talked to Joe since last year! Joe has done work for me in the past and I am a satisfied customer! When I read that Joe is sick or he is having a problem -- I pray for him and genuinely hope for his recovery -- just as I do for anyone here that I see in a similar situation. I have nothing against any other watchmaker on this forum and have also used others and been just as satisfied. IMO some of the complaints against Joe are likely warranted -- but MANY are just a concerted effort to damage Joe personally (I think I know why but would likely be completely savaged on this board for expressing my perception). I disagree with Joe's decision to leave this board as a service provider -- but I completely understand why he felt the need to -- why continue to put up with the attacks? I occassionally read a negative review on a seller or modder that I have personal experience with -- and in almost all cases the issue is dropped almost immediately -- if people provide their counterpoint or suggestion there isn't an outcry of outrage .... but with Joe it is like open hunting season on people with would dare to post a favorable feedback or comment from their actual personal experience.


@azmindreader-Thank you for saying cleary what I could not in my haze. :1a: This was all I was trying to say and maybe I got carried away. I again cry out- I am not Joe.


I don't think anyone would say there aren't a few satisfied customers out there llike az. My father always said "even a blind hog finds an acorn."

However, there are more than a few of us as well that have a very sour taste in our mouthes from dealing with Joe and would prefer to spare anyone else the experience.


The length of this thread is truly amusing... keep it going please.

@andreww-I would rather put this all to rest. I and I am sure other members have grown tired of this matter.

Not me... I haven't even put a dent in my pocorn yet :rolleyes:

I again cry out- I am not Joe.

Are you at least sleeping with him? Maybe a li'l lick down the middle?? :p

Thanks to Joe for making both watches light up my weekend.

I dunno Denise... but I have known a lot of women, from all kinds of sectors... And I haven't ever met one with the enthusiasm you have for your husband's hobby of collecting replica watches :blink: Especially to the point of getting all excited about one watch modders' service and quality.

The conflicting numbers are confounding my abacus :huh:


@swdivid-Please eat up, the movie is ending.... As far as watches. My husband has always loved them and slowly brought me into enjoying them also. I am not sure about your "known a lot of women" comment? :p But I also own a few replicas. Please forgive me if I am venturing into another male dominated arena....


Isn't it strange how those who analyze for a living are usually blind to their own actions ?

Just for reference,.. Azmindreader is supposedly a psychologist of some sort.,...^_^

Just to make clear for the few, like the two here who just don't seem to get it,..

The purpose of this board is to guide as many people as we can, to the best services, and product,

and away from rip offs, before you risk your money.

In other words, you don't have to personally get ripped to know the score.

Though people may have different 'opinions' regarding a business,

you must be able to discern the difference between postings from

a. someone who may have a different view or experience and

b. members and board moderators who are guiding you from

collective knowledge gathered over years.

Sounds easy, and in fact it is,.. if, you can keep your ego in check,

and trust that someone may know something that you don't,..

For quick instance...

You will notice, at the start of this thread, health, was an 'excuse' for not returning e-mail ..

Did you notice the miraculous recovery later in the thread ?

I have personally seen this miracle occur several times now,..

Once even when during a several month absence from his board customers,..

he was able to run a golf equipment business over ebay,..

Isn't health mysterious,...? :whistling:

Let's say for arguments sake however that watch repair is much more taxing

on strength as is answering e-mail or pms related to such, than say,...

selling golf equipment over a strict site as is, ebay.. ;) ...

Would not a person who suffered from such an ailment not be better suited to another occupation,

or are we to support him with our dollars as a charity case allowing him to,..from his own words..

keep our merchandise 'as long as he wants'.. years in some cases, and also making mistakes

or damaging our watches as he faints, or falls into fits of jitters...?

The bottom line is it's up to you of course,.. your choice, however,.. those of us to who warned you

can't have our words or actions to be misinterpreted by people who are speaking from a place

that we came from years ago,..

If we did that,.. we would be shirking our responsibility and going against the purpose of our board.


Batter Number 1: Denise - Struck Out

Batter Number 2: AZMR - Struck Out

Will Batter Number 3 please step up to the Plate...

And Joe, make this Shill a good one please...


Posted (edited)
Batter Number 1: Denise - Struck Out

Batter Number 2: AZMR - Struck Out

Will Batter Number 3 please step up to the Plate...

And Joe, make this Shill a good one please...


TT: Ok I will step up to the plate. As sick of the rep game as I am I still have some loose ends to tie up before I leave for good. While Joe has had more than his share of people who are dissatisfied, Im not one of them. He has done many (lost count) MBW watches for me. Some had the full deal others just a few mods done. Was it worth the time and aggrivation--probably not. A fake is still a fake no matter what. Joe always did what he said he would do. The work as OK by me and he never ever charged me more than what was talked about.

He still has many of the watches I own. Two are going to people who know what they are getting. The rest will be given away or put in a box. Who knows maybe some day I will need them for something. I have found Joe to be easy to deal with, answered questions, and was prompt on delivery time (unless he was sick).

The drama on these forums is about as bad as it gets as far as I am concerned. Joe is a easy target. Yes his skills as to getting the info out to members is bad at best. Yes he loves to toot his own horn, but in the end he is just another guy who loves watches and doing work on them. I have used him, Palpatine and The Zigmeister. All of them have had wobbles of some sort. Be it health issues, family matters or what ever.

It really gets down to this. Would modding a watch make me happier? Am I willing to put up with delays and postal problems? Will anyone really know the difference between the stock watch and a modified fake? In a year from now will I even give a damn about watches or forums period?

At the end of the day Joe served me well for the purpose at hand. He made a rep watch look more real than it did before. Was it worth all the hype--who knows. When I get my watches back I know that they are closer to being the real deal than when they left. To the ones I will give away I doubt that the people who get them will give a rip either way.

Does this all make me a shill for Joe? No way but then who cares!!

Edited by nonskeder
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