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When one of us tries to rip us off....


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I just encountered a situation when one of us in this RWG forum has attempted to rip me off USD$350. It all began when I was on a search for a genuine 187/194/202 rubber diving strap on Paneristi and Viapaneristi last night. I have been in contact with a few members whom I have been liasing in regards to the strap.

One of them is the infamous Aaron HK Tan who offered to custom make another strap for 187s (I'll be getting one off him for sure).

Then I started talking to two potential sellers. And little do I know that one of them is a member here. The trouble began when I started conversing with this so-called 'RWG member' the whole of this afternoon. The answers I got were short and sweet. The tone, cold. I am always very suspicious about online trading and am VERY particular about references. So I specifically asked for references in my email and was replied with none. All I got was it is new and few buyers are interested.

Now, let's take a step back. USD$350 is effing steep for a strap. Too steep for me. I have done my research and the ongoing price is about USD$250 - 280, somewhere within that range. Already here I am seriously contemplating to make the purchase as I really wanted that strap for my brother. Reasons aside, so I simply thought "Well, fine. No references." I was already very suspicious so I requested for pics to see if it was legit. Now all I can do is to make sure what I am getting is new or at least 95% condition and then decided from there whether to take the plunge or not. And to my horror, the picture of the strap he sent via email was the exact same pic he posted in this very forum. I was astounded. Angry. Upset. Very much [censored] off. Straight off I knew where the strap came from. I saw the post he posted. I know the forum member. And I knew how the strap look like because I have bought a 187 from the same dealer he got the strap from so I should know. More so because I own a genuine 187 rubber strap.

Man.. and to think the scammer is one of us really brought it home for me.

I am not about to rat the member out... yet. Not now at least but I am truely disappointed. Our passion for watches unites us and brought us together in this forum but now all I feel is disgust and betrayal. I do not know what to think at this moment. I emailed him and told him the truth. I even posted on VP and V to inform of this scammer. I refuse to let anyone else fall into this scam. It should not happen to me and more importantly, it should not happen to anyone else.

Just thought I let you guys know. I guess eventually I might reveal his identity for the sake of everyone's safety. What a day.

P/s there are more scams happening at the moment than you think. These 2 months alone I was almost scammed 3 times, scammed once of USD$300 (which I got back) and now this.

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Considering only a handfull of people have the watch in question, its not hard to guess who the person might be. I too would feel disgust and betral as in my opinion the community seems to be very good in dealing with situations such as these (such as the RWG watches) and Dutchy and so forth but like you I am always cautious but wouldnt expect someone on here to try it on just because you asked on the other sites, and having dealt with a few people I can say the transactions have been great. I guess like any community there is the ocassional bad seed but please let everyone know who it is as in the time you delay someone else might be getting conned.

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Such a shame to almost get scammed... especially by a member here.

I have searched throught this forum, P and VP and haven't seen anything like your experience hyou write... Can you show us what you're talking about?

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On the other hand, it could very well be ANYONE who is using his pics and try to sell it to me. So it might and might not be him. I just want to make that sure in this post. I might have gone over-board by fingerpointing directly at him in in initial post but that was how it came to me when I first saw the pic in my email.

If I have wronged the poor fellow, my most sincere apologies. All these scams for the past 2 months is taking the toll on my puny brain. And the last thing I want is to have another of our member here or anywhere else get scammed.

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I see it both ways and this is a tough call--you want to use "outing" this guy as some muscle to get your monry back, but on the other hand, cutting that kind of deal enables him to rip others off until he gets a bad rep.

I hope the PM's to the mods are what they appear to be, since putting him on notice might do the trick.

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Spoke with ken and the e-mail addresses don't match from the user over there and the user here. This doesn't really mean much, but it may give some insight. I do know where the user "Here" lives, so if you have any more info could you send me a pm and we'll get this straightend out?


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