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Got 3 (three!) "who Has The Best Sub?" Pm's Today!

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It's difficult to help someone in a PM. Personally I prefer quality, so I would go with luckyyy (and I have once)... otherwise when I first joined here (RWG1) I read a lot, and the first person I had help from was The Zigmeister (I think). Everyone else since has been helpful with MBW and watchmaster and Omega (by-tor). :group:

Almost every other week there is a new thread or re-activated thread asking a question about who has the best sub and it gets boring.

I admit when I first looked at reps it was to get a r*l*x to impress women, but the more I looked at them, the more I looked at the (relatively) obscure models not as popularly well-known, like Yacht-Master and GMTs and Explorers. And it went on from there to other watches, and the rekindling of my love of watches from years ago. My addictive buying has seen me hoover up lots of watches in half a year (and blow all my savings and wages).

I guess R*l*x was my gateway drug!

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Just for immediate gratification kicks, I bought this one at Pauls crazy sale just now for $119

Post a couple pics once you receive, I know a few people looking for cheap subs a little better then the noob...


Where can one get this "Noob"? Is it any asian 21j powered sub or is there a particular dealer selling this model?

Post a couple pics once you receive, I know a few people looking for cheap subs a little better then the noob...
Where can one get this "Noob"? Is it any asian 21j powered sub or is there a particular dealer selling this model?

It's the current "Improved" Asian 21j Sub sold by the 'respectable' dealers. I got mine from TTK, but I believe the Joshes, Andrews and Eddies of this world stock it for $100-120.

Knowing my luck, it's out-moded by all the hand-fixed 'specials' dealers seem to be offering in the last week or so. Still, it looks the business, regardless.


I'll tell ya a funny story, back on the old board I received a PM titled 'The best advice from the best poster'........yeah give me a break already.........Anyway its this chick who wants to buy a Daytona for her husbands Birthday in 2 weeks.

Now she said that she would be more than happy to do her own research, but because she had only just stumbled across our site after wasting much time looking at scam sites she was afraid that she would be struggling to have it delivered in time.

Ok so Ken the white knight kicks in to action says "Give me a couple of hours and I'll get back to you" and does a flash in depth study of the model she wants and finally gets back to her and says its EL all the way for this one.

Well she's over the moon, I mean plumb full of gratitude and praise, so I say to her that you might want to hit the donate button at the bottom of the page and give 5 or 10 dollars towards the upkeep of the site and also after presenting it to her husband it would be nice if you or him could give us a review of the watch and she's like of course, of course it's the very least I can do.............so kenberg's got the warm fuzzies and everyone lives happily ever after..........well almost after she disappeared in to the sunset never to be heard of again I find she had been playing about 10 senior poster with the exact same line! :angry:

Never trust a woman :black_eye: ......... :lol:


o man thats rich.....i think i know about 7 of this women...LOL

This looks so uncool that it's almost cool.


It ISSS cool.. and a GREAT record, besides... at least I am not a rock and roll noob!


By-Tor, I already have the best Sub, but do want to ask you about another watch . . . don't know if you've heard of it, but . . . .

Who has the best GMT Master II ??

And, for the best price, from the best dealer, with the quickest shipping . . .

And if I wear it for a couple weeks and don't like it, will take it back, refund my money, and pay for the shipping ??

Doesn't that TTK guy operate like that ??

Think I should Email him about a dozen times, and throw in a handfull of PMs ??

Oh, got some questions about a couple other best buys, but I'll wait & PM ya Saturday night or Sunday morning . . . you're not doing anything then, are ya ?? If you want to do some research for me first, I think the watch was an Omayger or something like that, but you could look it up for me, can't you ??

Thanks in advance for your help, even though you owe it to everybody to do it.






one of the points that by-tor made (albeit indirectly) is being lost. for the most, part people here do want to help others and do want to talk about these reps (hello, that's why we're here) and to further discussions about the minute details that drive us all crazy.

but there is a way to go about things. if someone approaches with an attitude of entitlement and 'gimme gimme gimme', well, things may not go so well for them. by-tor even mentioned that crystalcranium's pm specifically didn't anger him b/c it was done respectfully in the right manner.

this isn't the helpdesk and we're not teachers. sure some are better informed in certain areas, but we are all here to have fun and share info. i think it is certainly not out of the question to expect someone to do some legwork before turning to another member asking for help. no one gets paid consulting fees or the like. no one pays by-tor a dime for his write-ups or pug for his photos or ubi for all that he does. these guys (and many, many more) give a GREAT deal to our community and yet that is not enough. now, they can't even vent when being a personal shopping consultant for numerous (15-20 per month in by-tor's case) other members gets tiresome.

and it's not like it's an easy thing to do. many of our other senior members have mentioned touched on the idea that the 'who has the best _______' is constantly in a state of flux. things change very quickly. and god forbid someone gives the wrong information - some clown would start a thread saying that member xxx told them to buy rep zzz and it is such crap blah blah blah.

i find this whole bit to be quite comical. and a big thank you to by-tor for answering all of the pm's that he does answer, and thus saving the rest of the membership from drowning in these threads.


Well by-tor, at least you haven't gotten pm's asking you to buy something from watchhonpo and ship it to them, with me getting paid when the watch arrives. That's pretty nervy.


How's this for an idea. From what I've gathered here, the Rolex Submariner and all of its' variants, is the most replicated watch in the world. If the quality of replication is in constant flux with new variants poping up monthly, isn't there a need for some sort of specific forum here? I know most of the vets here look at the sub as the entry level watch for the replica newbie but doesn't the sheer volume of its' production and the A to Z quality of those reps justify the number of inquiries? How about a Submariner sub forum (no pun intended) in the newcomer section where novices debating their first purchase of the Ford F-150 of replicas can ask basic questions. One of the previous posts was quite correct in pointing out that most of the searchable threads for the best Submariner available have to do with vintage versions. A specific forum might serve to cut down on the number of requests for basic information and give the long time members a place to point them to when questions arise.

one of the points that by-tor made (albeit indirectly) is being lost. for the most, part people here do want to help others and do want to talk about these reps (hello, that's why we're here) and to further discussions about the minute details that drive us all crazy.

but there is a way to go about things. if someone approaches with an attitude of entitlement and 'gimme gimme gimme', well, things may not go so well for them. by-tor even mentioned that crystalcranium's pm specifically didn't anger him b/c it was done respectfully in the right manner.

this isn't the helpdesk and we're not teachers. sure some are better informed in certain areas, but we are all here to have fun and share info. i think it is certainly not out of the question to expect someone to do some legwork before turning to another member asking for help. no one gets paid consulting fees or the like. no one pays by-tor a dime for his write-ups or pug for his photos or ubi for all that he does. these guys (and many, many more) give a GREAT deal to our community and yet that is not enough. now, they can't even vent when being a personal shopping consultant for numerous (15-20 per month in by-tor's case) other members gets tiresome.

and it's not like it's an easy thing to do. many of our other senior members have mentioned touched on the idea that the 'who has the best _______' is constantly in a state of flux. things change very quickly. and god forbid someone gives the wrong information - some clown would start a thread saying that member xxx told them to buy rep zzz and it is such crap blah blah blah.

i find this whole bit to be quite comical. and a big thank you to by-tor for answering all of the pm's that he does answer, and thus saving the rest of the membership from drowning in these threads.

How about a Submariner sub forum (no pun intended) in the newcomer section where novices debating their first purchase of the Ford F-150 of replicas can ask basic questions.

No-one can afford to buy every Sub released. While I think this is a noble suggestion (hey, why not give it a go, Cranium!), I think it'll be a logistical nightmare.

If you want to give it a go, I can give you some pics of mine from stock angles as a template for others to do the same.


Yeah I did mean from photographic evidence and from feedback from others in a forum who may have been burned or might have an excellent experience. It should be pretty easy from a website like Joshua's to say "It looks like his new copy has better print fonts on the dial" or "those cg's look better" or to even say in the absence of adequete photo documentation "hey that Sub looks good from the front, but you should see pics of the caseback to be sure its accurate before you buy" etc.... I have no desire to run a forum, I just thought a dedicated space here might provide a better opportunity for some to say "I got gold from Paul for $89" or "I got [censored] from so and so for $270" on an ongoing basis as the market and product quality changes.

No-one can afford to buy every Sub released. While I think this is a noble suggestion (hey, why not give it a go, Cranium!), I think it'll be a logistical nightmare.

If you want to give it a go, I can give you some pics of mine from stock angles as a template for others to do the same.

I have no desire to run a forum, I just thought a dedicated space here might provide a better opportunity for some to say "I got gold from Paul for $89" or "I got [censored] from so and so for $270" on an ongoing basis as the market and product quality changes.

This already happens for every watch in the dealer review forum.


No offense to the dealers here, but typically the dealers are always going to say what is better... and downplay what is not so great. Checking both the dealer review/rep vs. gen/and rolex picture forum and you'll have more information then you'd ever need. Trust me 4 weeks ago I knew nothing about reps (and damn near bought a swiss A1 blah blah blah for $900) Now I have 5 reps that are awsome quality including a very nice lv sub... for just a tad more.

Only problem is I think the people at work believe im selling drugs or won big gambling, they believe I would have and do have 5k gen watches (which I do)... but 5 new 5k gen watches in a month and somethings up. Luckily, we got our bonuses 3 weeks ago and I left for vegas the next day so I let them assume what they will.


each is free to post his ideas or experience with any watch, rolex submariner included.

when the new cheapo subs came out at the end of last year there were threads aplenty about them with detailed pics and the like. i mean A LOT. it just so happens that we switched boards, so not all of that is readily available at this moment. i'd say that it could be that many people aren't as interested in the submariner as other makes and models, but that's not entirely true as there are many rollie enthusiasts on the board.

if you want my 2 cents, i'll leave it at this. for the rolex sub, you really can't go wrong. the $100 models are great, the $200 models are great and the $300+ models are great. what you will get here will far supercede whatever it is that you have seen elsewhere. so don't worry about it.

now the panerai subs on the other hand, that is something i'm ineterested in....

Posted (edited)

Here's an idea to knock this over it's head. :bangin:

Someone (moderator or interested member?) could make a new thread (and continuously update it) called, for example, "Information on the best R*l*x Submariner" and put in links to all the relevant threads, with a short description. eg. Review of Joshua's Asian movement $100 sub, 04-June-2006; xxxx's guide to R*l*x submariners; xxxx's guide to R*l*x replica in general; etc. :g:

This way access for a newbie to all the posts will be easily found in one place with no need to ask another member.

A thread like this could also be pinned at the top on selected boards, like this General Discussion board that will get that question a lot otherwise. Obviously it should be pinned in the relevant places such as R*l*x picture subforum and so on.

This could also similarly be done for Best Omega Planet Ocean, Panerai Daylight, R*l*x vintage etc and contain links to guides and reviews.


PS. I don't volunteer... it's just a suggestion, I have enough problems elsewhere already :wounded1::black_eye::(

Edited by Chronus
Posted (edited)

@By-Tor: I feel your pain! As soon as I posted the All Sub thread (the one in my signature) I got several "Who has the best sub" PMs and it really sucks that people can't do their homework.

When I came to this board I took a lot of time to study the Do's and Don'ts of the board and I think it is just a question of good manners to do that like with every place else in the real world where you enter as a newbie as well. I read a lot, learned a lot about reps of the different brands and finally decided to give silix a chance (with a LV sub actually). I was not disappointed, but also not too overwhelmed by the quality of their ETA subs (although the price is right for what they offer), so I read some more untill I found what I was looking for.

I think the hunt is part of the fun in the rep game and some people just don't understand that. Searching and reading is what makes you a (rep) educated man and you will finally be able to find the best sub yourself just by looking at the pictures.

Just my two cents.

Have a nice weekend and thanks to all contributors for sharing their exceptional knowledge.

Edited by hanswurst
I think the hunt is part of the fun in the rep game and some people just don't understand that. Searching and reading is what makes you a (rep) educated man and you will finally be able to find the best sub yourself just by looking at the pictures.

Sadly, not everyone is interested, or has the time. for the hunt. :g:

We are living in the MTV "I want it now" world... :(


Ive PMd a few people here, even 1 person in this thread :)

I think the first stage regarding reps is that you don’t have a clue about anything, then you move onto information over load, then you narrow it down, and finally you want to make 100% sure you get the right watch...(some people dont get past stage one)

Sometimes I will PM a member and say something like, "excuse me can you confirm that your watch in this thread is this watch from this vendor." I think in this case a PM would get a faster reply than posting to some thread already on page 3 or 4, and I think it is a valid personal question.

Heres one of the best Sub rep/photos Ive seen actually, yes I pm'd the guy to find out/confirm what it was. From the background I really thought it was genuine from an AD display case :)


Its the Andrew TrustyWatch ETA for 198USD. Great, all set. But then I find something else for literally $110 or something, looks just the same, just as highly rated, so its almost back to square one.

I do agree with the comments that most times its best to post in the public so everyone can benefit from the knowledge shared.

...And there are leeches like that "lady" asking for her "husband", but there’s also honest guys just wanting to ask a question or two directly to the more experienced people here. If I knew PMs were frowned upon I wouldn’t bother anyone. But I dont think people mind a friendly question once and a while, either that or just hit delete and move on.

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