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called out with my noob YM :(


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i got called out with my noob yachtmaster :(

hi i don't know if this story is appropriate.. but i kind of need your idea :p.. well i was at a party today.. and my friend spotted my "noob" version of yachtmaster.. i got this watch after being reviewed by both bytor and bk as being one of the most accurate reps around.. and even both to the weight and feel.. it is very similar to the gen..

anyway my friend asked me if he can see my watch.. so i handed it to him.. and straight away he asked is this original? but i just went that it's my father's that he given to me, so i don't know (this time i would just want to see his reaction).. and he straight away told me.. haha i can tell straight away it's a fake..

then i asked him.. how did you know? i mean even for me this watch is too hard to tell from the real thing, as i've never seen or held a yachtmaster ever.. and he told me that "your watch feels dodgy.. but i'll buy it off you for $50 tho.. i've held a rolex oyster once and the bracelet feels solid and this feels cheap and light.."

i was shocked when he said the watch is worth $50.. but what i'm confused about is that do the noob yachtmaster really feel too light and cheap? because from what bytor and bk is saying and plus.. my own weighting machine tells me that they both (gen and noob YM) have the same weight abt 136grams.. and i've sanded it down and oiled it too..

but yeah if he called me out because if the movement (loud) or something.. it's a different story.. but he tells me that it feels "dodgy".. i mean is he right? or he's just playing the guessing game? i feel down now :(..

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Nah... That is just normal behavior. I guess he tried to impress with knowledge, maybe there was some ladies around...

Most people dont even know that the genuine Oyster bracelets are quite light and flimsy. The Yacht-Master bracelet is much better than on the Submariners..

I was once called out on my ETA-powered Sub, because the second hand was "ticking" :lol:

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Sounds to me like he was just being a [censored]. Your friend thinks he's an expert having held a watch once? What a loser. More likely he felt uncomfortable that you were wearing an expensive watch. His own insecurities meant that he had to tear you down on something, anything, to make himself feel better.

Besides, gen Rolex bracelets DO feel cheap and nasty.

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Like I said to your alter-ego next door, up to the point he asked if it was original, he didn't know if it was genuine or not. From then on, you told him to suspect it somehow. Something you did or said gave you away, not the watch.

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but he tells me that it feels "dodgy".. i mean is he right? or he's just playing the guessing game? i feel down now :(..

Look, he's playing onemanship with you.

He saw a cool, expensive watch on your wrist, and wanted to make sure you knew HE knew he could tell the difference between a fake and a gen. That is his way of evening the score, even subconsciously.

The thing is, what he is saying is true.

No matter how good the copy, people who have felt a gen Rolex know there is a difference in weight between the two. So first of all, Armin, get that out of your mind that you have the best copy out there. It's still a copy.

This change in your perception will lead you to enjoy your rep watches more. No one again can make you feel like someone has just punched you in the gut.

You know you have a rep, but lay people can't tell the difference. Use that knowledge to your advantage. If you act like it's a rep, and believe me, he saw it in your eyes and "went with it" to see your reaction, then it'll pour out of your sweat glands.

And never forget the old Moroccan adage, "he who explains too much is guilty".

I wouldn't like a "friend" like that around me, but then OTOH, you lied about your rep watch. Armin, it's even now. :)

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haha there was girls around.. in fact birthday girl (who happens to be a stunner) was just there.. and suddenly as i was gettng food this guy noticed my watch and went omg can i see that.. not being rude offcourse i handed it over to him.. birthday girl leaned over to see (she was excited about her new watch because apparently it's the 1st time she's ever worn a watch LOL she was telling everyone about her new watch, it's a marc jacobs).. and that's when everything happens i guess

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Like I said to your alter-ego next door, up to the point he asked if it was original, he didn't know if it was genuine or not. From then on, you told him to suspect it somehow. Something you did or said gave you away, not the watch.

hey pugster.. if it was something i said that gave it away.. i don't really mind that.. means something else to me.. it means that i have a good rep.. but he blatantly told me that it's worth "$50" and it's dodgy.. that's what upsets me..

i hope you're right tho.. it's me that gave it away not the watch.

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Look, he's playing onemanship with you.

He saw a cool, expensive watch on your wrist, and wanted to make sure you knew HE knew he could tell the difference between a fake and a gen. That is his way of evening the score, even subconsciously.

The thing is, what he is saying is true.

No matter how good the copy, people who have felt a gen Rolex know there is a difference in weight between the two. So first of all, Armin, get that out of your mind that you have the best copy out there. It's still a copy.

This change in your perception will lead you to enjoy your rep watches more. No one again can make you feel like someone has just punched you in the gut.

You know you have a rep, but lay people can't tell the difference. Use that knowledge to your advantage. If you act like it's a rep, and believe me, he saw it in your eyes and "went with it" to see your reaction, then it'll pour out of your sweat glands.

And never forget the old Moroccan adage, "he who explains too much is guilty".

I wouldn't like a "friend" like that around me, but then OTOH, you lied about your rep watch. Armin, it's even now. :)

i OWN a gen rolex presidential daydate.. i don't notice a difference in feel of both watches (yes the solid gold is heavier) but they both feel fluent and very similar.. that is 1.. number 2 is that i never tried to convince this guy that it's a genuine.. third thing is that i just wanted to hear of people's opinion whether this guy is playing the guessing game or he's for real?

i felt like i been punched in the guts because from reviews everywhere.. i've heard that the YM has a very similar feel to it's genuine counterpart.. and ths guy was making fuss of the WEIGHT and DODGINESS.. which is 2 of the polar opposite opinion.. get what i mean VIC? so it's not about how i want to convince him.. just want to confirm whether he's full of [censored] or not..

which part of my story did i actually lie about my reps to him? i never admitted it was a gen.. i wanted to see his reaction so i said i don't know! he was the first person to say all these stuff.. and even at the end of it i just said "i better tell my dad about this then, and ask whether it's real or not.."..

Edited by arminvanbuuren
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This type of story is why with Rolex reps, I like to go have fewer pieces that are modded with gen parts. It's a little pricey, but I think there's an element of assuredness or confidence in knowing that the watch is a franken.

The idea is this:

If I were in your situation, and someone said something about one of my rollie's, I would put it right back on them, and ask them what was wrong with it. There's not much on the watch that is 'visible' and significant that isn't gen, so if you know the composition of the watch, then you can essentially counter with a factual response. If the dial looks wrong, well, it's a genuine vintage dial. It really is the only way I personally feel comfortable wearing rolex reps.

Even the modded reps themselves are somewhat expensive, thus keeping them relatively protected from the average rep buyer.

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Shoulda known he was going for the con, when he asked if it was real.

In a way.

But since I am spouting international sayings, there's another one in Portuguese: "Joga verde, para colher maduro", lit. throw unripe fruit, to collect ripe fruit.

In other words, he wanted to see his friend's reaction, so he threw out a half-ar$ed guess, possibly based on some truth (I do believe he did "hold" a gen Rolex once. That bit sounds genuine. A liar would've said "seen"). He wasn't 100% sure until Armin reacted like he did, though.

Now, he knows he was right and he also knows his friend lied to him. That's power.

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This type of story is why with Rolex reps, I like to go have fewer pieces that are modded with gen parts. It's a little pricey, but I think there's an element of assuredness or confidence in knowing that the watch is a franken.

The idea is this:

If I were in your situation, and someone said something about one of my rollie's, I would put it right back on them, and ask them what was wrong with it. There's not much on the watch that is 'visible' and significant that isn't gen, so if you know the composition of the watch, then you can essentially counter with a factual response. If the dial looks wrong, well, it's a genuine vintage dial. It really is the only way I personally feel comfortable wearing rolex reps.

Even the modded reps themselves are somewhat expensive, thus keeping them relatively protected from the average rep buyer.

hmm sounds like i didn't tell my stories right.. i did tell him what's wrong with it..

and he told me that because it feels dodgy and light.. he's held an oyster bracelet rolex before and it's ALOT heavier.. and he wanted to buy it from me for "$50" because he's my friend and he thinks it's worth "$20" the most..

and yes victoria i only asked what makes it so tellable.. nothing else

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which part of my story did i actually lie about my reps to him?

The bit where you didn't admit the watch is yours, and not your dad's AND that it's indeed a rep, even if it's not a cheapo $50.

Ahh, the joys of being a guilty Catholic. Where the sin of commission is the same as the sin of omission. :p

@Followup: Ah so it's $20 he's offering now, is it. He's seriously taking the Mick. And you're letting him. Ay, Armin.

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In a way.

But since I am spouting international sayings, there's another one in Portuguese: "Joga verde, para colher maduro", lit. throw unripe fruit, to collect ripe fruit.

In other words, he wanted to see his friend's reaction, so he threw out a half-ar$ed guess, possibly based on some truth (I do believe he did "hold" a gen Rolex once. That bit sounds genuine. A liar would've said "seen"). He wasn't 100% sure until Armin reacted like he did, though.

Now, he knows he was right and he also knows his friend lied to him. That's power.

can i ask where i lied? the part that my dad gave it to me? to be honest technically i'm not lying sweetie, because my dad DID buy it for me as a christmas present

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This happened to me but in the opposite context. I own a gen Sub and was at a party and someone noticed my watch. He asked me about it and out and out said it "kinda" looked like a fake. I calmly assured him that it was in fact as real as it gets and asked him..."...why do you own a fake Rolex to know the difference??".

He didn't say much after that. Later on in the evening as I was leaving the party I got in my car to leave and he was out by where the cars were parked. He saw me get into my car and I quickly remarked to him that "see ya' I'm getting into my "fake" Lotus now. LOL...his look was priceless.

Yes, at the time I owned a Lotus twin turbo. btw, for the record I own many reps and I love them.

Edited by Dee1
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He didn't say much after that. Later on in the evening as I was leaving the party I got in my car to leave and he was out by where the cars were parked. He saw me get into my car and I quickly remarked to him that "see ya' I'm getting into my "fake" Lotus now. LOL...his look was priceless.

LOL :thumbsupsmileyanim:

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can i ask where i lied? the part that my dad gave it to me? to be honest technically i'm not lying sweetie, because my dad DID buy it for me as a christmas present

Armin, I'm not the bad guy here. I want YOU to win, not your scuzzy chum. You're my forum colleague after all!

But come on now, it's a rep. The moment he said "this is a fake", you should've said, "yeah", right?

Everything else is a detail.

@Dee1: LOL! Love it. That just means we'll have to work harder to get a Lotus.

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The bit where you didn't admit the watch is yours, and not your dad's AND that it's indeed a rep, even if it's not a cheapo $50.

Ahh, the joys of being a guilty Catholic. Where the sin of commission is the same as the sin of omission. :p

okay boss next time i should just tell the whole world about them.. give them info about this site and even call rolex now and tell them that i knew all about it from here.. and sure tomorrow morning to redeem myself i will go around the city and go OMG ME AND VICTORIA IS WEARING REPS MANNN WE'RE NOT LIARS.. WE BOUGHT A ROLEX COPY BECAUSE WE LIKE COPIES NOT GENS!!!! YAHHHH!!!

is this your definition of not lying.. because if by saying that my father gave me this watch make a rolex bracelet feels cheap and light.. then hell my genuine rolex solid gold is fake too because my dad gave it to me also! anyway vic you took this topic out of context.. so if you just want to call me a liar.. pls don't do it here.. coz this isn't what this thread is about.. you flaming me

if you wanna tell the whole world about your reps go for it.. but don't get me involved with your I SHOULD TELL THE WHOLE WORLD THAT I WEAR REPS plan

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Guys sounds like a douche. I'd say your first mistake is saying you don't know if it is real or not. If you are wearing a watch that expensive you are gonna know if it is real or not. As others said he knew that and called you out. He's a douche bag no need to worry about the quality of your rep.

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Armin, I'm not the bad guy here. I want YOU to win, not your scuzzy chum. You're my forum colleague after all!

But come on now, it's a rep. The moment he said "this is a fake", you should've said, "yeah", right?

Everything else is a detail.

@Dee1: LOL! Love it. That just means we'll have to work harder to get a Lotus.

should i? then is that where it stops?

like you said everything else is a detail.. i wanted a detail and he gave me detail.. now what i'm asking these people is are these details true.. not whether avb should be flamed because he didn't tell this guy if ALL his watches are fakes

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okay boss next time i should just tell the whole world about them.. give them info about this site and even call rolex now and tell them that i knew all about it from here.. and sure tomorrow morning to redeem myself i will go around the city and go OMG ME AND VICTORIA IS WEARING REPS MANNN WE'RE NOT LIARS.. WE BOUGHT A ROLEX COPY BECAUSE WE LIKE COPIES NOT GENS!!!! YAHHHH!!!

Hayul, no! No one has asked me, YET, but I fully intend to lie when asked if that lovely PAM 112 with the Senape strap I am wearing, is a gen.

"YES! On a stack of Bibles, yes yes!!"

But then, I will know I am telling an untruth. A lie. Un blague. Why? Because I'm a hypocrite. I want others to think I own a gen.

It's only if one thinks one's super-modded, almost flawless, MBK marvel of repitude is uncalled-outtable, is when you're in trouble.

That's what your friend went after. Not your watch, but your character. Anyway, good luck to you, Armin. The schoolmarm is going to post pics of her GEN Casio. ;)

@Armin: You are not being flamed! Okay, yes, it may sound like I am flaming you. But that's the nanny inside me. I apologise for the tone, but not the tactics. Again, I WANT YOU TO WIN. Not him. Capiche?

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