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Bought two watches from a respectable dealer, both problematic - Help Needed ASAP!


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Dear All,

I bought two watches from a dealer from these boards. I won't mention names. :)

There is a slight catch however, i bought them for a friend, got them delivered to his house. Whne he got them he was not at all happy; here is what he wrote to me in regards to the two watches:

Chanel J12 - white (this is the full ceramic version, Asian movement)

Second hand - off line

No Automatic word under J12

Bezel loose

The whole surround of the face moves 3-4mm as if it will fall apart.

Clasp has oxidization and words distorted

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More comedy gold from...well, no names as requested. But I think we all know who it is. :huh:

Jaymoi, I think that person is confusing you with someone else. Box?

"i think i not have any reason togive you bad chanel and bad chanel box."

Did you mention a box to him/her? Basically, they are giving you the brush-off. Don't take it. Point them to this thread.

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Dear Vic,

Yes i mentioned to the dealer that i also paid the extea $40 for the box for the Chanel etc.

Which never came...

Basically the situation i have here is my friend wants a refund, or two new watches. I will have to give him the money back if i can't sort this out!

I know some of you will say it isn't my fault, he knew the risks etc etc. But he didn't. I told him that everything would be perfect, so i have to take responsibility for that comment and false sense of security...


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The seller is saying that you ordered the same watches & had no complaints. He is also saying that your friend might be expecting gen quality from a rep, or he might have damaged them in some way (improper winding, dropped, etc.). I am not drawing any conclusions, just interpreting what the seller said. Without seeing clear pictures of the watch he received & comparing those to the pictures on the seller's website, we are just throwing darts at a board here -- that is, guessing & hypothesizing.

I would also recommend (strongly) that you attempt to work things out with the seller, privately, before posting publicly. If you cannot come to an equitable solution, then I would post a complaint in the appropriate public forum (but get good, clear pictures to back up your friend's claims before doing that - it will help to prove your case).

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I could translate this for you, but basically what you need to do is look at the watches yourself, then explain the defects in very simple terms.

As for inaccuracies, only bring them up if they are different (not same-same) from the photos. The "cheap feeling" bracelet is either ceramic, or painted steel, find out which.

I would leave any mention of your friend out of correspondence with the dealer entirely.

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hi,now the watch not get your hand.so your customer can say anyting..i sell more than 100pcs chanel .i think i not have any reason to

give you bad chanel and bad chanel box.all the watch is same same.why only he said it is bad?

and croum watch is 7750 automatic.have the nosiy is correct .only quartz movement not have any nosiy

and the watch hand need at 5 clock then can change the time.with date..if other time the watch will be broken.

so friend.i don't tink my offer watch have problem .because before you also order these for yourself.so all the item quality is same same

so i think you need talk with your customer

if you need any help mail to me


Well....only thing I can say for certain is.....t'aint me......I would have said....'same same....but different".....:lol:

PS....on a serious note.....NEVER EVER buy for friends.......feel free to point them to the dealer.....and let them do the deal on their own...it'll end in tears otherwise....!

Edited by TTK
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I am sure i could get him to send them to me.

But then again some of the problems described with the Chanel are just blatantly not on.

Such as the oxidised clasp etc etc.

The problems with the Corum present a problem that maybe you guys might have the answer for.

He says that the glass distorts when viewed from an angle. Well does anyone else experience this with their watch? Does this happen also with the origian, due to the shape or cut of the glass?


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The Corum seems perfectly normal....some A7750 are more noisy than others but that is to be expected. Even if the chrono hands are off....you're out of luck. Expect what u paid for. Be happy the crystal is sapphire and thick....an AR treatment might help the distortion. Lume on reps (or lack of) is a known factor.

I'm not sure about the J12 but again the Asian version was purchased. White is never a good choice in ceramics due to defects showing up. How much was the J12? There's a reason why some of the cermaics are super expensive. Perhaps if the pic shows the word "automatic" then u should have a case.


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He says that the glass distorts when viewed from an angle.

On a Corum Admirals Cup.....it will distort....it's not a 'flat glass".......it has a bevelled edge which causes the edge distortion.....original is the same....!

Can't speak for the Chanels.....I see them as fashionista junk.....and wouldn't sell them....so no experience.....!

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Again, with the not mentioning names Code of Silence...

If you've received bum merchandise, then unless you inform the community about the problem, and who you got the watches from, then others could equally have bad deals from them. Wanting to keep names out of things is noble, but in these situations, counter-productive. We are not just individuals here, we are a community. To have a community, we need Communication and Unity, and this Code of Silence does nothing to help that.

I'm sorry to hear that the deal has gone south, and hope you have a satisfactory resolution. As mentioned, I wouldn't buy on a friend's behelf. Buying something as a gift for a friend, at ones own expense, is one thing, acting as an intermediary is a bit more risky. Sorry to hear that you found that out, and, as above, best of luck with getting a satisfactory resolution :)

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As stated above the Corum doesn't sound as if it has a problem therefore I wonder how much your friend is nit picking?

For example could the clasp come up with a buff from a cape cod? Does the braclet seem cheap because ceramic will tinkle when shaken etc etc?


Edit; You need to either get hold of the watches or very good pic's before you even consider there is an actual problem and if there is to be a refund the getting the watches back is a must.

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A thought just occured to me about the Chanel.

I've never handled a full-ceramic version, so I can't describe it's 'tactile experience' from my own experiences. However, I would assume, that it will feel different to an SS watch. Possibly lighter, possibly heavier, but definitely different. Could this be what is being refered to as 'feeling cheap'? Don't forget, even genuine Rolex bracelets feel 'cheap and tinny' (the most frequent complaint about them), simply because people have a certain expectation of a Rolex. Could be the same situation here, where someone is expecting it to feel a certain way, when instead, it would be quite possible that it might feel different to that expectation, simply due to the materials involved.

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I have to agree with TTK once again. Don't offer to buy for friends and have the watch(es) shipped directly to them except from an exceptionally trusted dealer.

Second item: make sure that you have purchased by credit card so you have some leverage.

Third: call out by name on this board anyone who rips you off in this manner.

Carl out.

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Before you go any further with the dealer, I would substanciate some of these complaints.

Seems like the Chanel has some issues, the Corum sounds normal honestly.

Don't what to pick sides here, but what the dealer said regarding the Corum made sense.

Even Gen ETA 7750 can be noisy, recipient could be complaining about the rotor spinning around.

Crystal likely in comparison to a Gen with double AR coat.

Lack of lume on reps is fact not a defect.

Too hard to make a conclusion.



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I am getting the watches sent to me for a detailed inspection.

I will report back ASAP with the news, and also what the dealer says in response, AND, hopefully to get some help from the more learned fellas on here!

Thanks for everything so far guys!


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  • 2 weeks later...

So i promised everyone an update on this thread, and i have to say, my patience is being tested to the point of feeling that i want to rat the dealer out!

However, sent what i hope is the last email on the matter to the dealer and i hope it will be resolved.

I thoroughly inspected the watches (Corum ACC and Chanel J12 Ladies full whit ceramic) and here are the results:

1. Corum ACC - is perfect, nothing wrong with it, my friend is just being fussy

2. Chanel J12

Bezel is LOOSE, wobbles about 2mm from side to side!

Second hand marker is slightly misaligned

Lasered writing on deplyment clasp looks like it has been lasered twice, in different spots, givng the "Chanel Swiss Made" writing a blurred effect!

NO BOXSET, which i paid the extra $40 for

All in all, not what you would expect for a $250 watch at all.

Now i have emailed the dealer countless numbers of times, asking if she can send me a replacement, and i will send this hunk of junk back to her first even!

The dealer then asks me to take pics of the problems for proof, but the writing is hard to take a pic of, and how the hell am i supposed to take a pic of the bezel wobbling or of a non-existent boxset! Ha!

I explained all of this, but still the dealer was adamant that i provide pics, but i can't bloody do this easily, especially on my joke of a camera!

It all boils down to this, i have spent now over $3000 with the dealer alone, and i expect more help then this for something that isn't even my [censored] up.

My friend is literally going ballistic about not getting a new watch, or a refund from the dealer or me yet, it has been days since a response, and i need a solution here.

So, my friends, any suggestions, any tips, anyone here have enough power to put a bit of peer pressure, as to me this isn't acceptable behaviour.


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you said "she"... :oops:

that kinda narrows down the list of candidates :g:

all kiddings aside, i think a short video clip shot with your digital camera will have the most resounding impact in proving the bezel wobble. macro shot without flash will be the best approach for the double-etching that resulted in ghosting effect on the clasp.

not to side with the dealer here, but if one were to give the dealer the benefit of the doubt, I'm sure the dealer had countless email exchanges with first-time rep buyers who had too high an expectation and couldn't come to terms with the fact that they just got a poser watch for $250 that immitates a $4000 genuine article. so i wouldn't be too surprised if the dealer is not so receptive with regard to your friend's claim just based on words and no photos.

i'm new to this game too, but so far i've been fairly lucky with my purchases. the reps i got are far from perfect, but for having cost pennies on the dollar, i'm pretty damn happy with them. at these prices i can abuse the hell out of them and then just go buy a new one, and by then the chances are that an even-more-improved rep might be available.

best of luck to you in getting this sorted out in speedy manner.


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