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There Is Such A Thing As The Best...


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The questions I ask some of the most knowing members probably are silly and simple to them (i.e. ubiquitus).

Nah... There are no silly or dumb questions to me. I try my best to answer all that I can with (hopefully) helpful information. Sometimes it's not always timely (for that I apologize), but I do try my best to help out, not only with questions, but with parts, advice, whatever I can afford to offer. Sometimes it sucks to not get a simple 'thanks' for a part that was sent out gratis, or for taking some time out of the day to type up a sometimes lenghty answer to a PM with tons of questions, but that's how it goes soemtimes...


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Nah... There are no silly or dumb questions to me. I try my best to answer all that I can with (hopefully) helpful information. Sometimes it's not always timely (for that I apologize), but I do try my best to help out, not only with questions, but with parts, advice, whatever I can afford to offer. Sometimes it sucks to not get a simple 'thanks' for a part that was sent out gratis, or for taking some time out of the day to type up a sometimes lenghty answer to a PM with tons of questions, but that's how it goes soemtimes...


Amen :thumbsupsmileyanim:

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OK, I'll try to not get all frothy here again. (hey, I suggest YOU do a search for irate posters who can't understand why pompus posters get so incensed at newbie posters. By-Tor and I went 12 rounds over this a few weeks ago). First of all, if you think my posts in a topic dialogue were meant to pad my post count, then your many references to saving time and effort here are explained and itls pretty obvious you really don't know what a DISCUSSION board is all about.

OUCH . . . maybe you couldn't tell I was just teasing you about a post count because you didn't see me smile with my glasses on . . . :^) . . . better ?? Sorry, but I've hated that stupid yellow Smiley Face ever since the first time I saw it & WILL NOT use them in any post/email/PM/IM of mine.

"many" references to saving time and effort" ??????

I mentioned ONCE "If YOU want to do a time saving see who you think has the best ______ thing ??" Saying if YOU want to contribute to this board, and this is a subject that seems to interest you, and to you seems like a good idea getting all this info on Rollie Subs together in one place, I gave what I thought

would be a decent idea for YOU to put together without the stupidass subjective "Who has the best" overtone to it.

"it's pretty obvious you really don't know what a DISCUSSION board is all about. "

Really?? Wow, I've only been on the net for 9 years now, been on bunches and bunches of "discussion" boards even before they became instant posting like this one. I always read thru the place & get familiar with the feel of the board, who seems to post a lot, who seems to be knowledgeable and active on the board, and then try to make intelligent posts when I feel like posting something.

"A time saving thing"??????? What sort of hurry are you in here?

None what-so-ever. I'm more than willing to take the time, read thru reviews, posts, replies, search other boards, and gather my information that I feel I need, and then post a hopefully well thought out and reasonably intelligent question that I may have based on my research and new found knowledge on the subject.

what constantly amazes me is you can ask who's got the best pam or omega po and you will get lots of positive responses but the second you say sub the [censored] hits the fan.

hk, the only reason I mentioned Sub was because that happened to be the watch of choice posted with this thread. I would have the same opinion no matter WHAT watch was chosen for this topic. There are too many other ways to glean this information from this board and its members with intelligent, well thought out and more specific questions about ___________ replica watch.

New post: Looking to buy a Sub

Description: Have narrowed it down to these three.

Post: I've read reviews, descriptions, etc on Subs from dealers A, B & Q. A's has this that & those, B's has them those & thats, and I really couldn't find jack about Q's. Who has one & what do you think about it? And what do you think about Q's compared to the other two?

Tough stuff, huh?

i really don't get it. it's like nobody has the balls to say, in my opinion this watch has the best overall look. yea they all have flaws and yea it depends on witch flaws you can live with but damn if you ask for a helping hand some people are just waiting in the wings to cut your nuts off. so much for a disscussion board where everybody shares their opinions and ideas for the good of the members.

Not the least bit interested in cutting anybody's anything off at all. And, the point is that everybody DOES and HAS shared their opinions and ideas for the good of the members, just not in one spot on one thread. THAT is why I SUGGESTED to crys if the subject intetests him that much, to put a new post together with all the info he's gathered about Subs and put links to all those posts in his new post, and ask people to add new links when and as they find them, or new ones come up. Actually, I think it's a pretty good idea for any or all of the popular watches. I don't feel it should be Admin' job, or the moderators or co-admins, but if a member wanted to do that, I'd bet it could be pinned or sticky'd at the top of one of the forums. That "best" thing is what just messes the whole thing up.

"In my opinion this watch has the best overall look."

And I look at the pic you posted and think you must be blind in one eye & can't see for jack outta the other because those crap CGs make it look horrible, and a concave pearl ?? That watch sucks !! . . .

You know what I mean.

I'd sooooo much rather participate in a discussion thread where enthusiastic questions are asked than to be lectured to by 6 megaposters who berate me and others for being "too lazy to do a detailed search".

Well, ya sure can't mean me as a mega poster . . . don't think I've hit a hundred yet . . . and found RWG1 a year ago this month . . . between the two, I probably don't have 300. I do apologize for saying you were lazy . . . until I read your next couple lines, I really didn't know that you had researched your REAL question . . . it was just my opinion at the time based on what I had read so far.

I have searched the archives for the meat of the discussion here. Guess what? There is little if anything pertaining to MBW modern sub replicas. Questions and answers about the fluid topic of the best of the most copied watch in the world are not going to be answered in a 3 month old thread.

AH HA !! 8^)

So THAT'S your real question !!

You couldn't find enough info on Luckyyy's MBW A1 16610 modern Sub . . .

Then why didn't you ask THAT question . . . kinda like the "rep" one I posted to hk . . . actually, I cheated . . . I'd already read this post of yours, but that "rep" post would have come off a lot better, and probably would have gotten you a more detailed and faster answer.

I've been a period woodworker for 20 years and I can't tell you how many times the trade publications run "Best router for use in a router table" polls and articles. Know why? Because the product is always changing.

Cool, I've done ultra high end custom cabinets and furniture for about the same . . . backed off quite a bit the last 6 years or so though cause of some back problems . . . that's when I went back to school & got my puter degree. Always got a good feeling of satisfaction when a job got completed, knowing what I put into it, and how long the people will have the piece I built.

What the heck is the problem in asking "Hey, does Luckyy really sell 440 grade stainless Submariners and has anyone out there had one in their hands recently?"

Nothing at all . . . do a new post and ask!

other than apparently messing the hair of a few so called experts who believe "we've been there...done that".

Can't be talking about me again . .. I'm definitely no expert . . .


I really wasn't trying to be mean or sarcastic when I mentioned doing another post with all your Rollie info links. You seemed to be into gathering up the info on the Subs and keeping it together in some kind of list/post or what ever. I don't want to do it, but I'd definitely read it and use it. I'm sorry, but I just don't like the "who's got the best" posts. We're adults here, and hopefully are capable of sifting through the information available here and either asking questions based on what we've read, and haven't gotten the answers to, or form our own opinions with the info available at the time.

But that's just my opinion . . . I could be wrong . . .


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Ahhhh having one's buttons pushed, not a pretty sight! I think having saved up some big time resentments from work and the stupid mentoring process there makes me have a hair trigger for this kind of stuff. Sorry for all the pit bull type anger

Woodworking is a great hobby

Here's a few links to some of my woodworking pics








Edited by crystalcranium
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hk45ca, the best sub question has been answered many times. However, new and supposedly improved 16610 reps are launched at least twice a year and it's almost impossible IMO to pick just one without the ability to personally handle them all. Photos are the tool that most of us have but it will not communicate the weight and feel on the watch.

I believed the TW best classic Sub was leaps and bounds above the rest when I snagged it a year ago (at its price point) and would make the same decision again. It has the most accurate case to my eyes which was also used by the MBW. It is also very close in feel to THE 16610.

The best Sub by far is the MBW 1680. It has near exact case dimensions externally (no other has this) coupled with an excellent dial . If one chooses, it can be taken to the limit by cramming it with OEM parts with little or no modifications. They are assembled exactly as the gen which is the only Sub that remotely resembles the gen in this regard. IMO, the only way to replicate the genuine article is to replace as many of the rep parts as possible with OEM. The difference is night and day in appearance, feel and functionality.

Which 16610 is "the best" may be entirely subjective and will probably remain so for the forseeable future as new models are continiously introduced. However, this is not the case with the 1680. :D


yes i agree with you totally. like you said these are being upgraded at a fast pace thats why i think only doing a search and reading is not enough. espescialy for a newbie, the information is not nessisarly kept up to date so a post from 6 mos ago may not be usefull as it once was and in fact may cause somebody to buy something that they didn't want. i know when i make a purchase i want the best and latest info out their and then i will ask questions on top of that before i make a purchase.
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I agree- The rep industry moves quite fast, and it's easy for new models to be superceded by even newer models in very little time. Perhaps the best solution is to encourage more people to do watch reviews, with pics, dealer information, date of purchase, etc. to give a good indication of what specific generation watch is being discussed, etc.

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Wow Chris, you've done some really nice stuff. Beautiful woods too. Love that look with the cherry in 293. Nice to see the water based finish is coming along that much now. I still use nitrocellulose lacquer, water white gloss when I do anything light, and Sherwin gloss on the rest. Have a Binks 2000 that still does whatever I need, and I'll do three to five coats of gloss, cut, and if I need a softer look, a coat of semi on top. And no, I wouldn't DARE spray it in my basement . . . open the doors in the shop, crank the fans, tighten up the mask & ready to roll.


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I agree- The rep industry moves quite fast, and it's easy for new models to be superceded by even newer models in very little time. Perhaps the best solution is to encourage more people to do watch reviews, with pics, dealer information, date of purchase, etc. to give a good indication of what specific generation watch is being discussed, etc.


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Ahhhh having one's buttons pushed, not a pretty sight! I think having saved up some big time resentments from work and the stupid mentoring process there makes me have a hair trigger for this kind of stuff. Sorry for all the pit bull type anger

Woodworking is a great hobby

Here's a few links to some of my woodworking pics








Very nice work Chris

Ever thought of making some nice custom watch boxes??


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Perhaps the best solution is to encourage more people to do watch reviews, with pics, dealer information, date of purchase, etc. to give a good indication of what specific generation watch is being discussed, etc.

Take more pics! It's my battle-cry. :D

Take more pics!

See, when I post pictures, and I post one or two if you've not noticed, I get a few PMs asking me which dealer I got it from, what strap it is, how it runs, etc., and I answer every one, sometimes with a link to the original pictorial where the dealer/strap combo are described in detail. sometimes with a link to the item I bought, whatever. I prefer to put the details in the post, but it doesn't always happen, so the PMs are inevitable and I try my best to deal with them all.

If we all took pics of every watch we buy and wrote a short piece, we will have a library of independent photos and text (or just photos if needed) that people can use to assist in their purchases.


ps. Photo Tutorial #4 is on its way soon, but it's a bit advanced. I may be rewriting 1-3 soon, too.

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Take more pics! It's my battle-cry. :D

Take more pics!

See, when I post pictures, and I post one or two if you've not noticed, I get a few PMs asking me which dealer I got it from, what strap it is, how it runs, etc., and I answer every one, sometimes with a link to the original pictorial where the dealer/strap combo are described in detail. sometimes with a link to the item I bought, whatever. I prefer to put the details in the post, but it doesn't always happen, so the PMs are inevitable and I try my best to deal with them all.

If we all took pics of every watch we buy and wrote a short piece, we will have a library of independent photos and text (or just photos if needed) that people can use to assist in their purchases.


ps. Photo Tutorial #4 is on its way soon, but it's a bit advanced. I may be rewriting 1-3 soon, too.

i agree with you 100% and thanks to you i know what that flower icon is for. i can sort of take a close up now. lol
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  • 3 weeks later...
Humm... adding the vintage SD and DW Daytona. Obviously rolex has the best sub. That joke was funny the first 999 times. Price is certainly is consideration, but that is for the buyer to factor in and quality can be ranked seperate. Price is certainly a subjective criteria, whereas quality and accuracy are at least somewhat objective. Obviously an Austin Martin is a better car than a honda civic, although the civic may be the better car for you.

This is my ranking with comments. Obviously yours will probably differ, and I would welcome suggestions. I decided to use classes since some are too close of a call to rank

A+ (In no Particular Order)


* MBW/WM 1680 Sub (red or white)

- This can become the most accurate with modifications (time and money)

- Many prefer to add a genuine Tropic 127 crystal which is straight all the way up, the one installed is not

- Dial has no lume on it

- Pearl on Bezel is not accurate

- Crown Guards are a little bulky

- Lug holes need to be drilled out to accomodate genuine springbar

* MBW/WM Vintage Seadweller

- This can become the most accurate with modifications (time and money)

- Might want genuine crystal

- Pearl on Bezel is not accurate

- Crown Guards are a little bulky

- Lug holes need to be drilled out to accomodate genuine springbar

A (In no Particular Order)


* MBW/WM Modern Sub

- Incorrect solid bracelet, should be hollow (and gen bracelet probably will not fit)

- Laser etching is not as faint as genuine

- Pearl on bezel is not accurate

- Crown guards a little heavy (but very close)

- Needs relume

- Great Rehaut depth

- Maginification certainly not weak, may be a little too strong

* TW Best Classic Sub (Eddie Lee)

- Has no laser etching, which is correct

- Correct Solid bracelet

- Pearl on Bezel is not accurate

- Crown Guards a little heavy (but very close)

- Needs relume

- Great rehaut depth

- Lug hole positioning makes it hard/impossible to enlarge for genuine springbar

- Correct in that it has lug-holes

Non-submariners worthy of an "A" ranking

* DW 6263 Paul Neuman Daytona.

- VJ 23 movement in it is a piece of [censored] and will need to be replaced

- Correct VJ 72 movement is very expensive ($500-1000)

- Out of box, the middle subdial does not function

- Genuine Tropic 23 crystal is a solid modification

B (In no Particular Order)


* TW Best Modern Sub (Eddie Lee)

- Rehaut too shallow

- Thus, magnification a little weak

- Not as good as "A" category in most areas

* Ultimate Sub (Precious Time)

- Rehaut too shallow

- Thus, magnification a little weak

- Not as good as "A" category in most areas

C (In no Particular Order)


~$100 rep subs

- Good bargain, but simply not the quality of "A" category or "B"

D (In no Particular Order)


* Asian Automatic Sub Reps.

- You get what you pay for. Crappy movement, etc

Sorry for the late question - but where do you throw in Trusty's "Perfect Sub" and Josh's "Perfect Sub" ?

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Sorry for the late question - but where do you throw in Trusty's "Perfect Sub" and Josh's "Perfect Sub" ?

Somewhere betwen A and B+ for josh's since he fixes the CGs and does some other work

Somewhere between B+ and B for Trusty's since he doesn't fix those things, only services movement.

Need to look at eddie's new one more. Looks familiar, but haven't had time. Kinda want to order one just to have a look.

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Somewhere betwen A and B+ for josh's since he fixes the CGs and does some other work

Somewhere between B+ and B for Trusty's since he doesn't fix those things, only services movement.

Need to look at eddie's new one more. Looks familiar, but haven't had time. Kinda want to order one just to have a look.

does eddie have a new one? i haven't seen it. i will have to check it out and see where it falls in the mix.
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Somewhere betwen A and B+ for josh's since he fixes the CGs and does some other work

Somewhere between B+ and B for Trusty's since he doesn't fix those things, only services movement.

Need to look at eddie's new one more. Looks familiar, but haven't had time. Kinda want to order one just to have a look.

I e-mailed Eddie, since I was interested in a TW Classic, what, if any, the differences between the TW Classic and the new one and he told me that they were very similiar. So, I couldn't comment on his new one.

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Holy Jeeesus. I just read this whole bloody thing from start to finish and I have to say that some of y'all need to chill the F**K out.

Who has the best sub........Rolex....

Who has the best rep sub.......today it's ????.......oh [censored]......tmoro it's ?????....no wait the next day it's ????.....

See where I am going with this.

I wrote the guide in the Newbie section to try and give as best an outline and a guide as possible AT THAT TIME, it's a whole fortnight old or whatever and is not up to date already. There are new additions that need be made, hence stating at the beggining of the thread that, I would NOT be continually updating it as I just don't have the time or effort to keep on top of everything. It was correct IMHO at the time of printing.

I hope that the info that is oontained in it has been of use to you, and I feel that in most respects it is still relevant, there are now 2 versions that are missing from it, which if someone wants to add then by all means be my guest.

The point is guys that a post that was made less than a fortnight ago is outdated already, how the F**K can we decide on a best sub or rating system, some poor bugger would be stuck updating it every day, when new reviews are written or when updates are made. This is completely unrealistic, and unfair to ask someone to dedicate that kind of time, especially when it only regards ONE model of watch, out of the hundreds of models that people buy.

With regard to the issue of hlping people out. Iam 100% with my good friend Randy on this one. I am not personally one for saying use thesearch button, I try and give as much help as I can to anyone who asks me for my opinion. I am not anywhere near as knowledgeable as Randy and do not profess to be, however I have come to know a reasonable amount, mainly thanks to reading and asking my own questions, many thanks for that go to the likes of Bob and Randy as well as Rob and Tommy, Oliver and many others. Therefore I feel that if someone asks me then I have a duty to try my nest to help them as I was once in the same position and these guys helped me out. this is a self perpetuating forum guys if those with any knowledge kept it to themselves there would be no forum at all. Please try and be tolerant of all questions and help wherever possible, I try to, and if I can't I point them in the right direction of someone who can. It's called common courtesy and I thought it was the purpose of this forum.


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Well said, and yes, updating a 'Best Sub' list would indeed be a full time job in and of itself. These things are updating constantly, and compounded by the many different factories from which they originate. You can blink an eye and most everything will have probably changed already with the next update to supercede...

It's a dynamic world with reps... The only thing that stays relatively static is that you can count on change :)


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since they are changing so fast is why i think this tread is so important. when things change this is a good place for people to come and comment about what they are seeing, a change they have noticed or a claim that a dealer is making or whatever the case may be. if everybody just comes to this thread and makes those comments there is no reason for one person to take care of updating it. if you read this thread from start to finish there is a world of information right here all in one place and that is priceless.

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