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Donation sent. I think it went anonymous. Oh well, you know you may count on me.

I too hate recurring accounts. If I happen to forget to renew my CC (expiring soon), Paypal is likely to open a hole in my stomach.

we need to be aware that our Admin will have to manually upgrade all supporters on our site and I am sure none of us can expect him to do this 300 times a Month.

Are you saying that if I send, say, $60 in a row, then T. has to manually renew my subscription each months, Ken?

No authomatic procedure for that??

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Admin can set automatically renewal of supporter accounts here, but not if we don't have re-accuring Monthly payment.

Without the re-accuring accounts he would need to look at who has paid each Month and upgrade them and downgrade those who haven't paid.


WE all start out as noobies and then the addiction begins. Give away free membership for 90 days and then give the option of becoming a supporter. NO SUPPORT NO ACCESS TO RWG. This way everyone has an opportunity to "try us out" and decide what best suits their needs. And RWG does not limit its membership and has paying supporters. Have sent my donation.

i second that. Also with more members rwg getting more popular and you know this means. This used to be an underground community.We getting more members, who are buying reps of course, and rep prices also getting higher. In couple of years i bet we reach the rep prices of scam sites (we already did with some so-called "ultimates,superreps")

Posted (edited)

Let's start the list now.. (of 300 members) ;)

for $5 monthy to cover overhead...

1) mikellem

Plus I will donate an Addition $100 on the 1st of the month~ (one month only)

Anyone want to match me? B)


Edited by mikellem
Let's start the list now.. (of 300 members) ;)

for $5 monthy to cover overhead...

1) mikellem

Plus I will donate an Addition $100 on the 1st of the month~ (one month only)

Anyone want to match me? B)



I am in.

1) mikellem

2) justasgood

And I will let MM donate $100.00 for me.......month of his choice (one month only ) :p

Guest carlsbadrolex

I am sorry if I came off as hating on the slackers... OOPS did I say that, I was really be semi-sarcastic. As I said, I can relate and understand how it felt to be the new guy that wasnt paying his dues.

I really did NOT mean to offend (although sometimes I DO mean to offend).

In any event, go check the auction arena and step up!

I sure hope I dont regret this tooooooo much tomorrow, and Stanley... dont hate me!

And would SOMEONE please sell me a HBB with double AR and ceramic bezel!!! PLEASE? I need to make up for this mistake!

Guest carlsbadrolex

Outstanding Kruzer! Im glad to help out! And Im glad the watch is going to a good guy!

But I have to say, I was REALLY hoping that a non-supporter would pick it up as a sign that they do care enough. If that had happened I was going to ask that the person get "upgraded"... But once again, its to core element that carries the weight of the masses!

GO ahead and send me your info and once payment is confirmed, I will get her off to you. Should be on your wrist Thursday!



and as much as a dislike automatic renewals, if that's what it takes to keep the forum going i'm in.

Ditto...I love this place. There are only a couple of forums on the entire intardweb that I read and I keep coming back to RWG. So, I donated (only 10 donations so far!)...and if it takes a monthly renewal I will also. Frankly, I have been confused on how to renew the subscription so if that clears up I'm in for good.

BTW...when is that damn Concord C1 coming out! :p

Let me just throw this out in to the discussion: Should we start compiling a list of 300+ members who are willing to donate to the forum on a monthly basis ($5 a month supporter memberships)? That way, we would have everything covered each month. If we get more supporters than that, I could get myself a couple of beers ;)

something "has' to be done or at least a compromise T .....

a suggestion would be .. for new members 3 log ins after that a donation would be in order to access .. that is just a rough draft thought off the top of my head...

now I know members donate "time" ie. reviews etc. .. so do a lot of members who still are supporters.. 5 usd a month.. that's not even a cup of whossy.. fufu... coffee..ie latte's ..

either this forum becomes a numbers game.. or a quality versus Quantity forum .. without a yearly membership.. 7.00 usd for monthly use..

extra 2.00 is for your "pau hana beer".. after work beer..

IMO if you give something free .. people are used to it... they will not pay.. beggining of the month is around the corner.. I suggest trying something of this nature for 2-3 months.. can't hurt.. what have we got to loose?? except all your stress ... :D

something "has' to be done or at least a compromise T .....

IMO if you give something free .. people are used to it... they will not pay.. beggining of the month is around the corner.. I suggest trying something of this nature for 2-3 months.. can't hurt.. what have we got to loose?? except all your stress ... :D




What would be wrong with a paid subscription...????? a yearly 60 bucks, I think we all saved at least 5 times that amout not being scammed.

If we have 12000 members,,,, ok 8000 who visit regularly, I find it very hard to believe there are not at least 2000 members willing to pay $60..........?

I have the pecunia here so let me know how to pay, a bit confused with all the ppshutdownstuff

Admin I asked in a pm for a subforum or special place for a permanent donation/sales/raffle to support like Stefane suggested, but no reply till now...maybe you have missed it

:) Seems that I missed it, tnx T....

What would be wrong with a paid subscription...????? a yearly 60 bucks, I think we all saved at least 5 times that amout not being scammed.

If we have 12000 members,,,, ok 8000 who visit regularly, I find it very hard to believe there are not at least 2000 members willing to pay $60..........?

Exactly! I still can't figure out why 4% of the people have to pay for the other 96% of the members.

I wouldn't mind to have a pay only membership. And if the consequence is that we'll have 1000 active and donating members instead of 12000, so be it.....At least we'll save a lot of bandwidth.

Exactly! I still can't figure out why 4% of the people have to pay for the other 96% of the members.

I wouldn't mind to have a pay only membership. And if the consequence is that we'll have 1000 active and donating members instead of 12000, so be it.....At least we'll save a lot of bandwith.

Have to agree here.

Simple , straightforward $ 60 per year.

This way everything is evened out with finances , and not relying on generous donations from certain members.

This needs a decision NOW, as quite a few members have allready started donating.

WE all start out as noobies and then the addiction begins. Give away free membership for 90 days and then give the option of becoming a supporter. NO SUPPORT NO ACCESS TO RWG. This way everyone has an opportunity to "try us out" and decide what best suits their needs. And RWG does not limit its membership and has paying supporters. Have sent my donation.

That's not a bad idea at all! :thumbsupsmileyanim:


Some ideas, as a base for discussion:

  1. Split the forum load, all pics etc from a cheap non off shore server (Host in the Netherlands, cheap and secure), only the sensitive data (site access etc on a secure off shore)
  2. Block all irrelevant traffic, avatars, signatures etc..
  3. Automatically delete / block all quoted pictures
  4. Restrict image size
  5. Charge the collectors traffic fees on their posts
  6. Close all discussions after page one for non paying members
  7. block all pictures for non paying members

hope this helps


Looks like RG with the 300thing :), but I am honoured to be on the RWG 300 also, count me in

NOW TELL ME HOW TO PAY :whistling:

Ha, found it and paid my dues....for the second time this year so come on guys we are half way on the amount needed

here's the link again



For me at least , it is NOT about the money.

Just go back and read all these ideas and come to some understanding and direction,

If not this SAME situation will rear it`s ugly head again.

Far too many have simply shot off at a tangent and taken it on themselves to pull RWG out of the mire.

Very admirable I admit , but .............it is not the solution. ( Long term wise ).



More non-paying new members = more bandwidth = higher costs & greater risk. The moment the bills can't be paid anymore is the moment this forum will implode by its own succes. Something to think about.....

@youp: you bring up some interesting points. I would change #2 for non-paying members.


Add me to the 300.

To the mods...where are we in terms of getting this month paid? If it's a matter of frozen funds that will be released eventually, I'd be happy to cover the costs until that's resolved. You can PM me to work out the details.


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