MAHLER Posted July 7, 2006 Report Posted July 7, 2006 (edited) In spite of the nature of the topic and two sides to the debate, it is impressive how respectful and decent people have been. That is why I spend so much time here,,,,,,and get so little work done… I believe both a sign of one certain "quality" in the members that love the watches Edited July 7, 2006 by MAHLER
Pugwash Posted July 7, 2006 Report Posted July 7, 2006 This is their own g**d*mn fault. If surfing the web at work is a risk of termination at work, and you don't want to get fired, don't do it. Seems like common sense. So much for freedom, eh? however Sexuality, Nudity... since is 99% a male dominated past time, ... and shall remain so as long as "men will be men" here.
HighDef Posted July 7, 2006 Report Posted July 7, 2006 Here's a naked man for you..... You missed my point. Would it be okay if my avatar if of a naked man with his 15 incher, 10 inch girth and fist size balls staring at you??
Guest overboosted Posted July 7, 2006 Report Posted July 7, 2006 I never said you are free to surf the web for personal uses at work.
trunk21 Posted July 7, 2006 Report Posted July 7, 2006 (edited) Jeez, never thought this discussion would lack traction the way it has. I'm no prude, nor is my wife. I'm not offended by nudity IN THE RIGHT PLACE!!!! Do you REALLY think a watch forum is the right place? Or is this just a case of heels firmly dug in? Nobody tells ME what to do, right? Yeah!!! For the record, the girl shots like what Overboosted has in his sig are cool, no worries there. My kids see that every weekend on our boat. It's the NUDES and PORN shots I object to since my kids like watches and look at sites with me. Honestly, is this so tough to figure out? Should my young kids be excluded from this site because of T&A? If so, how about a HUGE THANK YOU to all those with no respect to others? Edited July 7, 2006 by trunk21
steviemeatballs Posted July 7, 2006 Report Posted July 7, 2006 I don't have a problem with porn either. I just don't see why some feel the need to produce porn avatars for use in a watch forum. If this was a forum for warez or spotty teen youths driving hopped up Hondas, I would maybe expect it but otherwise I see it as juvenile. Call me an old fart if you want. I run a very large web site/forum - all I will say is that it has to do with a major sports team and gets over one million page views per month. It is generally understood that kids could be viewing so while the language can be a tad salty, porn is verboten and nobody whines about censorship or their civil rights or freedom of expression being stomped on. It is just being civil to your fellow posters.
MAHLER Posted July 7, 2006 Report Posted July 7, 2006 (edited) Here's a naked man for you..... for me is a boy with sexual tastes not well defined in his personality !!! So much for freedom, eh? ... and shall remain so as long as "men will be men" here. This is a absorbed man in contemplation perhaps of the Pugwash's photos (excuseme I have not resist to this joke ) Edited July 7, 2006 by MAHLER
Chronus Posted July 7, 2006 Report Posted July 7, 2006 This is their own g**d*mn fault. If surfing the web at work is a risk of termination at work, and you don't want to get fired, don't do it. Seems like common sense. Also, if it's that serious, they would have turned off avatars and signatures.
trunk21 Posted July 7, 2006 Report Posted July 7, 2006 (edited) Also, if it's that serious, they would have turned off avatars and signatures. Just did it. Thanks for the advice, mods. AGAIN, I have no problem with the beautiful women, just the nudies for my children. Now that the sigs & avatars are "off", it's no longer a problem for me, but I still feel it's not necessary here. Now back to watches... EIDT: can't seem to spell today... Edited July 7, 2006 by trunk21
Guest TTK Posted July 7, 2006 Report Posted July 7, 2006 (edited) Personally.....I'd rather have a bowl of soup......! Appreciation of both the female and male form is perfectly normal......and should be encouraged......however when there are provocative overtones it should be man's meat is another man's poison......I see no need to foist your sexually liberated point of view on others who don't want to see it......forget freedom of speech and doesn't apply here....this...for better or worse is a WATCH forum......not a fetish forum......I have more respect for those members who show a little ingenuity in the selection of their avatar....some are absolutely brilliant.....those who surrender to the mundane and simply post a 'scuddy' avatar...are showing their 'limited' ability to embrace true avatar of some bimbo swinging her mammary glands about like a roof tilers nailbag is hardly's usually the same people who crow on and on about how Paris Hilton or _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( insert your fav female 'celeb" here ) soooo the f***k would he know......she could be an absolute shrew.....frigid or totally inexperienced.....self-obsessed ....or just not a nice person.....but these immature juveniles persist in holding on to the public persona of these woman and see them as being the ultimate dream date ....DUH.....! A truly sexy woman doesn't need to walk about showing off her assets all over the place........and those who do....are simply pandering to the stereotype......and those members here are perpetuating it.....! There is no need for offensive images to be shown....that other people don't want to be displayed on THEIR watch forum....if the guys who shout about freedom to adopt a naked woman as their avatar feel so strongy about it....go visit somewhere else....this is about watches....! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder....! Sex is 99% in your head and 1% friction....! And as for penis envy....i'l stick with my big 'love' brain....! @watchgrl....! Some of the members DO consider this a dating forum…I have received a few PM’s from members with stupid pick-up lines or “how YOU doing” Your statement ...simply confirms what I've always said ....these forums are flypaper for anyone could conceivably think that would elicit a favourable reponse is beyond me....! BTW...before you ask....I'm doing fine.....thank you.... Edited July 7, 2006 by TTK
jonthebhoy Posted July 7, 2006 Report Posted July 7, 2006 TTK..........ever the voice of reason. This would be a candidate for July's PoM but alas yer no gettin it big man but hey next time yer hame............I'll take you to Paradise to watch the Bhoys! JTB PS......Skype is on the way!
Highflyingclive Posted July 7, 2006 Report Posted July 7, 2006 Well, I've been reading this thread since it started and, frankly, I'm confused. I hear much talk of "pornographic" avatars. I have yet to see one, here. Maybe I missed the masturbating lady.... but I would consider the girly avatars here as erotic, not pornographic. I certainly would not have any problem with my kids seeing the erotic avatars here. In the main, they represent the beauty of the human form. Having said that, I do find some of the more grotesque avatars very disturbing... there are some that I would not wish my children to see. For me, member's avatars are free expression... some are provocative, most are creative, all are chosen to reflect some aspect of the author's personality. Maybe the avatar will tell you more about the author than his writing can. For instance, mine combines my appreciation of the female form with my passion for cycling.....
Guest TTK Posted July 7, 2006 Report Posted July 7, 2006 PS......Skype is on the way! is Christmas AND the England team.....
jonthebhoy Posted July 7, 2006 Report Posted July 7, 2006 is Christmas AND the England team..... Naw......nae jestin...........Ave goat the heidset and mic and the software but we've got visitors tonight and I've nae time tonight to set it up. PM me your Skype call sign (or whatever ye call it). J an auld mate of mine used to say......"Home before the postcards!"
KB Posted July 7, 2006 Report Posted July 7, 2006 Och aye laddie dae nay forget to PM me ya addie Ken
Guest sub4me Posted July 8, 2006 Report Posted July 8, 2006 For instance, mine combines my appreciation of the female form with my passion for cycling..... Ok now thats just FUNNY. I've also read this thread from the very start and find it interesting and informative. People who say they don't need to see this on their forum or on a watch forum should remember the Admins created this site to run the way they see it, so as long as the Admin don't mind and theres no written rule on these fine avatars and wonderful sigs of our members others that don't care for them or have to whine about my work, my wife, my girlfriend blah, blah, blah well wake up you've been told over and over to shut the avatars and sigs off and poof your problem is solved, its that easy and not hard to figure out. I also agree with the other member who said he's seen no porno here, well I haven't either erotic and sexy yes but hardley porn please get real. Having this or that avatar has nothing to do with this forums content or its members opinions of this site. Its all about enjoying the hobby, having fun, and just being ourselves. I like the avatars its not dirty or porno its entertaining.
Brian Posted July 8, 2006 Report Posted July 8, 2006 (edited) OK, I read a handfull of pages, posted some thoughts . . . read another handfull of pages . . . and have some more . . . not too awful different, but, some more. I pretty much agree with overboosted. As I said, I've been and been part of setting up internet usage policies before, and if an employee wants to browse the net from work, then do so, following that policy, or risk the consequences. No policy I've ever seen will fire an employee for a first time violation. Obviously, the members here have seen the avatars, and would know if they violate company policy. It's THEIR responsibility, NOT anyone elses. If it violates YOUR companies policy, TURN THE AVATARS OFF. JMHO, but if you're barking about that, you're just plain lazy and don't want to go thru the extra step for your own convenience. I can also fully understand where people are coming from when they mention their kids. I kinda have the same reply to that about turning the avatars off when your kids are reading it with you. Having a son myself, who has been on the net as long as I have, here's some advice/experience to share with you to REALLY watch for. He's in to his computer games and (now) PS2 games. There's tons of sites out that have all kinds of cheat codes for the games. Too many of the sites absolutely KNOW that kids of all ages hit their site. They'll pop up & behind 8, 10 or more pages, and at least half have stuff on them that makes ANYTHING you might see here seem like Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood. That's what to watch for. Nudity, erotica, porn . . . doesn't bother, or really even phase me any more. If I want to I'll look, if not, I won't. Other then a wow, is she hot, or a she's not . . . In 99/00 got in with a crowd who got into hacking the pay porn sites. It was really cool at first, breaking in & checking them out. After about 40 or 50, they all had pretty much the same crap from the same handfull of "wholesalers" on the web. After about 100 or so, it was rare to spend any time on even a newly cracked site, unless something looked really different. After a couple hundred, it just got boring. Word lists run thru GE, spoof browsers, cookie spoofs . . . still have all the lists, and even now, 5/6 years later, every once in a while, I'll start down a list, and after I still get into 10 or 15 sites with the same stuff I used way back then, get bored, close up the programs, and find some other trouble to get into . . . like rep watches . . . I'd really rather be with a real lady in jeans and a sweatshirt, reasonably attractive, decent personality, taking a stroll, or sitting somewhere having a conversation, seeing if we get along and can put up with each other's [censored] for more than 5 or 10 minutes then wasting time sitting in front of the puter or TV watching a porn flick . . . although my dear sweet wifey might question that statement . . . I know I won't change anyone's mind, but there ARE options for anyone who may be job worried or offended by some avatar or sig they might come across here. I really don't feel that there is even a problem that needs to be dealt with, because the answer is already in place. B Oh yea, and Lord Clive . . . loved your av since the first time I saw it . . . but never really thought it pornographic . . . interesting, handy, inovative, and wondered if it was patented yet . . . but not pornographic. 8^) Edited July 8, 2006 by Brian
Guest TTK Posted July 8, 2006 Report Posted July 8, 2006 (edited) Most people here know that I'm fairly irreverent ( or unfairly for that matter )......and I would certainly never infringe on someone's right to express themselves......however...! 1. If I want to see hardcore /softcore porn or nudity.....I usually have to buy it.....load it in the DVD or open the magazine......hardcore / softcore porn or nudity is very rarely thrust upon me...and is usually subscriptionized on my kids can't get access to it....and I don't go there if I don't want to....I'm not forced to....WHY....because the powers that be have decided on the appropriateness of it..! 2. Same with magazines......if I want one...I can reach the top shelf in the newsagents......they're on the top shelf to stop my kids reaching them...and I don't buy them if I don't want to...and my kids don't get to see them....WHY?....because the newsagent and others have decided on the appropriateness of it....! 3. If I want to see porn on the net.....I can visit thousands upon thousands of sites that offer it......and usually I will have some sort of nanny software to stop my kids surfing and finding it.....but if I want it...I can go get it........and my kids don't get to browse thsoe sites...WHY?......because ISP providers and others have decided on the appropriateness of it....! Whillst I realise that most of what we see on here cannot be described as 'porn'.......some of it can still be disconcerting......and upsetting to some members who perhaps have kids who would like to be involved with their Dads hobby (or Mom's...sorry Rima and Wtchgrl...) I used to build ERTL 1/24 scale big rigs....and my son was fascinated with it and used to help do get involved .....>! My point is that this is a WATCH has female members.....and family members who may or may not surf with their's not IMO acceptable that those people should have to carry out the alternative of switching channels in order to avoid the presentation of material which is not conducive to the general interest of the forum.....turning off signatures etc etc....deprives me of the right to see some of those members who have superb avatars and signatures.....simply to avoid seeing the immature members who have chosen to express themselves with avatars of naked or semi-clad stereotypical bimbos...or himbos....( sorry again Rima and wtchgrl...)..! I was on a trip to Cambodia one time....and came across a mother (?)...begging at the side of the road with a crying child......I put 100baht in her tin cup...( about $2.25 ).....and one of the guys with me said..." I wouldn't give them a cent....they're just using the kid to get sympathy ..they do it all the time..".......I said...."well the consequences of MY inaction...are too distressing to persuade me not to help..".....the thought of the child PERHAPS not having enough to eat was greater than the perceived loss of a couple of bucks.....! Same with the thought of a members kid seeing something here that is inappropriate and which could negatively reflect on their parent is more disturbing to me than the thought that I may have stepped on some members right to self's all about choice.....and appropriateness.....and this IS a WATCH forum....( you don't see it on TZ / TURF / or Chronocentric..even PMWF...).....for ALL to enjoy.....those in favour of self expression have the choice and the right to express it on a more suitable forum........nobody is taking it away from them......just appealing to their sensibilities.....and sense of decency.....! Edited July 8, 2006 by TTK
KB Posted July 8, 2006 Report Posted July 8, 2006 That Neil is an excellent post Like other Admin members have already noted this has been one of our better threads in a long time, it reeks with a sense of community, members expressing their thoughts in an orderly manner and with no fear of flamming. I am sure that whilst it would be unfair to expect Admin to try and decide what is and isn't acceptable with avatars, that we can easily lay a ruling (example...must be clothed) if the vast majority shows that this is what they want. Ken
Pugwash Posted July 8, 2006 Report Posted July 8, 2006 I am sure that whilst it would be unfair to expect Admin to try and decide what is and isn't acceptable with avatars, that we can easily lay a ruling (example...must be clothed) if the vast majority shows that this is what they want. If you can have a simple rule for obscenity, I know a few high-court judges that would like to talk to you. "I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced . . . ut I know it when I see it . . . " - Justice Potter Stewart on Obscenity, 1964.
Guest TTK Posted July 8, 2006 Report Posted July 8, 2006 (edited) There is no need for censorship....those members who recognise the inappropriateness of having said avatar / signature will surely modify accordingly....those who don't will show their immaturity and lack of decorum......and can be easily recognised by other members as to their inability to create or source an avatar / signature that expresses adequately their perception of what this forum and it's membership is really all about......WATCHES......not themselves....or their sexual predilections......! The question of whether an avatar is obscene....hardcore...softcore.....offensive.....distastefull or not should never be a debatable issue on a forum dedicated to watches.....we have enough debatable topics...without having to resort to policing members avatars etc I said will rarely if ever see this type of debate on any of the forums that are dedicated to watches......whilst I realise that a lot of members on these frums are anal.....they do share the same hobby as we do...albeit they might not see it that way... Edited July 8, 2006 by TTK
Brian Posted July 8, 2006 Report Posted July 8, 2006 My avatar is kid appropriate . . . even though it is an obscenely cheap watch . . . While I do have my views on the matter in general, as you can see by my avatar, a no nudity on an avatar rule wouldn't bother me either. I would hope that common sense prevails, and as TTK suggested, the membership itself should know what is inappropriate for their av or sig without any "new rule' being implemented. B
narikaa Posted July 9, 2006 Report Posted July 9, 2006 Use whatever damned avatar you fancy - just stop subjecting me to the ultimate abscenity - unwelcome football speak on a watch forum............the horror!
narikaa Posted July 9, 2006 Report Posted July 9, 2006 Ahh the QVC Accurist Limited Edition Unique movement...... Can only be wound by auto masterbation
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