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I think that you might have left the rep world, and I think that if you have said as much, you should face that fact.

But you should never have to face harsh words over your choice.

All of us here have seen our tastes in watches change a bit over time.

That a a natural evolution.

I have some gens myself (Bucherers, mostly) which I have not posted up here as this is a rep forum, which is recognized by most here, I think.

But I look of this as a forum of watch enthusiasts, and I would hope that all are welcome.

If the responses so far do not lift you up. just PM me and I will send you a Panerai rep at my own cost which is so awful that you will laugh your a$$ off and it is so bad that you will never be able to unload it on anyone else. It will be our joke. You will never be so serious again.

Perfectionism is a curse which I finally offloaded a few years too late.

But it is gone for me now and I can just have fun with all of the watch stuff.

You can too. You have earned it.


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Needless to say ignore the noise. Either your friend is not a friend until the end or something set him off. Expensive parts and frankens are always going to stir very different emotions. Some folks appreciate it and some don't. Most folks who are around for a while go through all kinds of phases - reps, gens, frankens, etc. You are in your gen phase. But that may well change. ;) And of course, it is completely irrelevant what you own or the pictures you post. It is all about adding to the community - and you certainly do. :)


Thanks for the support to everybody.. I feel much better than yesterday thanks to you.

I have seen RWI Genuine watch sub-forum but I am not sure if it will work at the end...


At the NY GTG the REP to GEN mix was about 60/40 reps. Bottom line--we all love watches here. I dont want to hang out on a gen board because IMHO the snob factor there is way too high and the knowledge level way too low. I'll bet more than half the people here can build a watch from the ground up! This is a fun down to earth place to learn for the gen or rep enthusiast. My advice is to stay here for all your watch needs.

Posted (edited)
The reason for all that happened was my gen parts sale which he considered basically a rip-off of the members here.

Fair enough.. everyone is entitled to his own opinion. I don't agree but still I have asked to the Boss to delete the thread because that was not my intention.

But that struck me in general and I thought that if a friend said all those things then many others who don't know me can say the same or worse about me...

I think your prices (also for rep parts) are insane aswell. Does this make me a moron? I think not, its simply my opinion and I am sure I have the right to state my opinion. Long time member or not, does not matter, when someone has an opinion about a certain price, he should voice this opinion. No need to get pissy and offended.

Havnt been around lately, so I dont know who said what, but if someone simply stated your prices were too high and a rip-off, thats not something that should offend you.

If that was the case, I think its childish, opening a thread like this and crying for attention and others to tell you that the person who told you your prices were high is "wrong!!!1111!11!".

But if he said something else, you might have the right and not be childish, but since the thread has been deleted, I cant say.

So from the Information I collected from reading the first few posts I conclude:

  1. Someone called you out on your prices, someone said they are too high and a ripoff

  2. This someone was someone you thought was a friend
    ----> whats wrong with a friend telling you, that you are charging way too much? I consider those who voice their HONEST opinion FRIENDS and not those who are just saying "you are the best, whatever you do is sooo great". Such people are NOT true friends, they are morons that just WANT you to bei their friend, because they gain some kind of satisfaction from having you as a friend

  3. You are now opening a thread because you want some kind of affection/attention from exactly those who I just mentioned, those who are simply trying to suck up without knowing ANY of the facts. They have (clearly) no idea whatsoever you are talking about, still they have a biased opinion about who is right and who is wrong. This is IMO childish. Or maybe not childish, but in some way weak, because it shows that you desperately NEED someone to tell you that you were not wrong.

Now dont be offended by this (I'm sure you will be, but I dont care, I will voice my opinion; remember what I just said, dont rely on those as "friends" who are simply sucking up..), its not my intention to offend you. My intention is to open your eyes. There is no absolute truth. And just because some here are trying to suck up, it does not mean something is more or less true.

Edited by slay

Fair enough slay... I am not offended.. I agree with most of what you say except the fact that I opened this thread for people to to suck me up as you said. That was not the case..

I did it because first I was a bit dissapointed from the WAY he said it (good criticism is always good) and then because from his words some other issues occured to me (like the genuine watch one).

I know you from the past years on the forums and I somewhat like the way you speak of your opinion ;)

Havnt been around lately, so I dont know who said what, but if someone simply stated your prices were too high and a rip-off, thats not something that should offend you.

Sorry...I have to disagree with this statement. There is a big difference between saying "I think your prices are too high." and saying "Damn...Your prices are a ripoff!!".

I'd be offended too.

The rep game covers a HUGE range of pieces and prices. Some are willing to pay high prices for high quality and some aren't...That's fine. What I don't understand are those who EXPECT to receive the high quality parts for bargain prices.

Some of those parts do exist, but why attack someone that puts a project together, does a lot of work, and wants to make a few bucks on the deal?

It's very admirable of those who do projects for no profit, but what's so wrong with wanting to make a few bucks?


V, Just shrug it off. It is very apparent about the contributions you have made to this forum and I really enjoy your posts. I too am building up a gen collection and minimizing my reps. A rep is a good evaluation to see if I love it enough to buy the gen. I am very envious of your collection V. :wub:


If anyone here, needs to be 'called out" as a gen lover.... aim those parties this way, as I have not bought a rep in years!

However, when I find myself, fortunate enough to be involved with the source of the best horological info on the WWW, I will continue to absorb.... like a sponge... the wisdom available in these pages.

And I am forever thankful that I stumbled across TRC all those years ago, which finally lead me here... to my "home" and this wonderful resource.... built by all the contributions , from a great group of watch purists ( whatever their persuasion)

Forget the naysayers.... this is where you both contribute, and receive!


Ditto! Very well said!


V you are one of the shining members i our community - and if i was going into a rep fight in a dark alley, i'd want you on my side

- i always got your back bro :)


I won't say more about this subject.. I will only copy-paste one of the paragraph sent to me in the email.. There are no hidden meanings and drama behind that. Maybe I overreacted maybe not.

Yes saying the truth to a friend is always a good thing but there is definately a way that is been said between friends...

Well I don't agree with your pricing on thse parts my first reaction was shock and the comment about "only a gen PVD 000 or 005 will do " just made me think you look down on the rep hobby with some contempt.

Your choice what you do with your parts of course , but for me it goes against the "spirit" of the community.

I never said MYSELF, that he was jealous, I never said myself that he questioned my contributions of the past... but for me YES he questioned my present and future contributions by saying that I am a purist now and I go against the spirit of the community charging the parts with outrageous amount of money because I look on the rep community with contempt.


that's all ?

that's what this is about ? :2:

mama mia :D

drama drama :p




A four page thread over this :blink: ;

Well I don't agree with your pricing on thse parts my first reaction was shock and the comment about "only a gen PVD 000 or 005 will do " just made me think you look down on the rep hobby with some contempt.

Your choice what you do with your parts of course , but for me it goes against the "spirit" of the community.

Where are the harsh words or even the reason for starting this thread?

I believe slay nailed it on the head with his remarks.

  1. Someone called you out on your prices, someone said they are too high and a ripoff

  2. This someone was someone you thought was a friend
    ----> whats wrong with a friend telling you, that you are charging way too much? I consider those who voice their HONEST opinion FRIENDS and not those who are just saying "you are the best, whatever you do is sooo great". Such people are NOT true friends, they are morons that just WANT you to bei their friend, because they gain some kind of satisfaction from having you as a friend

  3. You are now opening a thread because you want some kind of affection/attention from exactly those who I just mentioned, those who are simply trying to suck up without knowing ANY of the facts. They have (clearly) no idea whatsoever you are talking about, still they have a biased opinion about who is right and who is wrong. This is IMO childish. Or maybe not childish, but in some way weak, because it shows that you desperately NEED someone to tell you that you were not wrong.

Guest farquar
Posted (edited)
that's all ?

that's what this is about ? :2:



Yea maybe that whole ad would have gone better on risti or something...And I absolutely dont see any harsh words either in there..And it was done in pm right? Just my worthless 2 cents..Cheers.

Edited by farquar

Anyway.. maybe I have overreacted in the heat of the moment being upset, I still believe his comments could have been said in a more tactfull way..

As I said I am now feeling better now thanks to you guys.. Both opinions on the subject were appreciated.

Plus I think I touched another sensitive subject of the presence of gen watches in the forum which i think it should be discussed in a seperate thread some time in the future.



I could be wrong, but I believe Fish is who V was writing about...

And the above Post by Fish was his response to V...




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