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The Anti-Nanuq thread


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'Geography' has it's place, but just anchor me up on a reef and I'm good.

So, anyway, did you hear the one about Demsey and the girl goin' out fishing? She came home with a big red Snapper.


Yes, those are 'bean bags' up at the bow......................... :whistling:

<edit> Quick edit before it times out. I have a problem with the rehtoric of this topic header. About as much as I do with the "Reign of the White Supremacist......" one. 'Anti-Nanuq' indeed! Can't we all just get along?

That's a thing of stunning beauty Dems........and the fish isn't bad either! Boom boom!

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Is it just me, or does the backdrop behind those lovely shivering lasses remind you of someone skinning a caribou?


@Dems... those aren't beanbags, they're "flotation devices" :tu:

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Someone please remind me never to brag about the weather again.

Last night we got hit with a rolling blackout, 5 1/2 hrs without the A/C with a min overnight temp of 30C

What makes it worse is that our area wasn't blacked out, our power company cut power to 78 houses in a certain area (I think the threw darts at a map) everyone around us still had their power. :(


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"Can't you guy's just do some work!" :D

I dunno, you got that 'date' off the header of the main page. I think the five of you deserve a little R&R after tackling that one. :)

@Dems... those aren't beanbags, they're "flotation devices" :tu:

That's funny, that's what she calls 'em................actually I was waiting all afternoon for someone to post; "Bean bags? Huh, we call those 'fun bags', what's a 'bow'?

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I dunno, you got that 'date' off the header of the main page. I think the five of you deserve a little R&R after tackling that one. :)

Hey now, that's the only kind of date some of us (Ken) will ever get.

>rimshot< :tu:

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You want a bigger version of that photo? PM me your email address.

Interesting fact, my friend took that photo and he says he wasn't so interested in the mountain itself, what caught his attention was the bear and moose in the foreground. They were on opposite sides of a big alder bush circling each other. If you brighten it up enough you can *just* make it out.

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Ok ok I surrender.....Nanuq send me some snow.....we are currently experiencing our 3rd consecutive (a record) day of plus 43C temperatures, that about 110F for those in the States.

I have the AC set at 16C but it just can't beat back the heat, fortunately though we are going off for our evening swim in another hour or two so I don't have to suffer it much longer.

This is what we see every night......


Oh and of course the natives....



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You should head over this way Ken, about 10 degrees cooler. I still gave up working about noon when it hit 33, no wind, just too hot outside. More jobs left to do monday now... And the natives over this way tend to wear less too ;) (or at least a good 5-10% do) although Mrs Kenberg might be asking for a divorce fairly quickly

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Good Lord, how do you survive the heat? It's 8 degrees (F) here again tonight and that's about perfect. Actually about 30 degrees too warm for good winter camping.

I love the winter because if you're cold you can always warm up. But if it's too hot, you're toast. No way to cool down. No thanks!!!

Here's a perfect weekend getaway for me.


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I see you have indigenous camels down there too...

Actualy Robbie Australia has the only population of wild camels in the world. We export them to the Middle East! They were brought to Australia by Afghan camel drivers in the 1800s. These guys and their beasts opened up much of inland Australia the same way the prarie wagon did in the US.


This is a photo of the last Afgan camel train mail run in Australia in 1925. It worked an area on the edge of the desert where a single sheep station )ranch) could cover a half million square kilometers and your nearest neighbours a couple hundred klicks or more away.

When rail took over (one of the best train rides in Oz is the Ghan from Adelaide header-margin:35.4pt; mso-footer-margin:35.4pt; mso-paper-source:0;} div.Section1 {page:Section1;} --> to Alice Springs) the camels were simply let go. Since they have fared rather well indeed to the point that culls are unfortunatly sometimes needed even tho we sell a thousand or more a year overseas. The best racing camels in the world come from Austraila.

And here is the new breed of road train. This one's fuel so it's relitivy short. The big buggers are up to seven 42-48 ft trailers! Try passing that one a dirt road at 70+mph!



Edited by trailboss
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