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Another weird question...


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How do you get your significant other to order a watch for you? Mine wants to get me one (a rep of some kind) for my grooms gift for our wedding but I don't know if I want to leave her to try to pick one O_O not that I think she's by any means stupid but she hasn't done near the amount of research any of us have on the subject... How would you go about letting her surprise you but still knowing she's going to get you a good watch other than meticulously teaching her everything as quickly as possible? lol

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Get a high resolution pic of the watch you want and use it for a wallpaper for your computer......if that's not a hint I don't know what is. ;)


lol Good advice however right NOW I have the B01 movement (Breitling's new inhouse) HD pic as my wallpaper and she's probably not quick enough to spot which watch brand that should go in haha. My problem is more I don't want her to end up just typing 'replica watch' into google and getting scammed haha and she's not at all interested in watches so bringing her here wouldn't be an option... I"m thinking of just making a large enough list that she can just pick something from and know that I won't know which she got me... won't be too hard :-P

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Ok so you use the RWG front page as your wallpaper and when she turns up we will steer her from here. ;)

I hope you like lots of bling :D


lol I'll just sit her in front of the computer and type 'rwg.cc' in there and click forums and just like *sit!* *read!*. she'll have to learn then right? :-P

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Write down a trusted member's email address on a notepad, conspicuously placed, that reads "blahblahblah@blahblah.com" with "Google result- email this guy for best watches!" like you were looking yourself.

Once she makes contact with whomever, that member will PM YOU for a top 3 list and attempt to "steer" her in the right direction ;)

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lol i don't think if i had an email written on paper or something that she'd go that far with it maybe i'll simply tell her what i want... lol i know it seems lame and i don't know if she'd go for that but these seem like we're taking for granted the fact that she either really wants to do this extremely bad to the point where she'd email people that i planned on emailing or i don't know lol... the other problem is she said she wanted to get me something that would last and would be something i could keep for ever to remember our wedding...

So I suggested maybe rather than a rep maybe go with a seiko or something like that for like 200-300 since that was the range she gave me...Any suggestions in that range?

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It might be worth mentioning that if the watch ever stops working you'll take it as an omen that the marriage is over....in the hope that she throws in some free servicing. :animal_rooster: (I keeed, I keeed).

Actually I have to admit that it's the circumstances of the watch gift / purchase rather than the actual watch that determines its importance to me. It's the link with the event that I remember. But I understand why the purchaser might be more reticent.

Ideas include just giving the web shop address for a dealer you prefer - it's pretty easy to pick one out then.

An alternative is to scour the used gens on sale for something of a deal. Even a quartz perhaps. The budget is going to narrow things down.

As you say, there are some decent choices on PMWF (Poor Mans Watch Forum) too - a Seiko or so on.

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Tell her to read, read, read.........Tell her not to ask any stoopid noob questions like "who has the best sub?"................Tell her to pick her dealer first then pick her watch................and finally............make sure she has the link to Toadtorrent's guide. :D


............and if she's really smart she'll upgrade to "Supporter" right away! :D

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lmao I like the suggestion of if the watch stops it's an omen... maybe that would kick the budget up a little haha (also kidding haha) I might just take her to a jeweler around here and point out some in her range that I want. My first thought though when she said 'well I want it to be something that will last forever" was uh oh well... "what are you looking to spend?" lol she's like "50-300$" i'm like "then you should probably stay away from reps..." haha

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How do you get your significant other to order a watch for you? Mine wants to get me one (a rep of some kind) for my grooms gift for our wedding but I don't know if I want to leave her to try to pick one O_O not that I think she's by any means stupid but she hasn't done near the amount of research any of us have on the subject... How would you go about letting her surprise you but still knowing she's going to get you a good watch other than meticulously teaching her everything as quickly as possible? lol

Sorry bro, I should've answered before. My wife's bought a couple of watches for me (Planet Ocean 42mm, PAM004) in the past, and the easiest way to get what you want, is to simply discuss it, then go to the dealer site, say "This is the one I want", and sit back while the transaction goes through on her credit card B)

Okay, it takes the element of surprise out of it, but, it does save on any hint dropping or guessing which might result in the wrong watch :good:

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@TeeJay, that's what I think will end up happening either that or just getting me a gen watch in the 100-300$ range. Thanks :-)

@Fakey, mines getting to be like that she still will listen to me babble on but in most cases she'll either turn her music up a little or out right ignore me lol

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@TeeJay, that's what I think will end up happening either that or just getting me a gen watch in the 100-300$ range. Thanks :-)

@Fakey, mines getting to be like that she still will listen to me babble on but in most cases she'll either turn her music up a little or out right ignore me lol

No problem, bro :) If she's not into watches, then it's probably best not to make her sit through page after page of "This one's pretty cool..." or "Mofo the Badass wore this one in Exploder: The Musical..." that'll definitely get you the rolling eyes treatment :lol: Get some ideas of what you want, have a flick through the dealer sites by yourself, then when you find the one (or ones) you like, just leave the page open (or multiple pages if you like a few, so they're all available for quick reference) and then call her in, making sure she has her card with her ;)

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