Nanuq Posted May 1, 2009 Report Posted May 1, 2009 Be sure to let me know when you start taking reservations for your guest list!
lanikai Posted May 1, 2009 Author Report Posted May 1, 2009 It would be just about the right coolness for ya Bob..
Corgi Posted May 1, 2009 Report Posted May 1, 2009 I wouldn't want to live in the countryside. Insects, slower 9-1-1 response, far away from everything (even going to the store for bread is a long distance trip), you're always last in case of power shortage, and "country" houses often need repair. Sure we've all thought about this - but what looks nice in pictures is not always nice in reality, you know? Still, if you don't mind the trade-offs, a life in peaceful serenity and privacy does have its advantages. Good luck chasing your dream buddy.
lanikai Posted May 1, 2009 Author Report Posted May 1, 2009 I wouldn't want to live in the countryside. Insects, slower 9-1-1 response, far away from everything (even going to the store for bread is a long distance trip), you're always last in case of power shortage, and "country" houses often need repair. Sure we've all thought about this - but what looks nice in pictures is not always nice in reality, you know? Still, if you don't mind the trade-offs, a life in peaceful serenity and privacy does have its advantages. Good luck chasing your dream buddy. this is Hawaii... insects are everywhere..Ferral pigs become pet's even here on Oahu.. give me a roof that dosen't leak .. and I'll be all good.... I love country livin in Hawaii ... it's not only the miles of nothing.. it is the attitude of the neighbor islands... there are still communities here where people give way freely to other cars.. and wave ... "mahalo" .. but that is only in the country .. Power ??.. generator ma man.. .. gotta have one.. time has caught up .. and I want to regress to the day's that once were .. Hawaii..
KB Posted May 1, 2009 Report Posted May 1, 2009 Sounds to me like Corgi has a bad case of city-itis. I've lived on a farm and I've lived in the city and I assure you I know exactly how Lani feels. Ken
lanikai Posted May 1, 2009 Author Report Posted May 1, 2009 There's another part to this .. my Brother and I grew up with sports as our staple.. and my Father was our coach as kids.. and our parents never missed a game.. ever.. It got us into college and we always used to tell them that some day we would take care of them.. as they took care of us. Our goal is to .. get them to the most beautiful place (to us) on the planet to live out their golden Years there comes a time in every Man or Womans life when it's time to do what's right.. they will not be around forever.. and the sacrifices that parents make for their children should not ever be forgotten. My brother and his wife feel the same way ... they live in a very nice community in Orange county Cali. We were born on the same day and month and date... 5 years apart.. we are connected like twins it still freaks our parents out.. we both came up with the same thought .. without talking to each other this week.. So before my folks told me yesterday when I took them for lunch, what Kamalani's idea was .. I told them what my idea was before they had a chance to say anything.. meant to be.. ?? I hope so.. but I'll stay grounded .. and stay in the moment..
omni Posted May 1, 2009 Report Posted May 1, 2009 R: Your dream will come true because the "parent" fulfillment wish will make it happen, you have it in your person to make yourself feel complete in life. I've always been about Ohana and nothing in a bond is stronger for me. Lucky we live Hawaii. I've lived all the cities I've ever wanted to live when I was younger, I've been on Maui 30+ year now, you'd never get me to live in a city again. You are heading on the right course from a "Miami in the Pacific" resident to the outer islands. @ Corgi: Its just wanting a better Paradise despite some of the lack of easy access to services often found in metropolitan areas. Some people have to have a city to survive, not being able to keep themselves active or excited about life by their own means, others want the country to simplify in the later years because life should get simpler as you get older and wiser. @Docblackrock, I swear that picture looks like my vacation from Lake Como of one of the villas near Bellagio. Where is it from? - Omni
docblackrock Posted May 1, 2009 Report Posted May 1, 2009 @Docblackrock, I swear that picture looks like my vacation from Lake Cuomo of one of the villas near Bellagio. Where is it from? It is indeed Lago di Como, my own little piece of personal heaven (aside from the nosey tourists swarming over Bellagio ) - this particular humble abode is thankfully well away from the main throng, and my genius plan to salvage old WW2 mines from the Med will take care of those pesky tour boats getting too close, bwahahaha...... Be sure to let me know when you start taking reservations for your guest list! Get in line pal, get in line, I got my reservation in first Lani - the idea it being for your parents is admirable and heart-warming. If you're so blessed with having them around, healthy (as can be), then rightly you should acknowledge that blessing and do whatever you can to make them happy. I plan on doing the same when the time comes. And that place DOES look idyllic. However, if I could boringly practical for a minute, the only one concern I'd have about such a remote location is access to healthcare, particularly in an emergency. Age does come with its unfortunate little side-effects, the majority of which can be treated and conservatively managed IF you have rapid access. That's the only trade-off I'd make. Regardless, the very best of luck with the plans my friend.
chefcook Posted May 1, 2009 Report Posted May 1, 2009 I fully understand Lanis wish to live in the countryside... I've grown up in Germany's Black Forrest in a village with a pop. of about 6,000. I went to London for studying mechanical engineering and finished my studies in Stuttgart which actually "only" has a population of 600,000, but with the other big cities next to it the metropolitan area has a population of about 3,600,000. It is not the biggest city in Germany, but big enough for ye olde chefcook. What one has to do in Stuttgart is clear: Get in touch with Porsche. THE company to work for in automotive business. I worked for them for about a year, was involved in the first developements of the coming sports car (on sale from 2011 on) and the Panamera and then decided to go back south in the swiss-french-german delta and work for one of Porsche's subcontractors. Now I am back where everything began for me. I earn a little more than in Stuttgart, have a lot lower living expenses and the next city is about 25kms away The next grocer is 5 minutes away, for everything else I am driving 20 minutes... And when I get up in the morning I have this view out of my bed - it's been a little bit cloudy this morning, but I love it Never ever I'll move back to a city!
Nanuq Posted May 1, 2009 Report Posted May 1, 2009 The Call of the Wild - Robert Service Have you gazed on naked grandeur where there's nothing else to gaze on, Set pieces and drop-curtain scenes galore, Big mountains heaved to heaven, which the blinding sunsets blazon, Black canyons where the rapids rip and roar? Have you swept the visioned valley with the green stream streaking through it, Searched the Vastness for a something you have lost? Have you strung your soul to silence? Then for God's sake go and do it; Hear the challenge, learn the lesson, pay the cost. Have you wandered in the wilderness, the sagebrush desolation, The bunch-grass levels where the cattle graze? Have you whistled bits of rag-time at the end of all creation, And learned to know the desert's little ways? Have you camped upon the foothills, have you galloped o'er the ranges, Have you roamed the arid sun-lands through and through? Have you chummed up with the mesa? Do you know its moods and changes? Then listen to the Wild -- it's calling you. Have you known the Great White Silence, not a snow-gemmed twig aquiver? (Eternal truths that shame our soothing lies). Have you broken trail on snowshoes? mushed your huskies up the river, Dared the unknown, led the way, and clutched the prize? Have you marked the map's void spaces, mingled with the mongrel races, Felt the savage strength of brute in every thew? And though grim as hell the worst is, can you round it off with curses? Then hearken to the Wild -- it's wanting you. Have you suffered, starved and triumphed, groveled down, yet grasped at glory, Grown bigger in the bigness of the whole? "Done things" just for the doing, letting babblers tell the story, Seeing through the nice veneer the naked soul? Have you seen God in His splendors, heard the text that nature renders? (You'll never hear it in the family pew). The simple things, the true things, the silent men who do things -- Then listen to the Wild -- it's calling you. They have cradled you in custom, they have primed you with their preaching, They have soaked you in convention through and through; They have put you in a showcase; you're a credit to their teaching -- But can't you hear the Wild? -- it's calling you. Let us probe the silent places, let us seek what luck betide us; Let us journey to a lonely land I know. There's a whisper on the night-wind, there's a star agleam to guide us, And the Wild is calling, calling ... let us go.
lanikai Posted May 1, 2009 Author Report Posted May 1, 2009 when it is said that we are much more than watches.... that is down playing the wisdom that is shown by it's Veteran members , and Not so veteran member Omni DBR Nanuq chefcook thank you all for the wisdom.. for me they are more than words .. a look into a persons heart and soul.. @Omni.. True 2!!!!! Ohana is for me what binds's only when you raise children do you realize whaat sacrifices your own parents made. I remember spending my summers living on Maui with part of the Ohana that were from there. Lahaina was all sugar cane and the train tok the workers there.. my cousin used to bring home wild blueberries for breakfast. I used to walk to the Wailuku YMCA daily to swim in the pool.. you could come out of the ocean with a gallon of opihi in no time. but the neighbor Islands (I have learned not to call them "outer" islands.. it offends Ohana from Kauai especially..they are not second to Oahu.. ).. ergo... the neighbor islands have always been closer to the Aina.. and their Mana strong ... It is not just the panoramic view of country.. the spirituality cannot be touched, .. but you feel it through your soul,.. man could never equal the majesty of what mother nature creates. my dream on this island has always been Kaaawa... Punaluu ... North Shore.. but that area has changed so much Old Hawaiians taught me how to dive for Taco ..(octopus) at Kahana Bay ... taught me to Malama the Aina .. but the "feeling" I have around Kamuela.... can only be described as a "spiritual awakening" To drive up to Mauna Kea.. and hear "silence" and be above the clouds... to see the long grass swaying in the wind along the Kohala Coast... it is for me a bit of Heaven on Earth.. "Maui No Ka Oi" that phrase has always been a part of our heritage for a reason !! @DBR.. S. your wisdom comes from just more than your profession, and I thank you my friend !! We have talked about medical resources.. as Dad has just had 2 knee replacements.. and is being evaluated for a new "patch" to be inserted in his back.. he will be given a "fob.. and when the pain comes on he clicks the fob to stimulate the nerves to lessen the pain. so the specialist they need are on Oahu Mom has only partial vision.... they are in their 70's and have had their share of health issues.. so what was discussed was that for parts of the year they wold live on the big Island and the rest ... where they reside now.. Manoa Valley.. but we left it at that for now.. there's no pressure on them.,.. whatever they want to do.. my brother and I will honour. Thank you B. .. this verse flew out at me... I need to read it whole again this morning whilst viewing the sunrise.. thank you Have you suffered, starved and triumphed, groveled down, yet grasped at glory, Grown bigger in the bigness of the whole? "Done things" just for the doing, letting babblers tell the story, Seeing through the nice veneer the naked soul? Have you seen God in His splendors, heard the text that nature renders? (You'll never hear it in the family pew). The simple things, the true things, the silent men who do things -- Then listen to the Wild -- it's calling you. Life is truely not the destination.. but the journey we take .. or choose to take. @Chefcook... my friend owns a Porshce repair business.. his Mother is from Germany.. he is born and raised here.. but speaks fluent German.. so he traveled to Stuttgart to the Porsche facility to understand "why" Porsche went water cooled..that is the passion that people have for this auto.. it was great to read a little of you CC ... the Black forest is again for me like the Hansel and Grettle storybook .... spirituality in nature is found worlwide.. Alo~ha Lani
Nanuq Posted May 1, 2009 Report Posted May 1, 2009 Yeah R, that's the phrase I thought would "grab" you. It's what makes the whole poem for me. Okay, now that we agree it's good to strive for what seems "impossible" this: Somebody said that it couldn't be done, But he with a chuckle replied That "maybe it couldn't," but he would be one Who wouldn't say so till he'd tried. So he buckled right in with the trace of a grin On his face. If he worried he hid it. He started to sing as he tackled the thing That "couldn't be done," and he did it. Somebody scoffed: "Oh, you'll never do that; At least no one ever has done it"; But he took off his coat and he took off his hat, And the first thing we knew he'd begun it. With a lift of his chin and a bit of a grin, Without any doubting or quiddit, He started to sing as he tackled the thing That "couldn't be done," and he did it. There are thousands to tell you it cannot be done, There are thousands to prophesy failure; There are thousands to point out to you, one by one, The dangers that wait to assail you. But just buckle in with a bit of a grin, Just take off your coat and go to it; Just start to sing as you tackle the thing That "cannot be done," and you'll do it. The top of Wolverine Mountain. Six Eagle Scouts in this picture. ANYTHING can be done when you try.
TeeJay Posted May 1, 2009 Report Posted May 1, 2009 Which, coincidentally happens to be Mrs Nanuq's dream.... But since we're sharing, THIS is where (you know, if any birds of prey start stalking me too) I'll be posting from in the not too distant future given the chance....; Is that Lake Como? [Edit to add] Reading further in the thread, I see that it is @ Lani: Go for it, brother, success is inevitable
chefcook Posted May 1, 2009 Report Posted May 1, 2009 ... @Chefcook... my friend owns a Porshce repair business.. his Mother is from Germany.. he is born and raised here.. but speaks fluent German.. so he traveled to Stuttgart to the Porsche facility to understand "why" Porsche went water cooled..that is the passion that people have for this auto.. it was great to read a little of you CC ... the Black forest is again for me like the Hansel and Grettle storybook .... spirituality in nature is found worlwide.. ... Germans are not so Porsche enthusiastic like Italians are about their Ferraris, but still enough. Porsches are part of Germany, can be seen in huge numbers in every city. Even the 2,500 people village I live in at the moment is home of 4 911, 2 Cayenne and 2 older 944s... I sold my 911 (993) coup
lanikai Posted May 1, 2009 Author Report Posted May 1, 2009 Nanuq... I have a huge grin on my face at the moment.. it is not one of arrogance .. but rather .."understanding".. when asked at times... "how did you manage to do that?" My simple answer has always been :... "No one told me I couldn't" and at other times my answer has been... "Because they told me I couldn't" the morale is .. anything is possible.. if you believe.. and also believe that you are not responsible for the glory of what is accomplished.. I believe everything is allowed by simple "Grace".. @Chefcook... long story short .. when my buddy got back from Germany.. it was a simple matter of Porsche not being able to keep up with the ferrari's and such if they stayed with their air cooled engine.. seemed like the end of a historical engine. but like anything ... apdapting to change is the key. I look forward to your Motorbike journal !! for me it is a treat.... like you I am in awe of different lands .. this is a cool thought.. I will do the same .. take a pictorial shoot of my Island home ... from inside diamond Head crater to the North shore.. we can start a section and get to know other membes Homelands ..and thus get a better insight to their culture ... after all .. take away our different logistics and backgrounds... and we are One .. about watches !!!
chefcook Posted May 1, 2009 Report Posted May 1, 2009 Yeah, that'd be great to see where and in which culture our members live! Motorcycle diaries for everyone
lanikai Posted May 1, 2009 Author Report Posted May 1, 2009 Yeah, that'd be great to see where and in which culture our members live! Motorcycle diaries for everyone I posted in the GD section..about this.. also, when I met the German contingent in Penn. for the world motorcycle conference.. (laws. govt. etc).. i was lown away by how much it cost to just get a MC license in your country.. at the time it was like 6k usd.. and that was over 10 years ago.. sheesh..
chefcook Posted May 1, 2009 Report Posted May 1, 2009 Yeah, driving licences are very expensive here but not as expensive as you stated. 8 years ago I payed about 1800 DM for car, motorcycle and small tractor licence which relates to 922 Euros or $1250. Today its even more expensive at about 2000 Euros or $2600. Besides that the security regulations regarding the power of a MC in Germany are superb and should be applied everywhere IMO: The first two years of motorcycling one is only allowed to drive motorcycles up to 34hp and/or 0.098hp per lb dry weight. Means a 600cc Honda with 110hp has to be restricted to 34hp and a small two stroke Enduro weighing 250lbs to 24.5hp. Drivers under 18 and over 16 (cars are allowed from 18 on) can get "semi" driving licences for motorcycles with max. 125cc, 15hp and 50mph. That's enough to kill a young driver and two years in each class are a good time to get used to riding a motorcycle. I don't think I'd be as safe as I am on my 130hp bike today when I did not had the four years of restricted power. Very off topic, but interesting to see the reactions from non germans
jeff g Posted May 1, 2009 Report Posted May 1, 2009 Hawaii is a dream. The wife and I started windsurfing on Maui in the mid 80's. Traveled there every year for a long time. Between Paia and Kaahula was a great highway sign that had graffitti painted on it saying, 'Live Aloha', on the face. That grafitti was on that sign for 10 YEARS!!!. That was the way it was. I hang mostly on Kauai nowdays, and every moment I am there I feel the moment and LIVE ALOHA. Get back to it. What a wonderful place to wake up every damn day. Getting away from it all is what it is all about. Living that getaway is priceless. I will be in the islands this month...CANNOT WAIT!!! Make the MOVE!!!
Demsey Posted May 2, 2009 Report Posted May 2, 2009 I can relate to the 'dream' if not the geography. Happy for you. 'Family, Work and Dreams' are why we rise in the morning and it get's us through. I always try to stay a few plays ahead of 'dreams', like shots in billiards or snooker. When you realize a dream you have to fill the void with the next or the 'rising' may become less motivated. My 'Eldorado' is not as immediately or as astheticly pleasing as yours though 'Lanikai'. Pretty much a crummy little island nation below Florida. It's not for the geography anyway. Things are turning there. Being of a horse family I'll give you a big 'roger' on the Paniolo effect. Only a casual tourista of the chain (brother at Kaneohe in the eighties) my biggest thrill was the circle drive clockwise on Maui. Leeward side; the rough rock and crag surf blending to the lushness of what you would expect of the 'commercial perception' of the eastern side down to Hana, then after passing the Seven Sacred, the surprise, the windward grass lands, grazing cattle, the Paniolos. If you take those vistas in a narrow peripheral; upsloping grass fields, long horns, cowboys, big sky you'd think 'Wyoming'. Purdy cool. The big island seems as God's geographical version of the platypus; all mixed up. Snowy peaks, smoldering volcano, black sand surf, the velt. Never in a million could Voltaire have dreamed that 'Eldorado'. Best o' luck.
Wayward Posted May 2, 2009 Report Posted May 2, 2009 Lani, I truly hope this happens for you. To all of you here at RWG, I hope you all get a piece of paradise on this earth. Nice post Kronos. Live the dream Lani, live the dream!
Usil Posted May 2, 2009 Report Posted May 2, 2009 It's our dreams that keep us going and our hope that they may come true. Best wishes for your dream to come true some day. My dream is going to happen next year. I am going to be retiring next spring and plan to get an apartment in Paris for about 6 months. I will use it as a base and do many long and short moto trips across Europe. France is a beautiful country and Switzerland, if you have ever taken the back roads is heaven. Northern Italy is supurb too. Lots of places to explore. It will take me years. Here will be my base: Paris by Night - Panorama (scroll the picture from left to right) I like the City but my passion is to travel the countryside. The Alps is one of my favorite places to spend time. Here is from a trip several years ago. I already bought a small notebook, the Asus Eee 901 to keep contact with friends and create a diary with pictures of my excursiona. Great little computer to travel on a moto with. I have been to every state in the US except Alaska. Now it is time to explore Europe. (Nanuq - I will get to Alaska one day.) Usil
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