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EuroTimez Open Letter to RWG Forum, We're back Full-Time.


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Dear Forum members,

I hope you have a moment to spare to read thru this long letter in its entirety.

To address any issues, negative reviews, my long absence & RETURN.

Yes there were some real issues, I won't deny that, human errors, Qc issues as well. More than in our beginning months.

Mainly it was my extraordinary slow replies to e-mails which made me get alot of bad publicity.

In reality all dealers have problems, whether they have QC or not!

Yes in the last couple of months we had more issues than in any period of time.

Due to slow e-mail response in this fast past paced society which was not well received by a few clients. Which I can totally understand!

Wrong Foundation

After some serious personal events happened, which took my time away from my regular eurotimez-business, it disrupted our whole chain, our whole workflow was out of order.

I started to realize we were based on the wrong foundation, we were taking orders manually, payment manually, e-mails manually and repetitious answering the same questions over and over, sending pictures and also uploading a simple website…. Too many manual labor.

Then at the same time also, taking orders, contacting suppliers, Quality control, fixing watches, shipping and packing, managing my co-workers, stocking and inventorying and administration.... then also living and keeping a social life.

Most of the above manual labor sucked up most of my time to focus on things that matter most, QC and our customer Service and Care.

It took away from my ability to handle and oversee and mange my whole business which in return aloud us to have a lot of customer issues.

Besides that some major challenges/unfortunate circumstances came along on a personal level, which all happened around the same time.

I have now 2 other co-admins on e-mail replies and support.

Our Quest for Restructuring and new Foundation/Webstore.

I realized that things needed to get TOTALLY restructured from the bottom down to upkeep the high level of service and QC that we are striving to achieve.

One of the foundations where all business is centered upon is a professional webstore which I didn't have at the time.

So that is when I started to build this webstore from scratch, I had to build it twice as the first time the web designers basically wasted up my time (2 months) and my money, and I ended up with nothing.

Anyways I didn't give up on my quest and I finally succeeded, it had cost me a lot of sweat and tears and sleepless nights.

We also worked and trained more co-workers, who handle e-mail such as Patrick (general-support), Seri (co-admin), and myself for the tough questions!


Putting everything back into reality some factual statistics.

*In general we have an human-error ratio of 3-5%, last few months were about 6-10%.

(human error meaning things we overlooked that we could have prevented during QC, big or small things)

*Currently we have approx (less than) 12 pending cases which are in the process of being-resolved.

This isn't a lot on the scale that we are selling.

*We always try to handle customers’ issues as professional as possible, and we always offer some sort of compensation.

(altho there are ALWAYS people, and I think most business owners here can testify....

that SOME CUSTOMERS can't or ever will be SATISFIED.... you can't SATISFY everybody!)


All cases that I'm aware of are being re-solved or else they can contact us (admin@eurotimez88.com)


Some problems issues. aren't within our control (customs seizure, shipping issue), or are over-expectations from certain customers.


Some customers even took advantage of my absence on the forum, and posted blatant lies or over-exaggerations or half-truth in my review section. There are some who damaged their own watch and want me to take care of it, and/or blame me for lack of QC.

* We had some periods where our e-mail responses were extraordinary slow.

A lot of "bad" publicity was mainly caused due to not responding in time which made customers quite upset and stir up the kettle.

Remember, we all have issues from time to time, Most dealers who are still selling and going strong today had Issues in the past or still are having them!.

I've remembered and witnessed (and I know you veteran members recall) a whole lot other dealers who in the past intentionally lied and basically deceived their clients, some even running away with the clients’ money and never returning to the forum. Some withholding their clients’ monies for months upon months. We are and never will be part of that group, we had minor issues if compared to them. Some of the dealers who have done the above (proven and found guilty....white lies) are still selling here today.

We like someone said, "dropped a few balls" but are ready to move on pick up those balls and become even better than ever.

My personal message to the Forum and Eurotimez Clients.

Our intentions and our passion are pure and are not any different than when we started.

We had a rough few months, fixed up the holes and gaps to prevent any major issue to ever happen again.

I deeply and sincerely apologize to any forum-member who experienced any difficulties during the last 2-3 months.

I take responsibility for any inconvenience and humbly ask your forgiveness.

I also understand that we must start again from scratch to prove and convince all you forum members that we are sincere in our quest to deliver the best “service and QC” possible.

To all forum members and supporters, I apologize for my absence and for not contributing in some way.

I honestly felt I let you guys down and I couldn’t come back without something to “show” for.

This new webstore has taken a great toll in making and preparing, it was something that needed to get done for our survival and future.

Hope this clarifies my long absence and I hope to contribute again full-time on the forum as before.

If there are any questions, you can state them here in this thread.

I'm sad to see as well that I lost a few good friends in the process, I've read some post that shocked me and that I never expect to come out from those individuals, esp after what we've done for them on a personal level. We all got bad times, I hope to regain trust.

I thank all members who stood by me thru the good and the bad times! You’ve been great to me and I hope one day to return that favor.

Yours truly,

Chris (eurotimez).

On a side note, currently there are some QC issues that are legit and need to get addressed!

Again all are being taken care of...

We for the statement DO NOT DROPSHIP, ever. You can open your case-back to see our engravings. We at Eurotimez work with a TEAM. QC departement in China is being off right now, the people in charge have been spoken too, as there were some issues with lack of QC on the DSSD. Mainly the current watchmaker we were paying and using is getting very slacks and doing less than the minimum. He will get fired fyi, and we'll clean up the mess created. We have that under tight supervision right now. We will also make pics of actual watch before shipment, not only to prove that we do NOT DROPSHIP, but also so you can see what you are getting.

I'm just as dissatisfied with the 5-8 orders that could have been prevented, again the current >12 cases that are pending are in REALITY not alot if compared to the volume that we are selling and satisfied customers. It pisses me off as well, quite frankly. I'm DEF not grinning and smiling at all the extra work, cost, energy, negative feedback when things don't go according to plan!

If one department doesn't do their job doesn't mean that we are scammers, or liers, or that we don't clear any issues up. It's that the negative weighs more than all the postive things you do, that is life/reality.

Even you do 1000 good things you mess up 1 time very very badly due to whatever, ppl will frown/look down at you. I think you all have had this experience as well

Anyways we're are back and here to stay. Patrick (general-support) and Seri (eurotimez-co-admin) will be also part of the forum and we hope to contribute in any helpful/positive way possible.

I would appreciate if you please let us know if we still have your support by posting it in this thread.

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Thanks Fishgodeep, yes we taken ALOT steps and there are ALOT of differences made, most are in the background.

We have a better team, Patrick and Seri, are personally trained and will answer the load of incoming e-mails and request. The webstore, which is a major upgrade, and will be better and better over time.

Not all is depend on me personally now with my Team in place, so it's not just a 1-man-show. If I am unable to be there, about 90% of the business will keep running as usual!

Clients can log into their store to see their ORDER-STATUS, from A-Z.

Backoffice is totally redone.

QC will be upgraded and reshaped (still in progress) lately in China there are some issue with watchmaker as addressed above. We will def make that better and better.

@ Fishgodeep, I haven't met you before (i think) but u seem to be here for awhile already ?

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It takes more to own up to one's errors and responsibilities than people sometimes realize or give credit for; I think you're on the right track :) Your efforts in turning things around will go a long ways to show your level of commitment and integrity.

All the best :)


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Welcome back Chris!

I hope this helps and that all the members accept your apologies, specially those that have issues! I haven't done business with you yet, but

your good standing when you started and excellent reviews made your business model a breath of "fresh air"!

Goodluck and hope to do business with you soon!


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Good to see you back Chris and I really like your new webstore. I really like that MBK 5513 case only, but darn, I can't keep buying stuff. My wife might just kill me!

Hope to see more of you in the months to come.

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Thanks Two-Tone, I really appriciate to be here, RWG is my home and you guys treated me so well. I hope to be of assistance to the forum and it's members the next coming months...

Thanks Aligoat, let me know if you need anything, I'm sure I can help you out without your wife killing you. I always loved your custom vintage projects-posts & pics.

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Thanks Astrograph and By-Tor... good to be back, missed you all.

@ Astrograph, there is A whole lot more to the story, this is just the condense version :-) alot has happened in the past few months... but past is past, all is going superb now and we're headed for greater things...

@ Bytor, hope to be reading your new-reviews soon again :-) been away so long.

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Great communication Chris!

Apart from good quality, well priced and QC'd watches....the most important item offered on the forums by anyone dealing, is good communication.

Without it, many get nervous.

Here we have an example of excellent communication, which so much assists our members in reaching their decisions.

Thanks for taking the time to explain things.


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Thanks Offshore, should have done it much earlier, just felt like I had to fix things up first and I couldn't return without making sure everything was taken care of...

We are here to stay, and we hope to communicate and be of positive influence here on RWG. We're back full-time !

If you don't mind I'm gonna have to shut my eyes for awhile, it's locally here 6.30 am... (haven't slept yet) Patrick my general assistant will be on stand-by for any incoming Questions...

He might not be able to answer everything as he's new on the job. So if anything from me that needs to get answered please hold on... I will be back.

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That took balls Chris, to come out and take all the flack and sh1t (a lot of it very unfair in my view) like a man and stand up and apologise. Not many bosses stand up and 'carry the can' as you have just done, when an employee is so much easier to blame!!

Good on you Chris, look forward to doing business with you again very soon!!

Sixx :bones:

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I never thought id see a dealer admit fault, and that took courage , i respect that. Glad to see the eurotimez ive dealt with in the past back and running to par. And im glad your restructuring didnt include the removal of QC and unique photos of your exact watch youll receive, cause no one can compete with this revolutionary QC idea.

Good luck guys. Still my dealer of choice

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Guest Eurotimez-Patrick

I guess I am taking over while the boss sleeps. As for new watches, I thought I might give you just a little taste of one. I know it is not new, new, but our photographer is good. We have nearly 1,000 watches to add to the site and are working around the clock. Thank you all for your kind words.


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