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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/12/2016 in all areas

  1. ^^^absolutely^^^ They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.At the going down of the sun and in the morningWe will remember them.
    2 points
  2. I parked the car and kept the silence alone. We should remember all the time not just one minute a year. Following on from something @droptopman said in another thread, yes Europeans stereotype Americans as Americans stereotype Europeans and there are many British to this day who sneer that America was late into both wars and joined at the end, then tried to steal all the glory. There is no glory in war. Both sides loose, but one side generally looses more. The simple factual truth that even my father, an educated man with a keen grasp of history and politics, will never admit, is that Britain was on its knees staring defeat in the face during the Battle of Britain. America saved our [censored]. There is no dishonour in admitting it. Our soldiers and particularly airmen fought like terriers. Often bailing out of downed 'planes twice in a day, only to climb back in and face near certain death again. We simply didn't have the resources there is honour in what our ancestors did, but there is also honour in acknowledging what others did and probably in finally acknowledging that the bombing of Dresden and the sinking of the French navy AFTER it had surrendered were war crimes. Remember the cost of war and those that paid it and continue to pay it. I have seen too many guys sleeping in the streets and being unwanted by the society that was happy enough to send them into a war. America in particular has seen too many body bags flown home from the Middle East in recent years. Most of whom where from blue collar families, not the rich elite that are keen on war. Remember all those boys, the dead and the damaged and remember also the boys next in the line. Remember also that in modern warfare the majority of causalities are innocent civilians. Look for every option before warfare. I'm ranting a bit, but ex soldiers and their welfare is something very close to my heart.
    2 points
  3. Guys, I would be working with two other members to produce the correct spec datewheel for our ROO frankens and rep. Yes, we all know how ugly the JF ROO datewheels are so let's not bash it now. The goal is to supply accurate datewheels, literally scanned and copied from one removed from a gen I own, and then reproduced for the ETA2892 movement (franken) and A7750 movement (factory rep). The date font would be 1:1 and the magnified font size would be correct for both the LWO and A7750 variants. There would be no need for special cyclops to be used with these datewheels to achieve the correct magnification effect. The primary datewheel background color would be off white for the majority of the units and perhaps 10% in black with white numbers. The datewheel for the divers might also be produced. Please stay tuned. I will add pics as I go along. 25/4 Progress update 1: Scans of gen datewheel done and produced in different colors/backgrounds Update 2 May 2016: Transposing of the AP date fonts onto images of ETA datewheels and adjustments made for size, position and spacing completed. Vector image produced. Next update: To produce a prototype Omega datewheel on an ETA datewheel and do the necessary adjustment for size, spacing and positions
    1 point
  4. My father never talked about it either ( combat Marine Korean war).......... And Uncle Joe whose transport was torpedoed : he floated on a log for three days before getting picked up by a PBY then did Guadalcanal he never ever said boo about that action having read about I do not need to wonder why, Uncle Lou who fought with Patton's 3rd Army was captured by the Germans (battle of the bulge) but got away, Uncle Pat who made it through a full tour as B-17 fling fortress side gunner (very rare the attrition rate was ghastly) had three fingers on one hand due to touching metal at high altitude frost bite, Uncle Frank and Uncle Nicky who got lucky station in Hawaii after pearl Harbor for the duration of WWII and Uncle Jim who was never the same after he went to save guys from a flaming crashed bomber at his airfield , saw a hand reaching out for help came out with just an arm in his hand screwed him up big time. I grew up very close to these men every Sunday we all ate at Grandmas the entire group on a long table ( a sheet of plywood actually cover with a table cloth, we were poor) and another table for my 1st cousins , brother and I (17 of them!). Yes my family has severed and now my son does now, I have a lot to remember on that day. PS I only know these things because my Mother told me I never heard my Uncles talk about anything in the family group or alone in ones and twos out back in the yard after diner and drinks, hanging out smoking (as the youngest of the cousins I was always under foot listening) and my cousins didn't either as we have talked about it.
    1 point
  5. Amen, brother. My dad served and has congressional citations and a box full of medals, but still gets a faraway look in his eye and won't talk about it, but to thank God I didn't have to go. That's all he ever says about it. Sure wish I could take those memories away for him.
    1 point
  6. You can scrape it out with a toothpick or watch oiler. You may need to soften it first with water or acetone.
    1 point
  7. Looks awful Bart [emoji7] Sent from my SM-N930F using Tapatalk
    1 point
  8. Some nice human posts on this thread. War is terrible - full stop. There is absolutely no glory in warfare. I served in the Royal Navy during the first Gulf War. Whilst I didn't see any real action many of my friends and colleagues did. One of them served in the Falklands War and lost friends there. He still lives with the fact that they died and he didn't. Once a year he has 'sinkies' on the date his ship was sank and lives lost. He's shed many a tear on that date along with downing a few pints for lost friends. Put the politicians in the front line and see how long it is before peace is declared.
    1 point
  9. @Sogeha--well said! This too is something I feel deeply about. I never served and feel ashamed for that. All I can do at this point is honor those who have sacrificed to protect my freedom and way of life. I do what I am able to support veteran causes. Not just financially but also with my time and experience in Behavioral Healthcare. Many Thanks to those who have served.
    1 point
  10. Obviously this is a touchy subject and I have many good friends on both sides. I'm a fiscal conservative (when voting not when buying watches) so you can guess where my vote went. I spoke with one of my die hard liberal friends who posted a FB post much like the ones in here and much like the liberal media is pushing - Trump supporters are racist bigots. This type of name calling is exactly why the left lost the election. They are so out of touch with reality. I mean come on left, all of you have good friends who are on the right, are they really racist bigots? Of course not, but that's all the left has focussed on and all the media focussed on this entire campaign. News flash, that's why you lost. We are not racist bigots and you know it but throat was the campaign strategy of the RNC - instead of talking about how to make the country better we'll call them names. Didn't resonate with middle America. I mean the latino reporter on CNN almost had a mental breakdown when Trump said Bad Hombre. Seriously? Don't even get me started on Van Jones. My immediate family lives in FL, OH, NH, and WI. All voted Trump. My sister has a PhD in Physics from Dartmouth. I mean do you really think she's a redneck racist bigot? At the end of the day the DNC chose to focus on race and try and divide the country. That was their strategy and it backfired. Not because the country is racist but because they care about other things like lower taxes, better health care, secure borders and less regulation. I'm extremely socially liberal and would be happy to vote democrat if you ran someone worth voting for who didn't spend the entire campaign saying your a racist if you vote for the other guy. The Democratic Party, and particularly the liberal media think middle America is just a bunch of dumb racist rednecks. Nothing could be farther from the truth. My family along with 50 million other Americans, are neither racist nor stupid. Until the Democratic Party realizes that, they will continue to lose elections. I have absolutely no disdain for democrats. I just disagree with their view of America and Americas future. I don't believe the same could be said in the other direction based on what I've seen over the last 48 hrs.
    1 point
  11. We will see that regardless of our agreement with his political direction that DJT is a brilliant man. He's not the satanical figure that the liberals portray him to be. His vision for the country may not make everyone happy, but we will Soon realize that he's much more Capable than he has been given credit for. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  12. https://www.greatagain.gov/ He's got a website up now, starting the process of "identifying and recruiting the finest men and women from across the country to serve in [his] administration". He's looking for 4,000 people... "Any individual who wishes to serve the Administration should utilize this online application in order to participate." He's also taking suggestions from We, the People for positive change. Nice step in a positive direction.
    1 point
  13. Of course no. I spoke with him everyday. Yesterday he said he sent the watch back to me. Hope to get it asap. Will add some more photos when l receive it. Thanks for advice. Who else is a trusted seller? InTime?
    1 point
  14. What a treat to see you guys here again! Where's Jetmid??
    1 point
  15. Why thank you all. I'm honoured to be offered this position. I'll endeavour to assist to the best of my abilities. The drinks are on me, but please be quick as it is thirsty work and there's only about a dozen bottles of beer left before we start on the whisky!
    1 point
  16. Wrong print on the dial. Totally off in every aspect. Case looks more sloppy polished too if gen. I'd need more and better all around pics of it to determine. Gens for reference (of varying age):
    1 point
  17. I will as soon as it arrives. Will keep you posted. Thanks
    1 point
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