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Everything posted by jonthebhoy

  1. Many congratulations Chris on your wee team getting to the qualification stages of the Champions League. Now you will be praying that Barca take care of the Gunners to ensure you only have one qualifying round and not two. JTB
  2. Aye....but in Scotland laddie....... .......and no it's not me! JTB
  3. Just bought the new Mark Knopfler & Emmylou Harris CD entitled 'All The Roadrunning' and if you've been a fan of Knopfler's guitar playing down the years, as I have, then you will thoroughly enjoy this. He seems to have gone back to his old tried and tested sound which compliments Harris's voice to a tee. The album floats from a bit of rock to country rock to pure country and one or two superb ballads thrown in to give it a bit of balance. Sultans of Swing it ain't but I defy you not to like it. JTB
  4. Does E-Gold allow credit card registration and transactions and work in the UK? JTB
  5. Very very nice Puggy. Some "industry standards" there but no Pannies yet? Steps back in amazement! JTB
  6. Welcome klaatu0001. (Interesting name!) Read well and prosper. JTB
  7. As one of my old girlfriends used to say "You can't beat a [censored]-or-too" JTB
  8. I see too much of this... I would get fit by doing this... then this... moving on to some of this... closely followed by this... and this... and hopefully... ....we would finally then move on to some...... (sorry at work - no emoticon for what I was thinking about). JTB
  9. There are two main sources of electrical hum and buzz in electric guitar systems, and both enter through the pickups and electronics. The sources are AC electrostatic fields and alternating electromagnetic fields radiated from electric wires, lighting dimmers, fluorescent light ballasts, power transformers in amplifiers et cetera. Pickup coils and unshielded wiring in guitars act as very effective antennae that capture these radiated fields and pass the unwanted hum on along with the guitar signal. Historically Fender's Standard Single Coils can be quite noisy and if you are using pc recording software there will likely be reactive IF between the guitar pick-ups, your amp and your pc monitor as, especially if you are working in a small environment e.g bedroom (and more especially if it has light-dimming switches!). Fender do still produce a Vintage Noiseless pick-up which will reduce the horrible buzz significantly. I'm not sure changing the pick-up selector will do much, unless it's faulty of course. One little tip that I have used is to line the pick-up cavities and jack socket chamber with silver foil (making sure of course that there is no contact with cables) which does help reduce IF. Other than this, make sure all your contacts are sound and clean. Hope this helps JTB
  10. Our eejits never made it so I'll settle down in front of the telly and shout for England. JTB
  11. Maybe the ones that they export to Ireland have? JTB
  12. Thanks Rico - you are too kind (BTW - Did we agree 5% or 10%? ) This of course was another thing Chris missed out on in our GTG! JTB
  13. I can never undershtand the coynesh of film companiesh who do thish. They musht think we came up the river in a banana boat. JTB
  14. No way John........I'll never forget my roots. This is my home rich or poor. Actually I used to have a bit of spare cash before I found this place.......these days I'm permanently skint! JTB
  15. Looks like a pretty good day to me. JTB
  16. And eliminates the risk of losing a whole batch, should customs intercept your package! JTB
  17. I'm more Puff The Magic Dragon than Puff Daddy me! JTB
  18. Thanks guys but I ain't giving up the day job just yet. JTB
  19. Just had confirmation that our distribution deal is now in place and the following sites are or soon will be selling our music: iTunes Napster HMV Digital Virgin Digital Yahoo Music Unlimited MSN Music Club Musicnet@AOL MTV MyCokeMusic Tiscali Music Club Karma Download Tunetribe And more... 7 Digital Alapage.com Big Pond CDigix Commodore Music Freeserve Music Club FYE Download Zone iMesh Media Markt MetroTunes.co.uk Ministry Of Sound MSN France MTV DE MTV ES MTV France MTV IT MTV NL MTV Urge Music Choice MusicNow NC Numericable Planet Music Stream Prisacom Skynet Belgacom Sonic Selector (NTL) Tiscali DE Tiscali ES Tiscali IT Tiscali Music Club BE Tiscali NL Tunetribe Wanadoo Directmedia K armadownload Kontor Musicishere Wom-download Just one ep at the moment. Now I need to get writing some new stuff. No pressure then! JTB
  20. These two links will guide you through our entire ensemble of recommended dealers thus far: http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?showforum=19 http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?autoco...&CODE=02&cat=16 JTB
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