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Everything posted by Ztech

  1. That's great news!!! Thanks for keeping us posted R and I'll be sure to continue my thoughts and prayers for a FULL recovery.
  2. I've been waiting for this one myself. I've owned a few Oris watches in the past and they are great bang for the buck.
  3. This is a funny thread. In way good way I've been a long time member of WUS myself but hardly ever go there anymore, especially after I found RWG. Not that everyone there is bad, but many do seem to be drinking the coolaid there. God forbid if you disagree with any of the senior members there. One positive thing about WUS though, that it makes me appreciate RWG all that much more.
  4. Just sent up a prayer on her behalf. I hope she makes a full and complete recovery.
  5. Congrats on a nice pickup. That Seiko sort of reminds me of that Space watch that Seiko made a little while back.
  6. I would love to see this, but I won't be holding my breath.
  7. Just goes to show that a moment of weakness and a bad judgement call can have some deep consequences. I sorta feel bad for the member who tried this as he/she will have to live with it for the rest of their life. To Ubi hope this doesn't affect you making these creations as there are still honest people out there who enjoy your work. Don't let a few bad apples ruin it for the rest of us. To chiman, good catch!
  8. You maybe right. Again, I'm not expert. I didn't even know they had a knock off of a supposed "knock off".
  9. I'm no expert, but it looks real to me. Mine looks same with the same document. Also, if you have a saphire x-tal there will be distortion on the edges, but if you have a mineral x-tal then there won't be any distortion. From what I've read, there are two versions, one with saphire and one with a mineral x-tal. I happen to have a saphire x-tal version and I have some distortion on the edges. Maybe some experts can chime in...
  10. Ouch! Glad there were no serious injuries. For that left turner, was he blind???
  11. My prayers are with Nicola. Hope she makes a full recovery.
  12. I 2nd that!!!
  13. Dani, Last time I was in an AD I saw some U-Boat pieces in the 4 to 5K ranges. They sure don't go for $400 anymore, but I do remember some years back when they were in the 1 to 2k range. I guess with the popularity of big watches they've also moved on up.
  14. Wow, that's a beast! Congrats and please don't forget the wrist pics when she arrives.
  15. Wow! Awesome! Congrats and enjoy.
  16. I guess certain things are better left unsaid. Plus any number of those guys could have just spoken with their wallets instead of flaming the guy IMHO...
  17. Wow! What an awesome collection. Makes me drool...
  18. Awesome!!! Congrats and enjoy.
  19. Awesome! Enjoy.
  20. Happy birthday dluddy!!!
  21. I hear you hack. I really do, but I'm just a jr member here and I always hate to see this "type" of stuff happen. I really do hope that some sort of amicable settlement can come out of this. And I DO know when things come down to principle and one must take a stand on an issue. Again, I'm just hoping for a resolution to this issue. Then again, I've also been around enough to know this type of situation will happen now and then. I leave it up to the senior guys here to restore us back to the peaceful community we are...
  22. hank, I'm genuiney sorry that you're experiencing some headaches. I feel the same at the moment for hackR. Now that we all know the parties involved lets put in a real effort to resolve this issue in the best way possible. I think if you've been around reps long enough you're bound to see some bad and some good things happen. It's a part of life. So lets not loose sight of the fact these are watches we're taling about and not let it get outta hand. I hate to see this kinda stuff happen. It hurts us all. So... how about we give it a go and see if we can't get her fixed. z P.S. IMHO these situations mostly come about due to miscommunication or the lack thereof. I bet if you guys both took a step back and come back after a few beers your perspectives might change quite drastically. Best of luck to all involved.
  23. Thats a bummer hackR. I hope it all ends well, although I have my doubts. What can you say? We live in a world full of gray. I'm hoping for 2 things here... 1. this situation gets solved in an amicable fashion. 2. that you won't take me off your list of people you will be selling to. Do what I do. Take a step back and throw down a few beers, in my case several large shots of single malt whiskey, and see how things end up. Either way, those who know your character here don't need to question your motives or your actions.
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