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Everything posted by Indyclmbr

  1. How could you forget about your 063? Had one and reluctantly sold it to help start-up costs. That was a super watch period! I was advised by a number of people on this forum not to do it. I wish I would have listened to them! My first rule of rep buying. Buy the movement. Like I said, I had the 2893 063. I have a 2893 Exp II. Both of which were on the very upper end on what I would spend on a rep. Climb on.
  2. I have an black dial EXP II with eta 2893. The date font is wrong, the bezel font is a bit off from the gen, the cyclops is too far to the right. Having said that, I wear it every day and it has never been called out. Unless you comparing it to someone who has a gen, it won't get called out. Beautiful watch. My advice would be to see how well it keeps time over the next few days. If it keeps good time, I'd say you have a keeper. Just my two cents. Climb on.
  3. A) the daily beater : Explorer II the dress watch : Breguet C) the smart casual : PAM 172 D) the vintage : 5513
  4. Rod, Hope it works out for you. Give it a few days and if still nothing, maybe consider outing him or telling him that he leaves you no choice but to identify him to the forum. Climb on.
  5. My EXP II has a 2893 in it with the GMT hand on the bottom. Works great. The hands are angled up a bit to clear the hour markers, but it's barely perceptible.
  6. Beautiful pictures. The white dial EXP II was my dream watch as well. As a matter of fact, it's the reason I found RWG. I searched and searched and picked up I don't know how many different versions of both the white and black dial. I finally settled on one, a black dial with an eta 2893 in it. There are loads of flaws. Bezel font, hand stack, crown guards a little off, crystal doesn't sit high enough, date font is a bit off. Still, you know what. I don't care. I love the way it looks and the movement! I won't wear it to an AD, but it's the EXP II, no one is going to call it out. Of course, being a climber helps make it convincing. I really wanted the white dial, but the dealer only had the black dial left with the 2893 so I took it. Far and away the best rep I own, my absolute favorite. I'm getting ready to pick up a gen, probably next year. I think I'll go with the black dial instead of the white. I found it easier to read in the dark as well as in very bright conditions, like a snow covered mountain. I'm glad RWG helped me figure that out before I went and bought the gen. Here's a pic. (Not mine, I saved it from the dealer.)
  7. I have a 2893 EXP II. Hand stack is wrong, but I love that movement. Compared to my quartz Nike Altimeter watch, it loses about 30 seconds per month. Climb on.
  8. R11co, That's my bad. When I read the through the thread, I thought you said it depended. My apologies. I also like Pugwash's idea of one person keeping the list at this point. He made a good point about multiple people replying at the same time and creating two or more different lists. I don't want to be the one to keep it because my access can be a bit spotty. Any takers? Climb on.
  9. Awesome news! Good work pulling this together. Jay and Angel rock. The resourcefulness of the people in this community continue to impress me. Now, I had nothing to do with this, but I have compiled a list. Here's the updated version. Double check to make sure you're on there. If you want to add your name, just copy the list and paste it in your reply with your name added at the bottom. Same goes is you want off, just remove your name. This way we can keep a running list for Jay and Angel. And again, good work on this guys! Thanks. Climb on. Indy Silix ROLS 187 list Falco-2 watches Marrickvilleboy sportsterRider rek001 thl j-auz (eta preferred) fxrandy (eta preferred) pugwash (cheapo version) Ubiquitous rbj96-1 or 2 watches yt74-Questionable? rollypolly bmwrolex watchdude (eta preferred) paneraifreak John Paul olreon r11co-Questionable? chrgod klingsor-4 or more watches! alt.watch.obsess-Questionable? robertk riverwindMDS have blue tmg doubletap (good one only) piratedzeus (less expensive version-questionable?) longshot section8 frank2001 waterpruf-Questionable? justasgood jkpadget2 bremerk2 ylltrb masticore joelmassee ajminia DaveR Jimster paragonrep-1 maybe more jetsons (eta a plus, ivory colored lume, not the yellow stuff) manuel rower ciso1969 Indyclmbr (1, maybe 2 depending on movement, cost, etc.) Stephane Masticore (eta a plus, ivory colored lume, not the yellow stuff) Nanuq (Sorry I didn't get you on the list the first time.) Dieselpower Watchman3 docblackrock
  10. Vintage sub first, then one of these. Personally, I'd like it with an eta and a fixed gmt hand that tracks 24-hours, not the modified 2836 with adjustable gmt hand. Gorgeous pics BTW! Climb on.
  11. My three year old wears an Alaska Moose watch and a Polar Bear watch courtesy of Nanuq. Not everyday, just when she decides that she wants "to wear a watch like you Daddy." I picked up a little Tinkerbell quartz watch when we were at Disney this year. She saw the character flying during one of the many fireworks shows they put on and immediately decided she wanted to be like her. She doesn't watch any tv, except Sesame Street, so seeing the characters was a real big deal for her. She'll get that for her next birthday. My 1-year old just likes to grab my watches and drool on them. So far, they've proved to be waterproof as far as this activity goes. My hope is to get them both nice watches when the time comes. Until they are of age though, they'll wear some inexpensive quartz watches, and if I have my way, they will learn to tell time on an analog dial! Climb on.
  12. OK all. I tallied up the responses and this is what we have. Right now, 46 people are interested with a total of 51+ watches. Here's the list, in the order I read them. If I left you off, I apologize, just copy this list and reply to keep a running tally. If I noted something incorrect, or if your status changes from questionable to certain, again, just copy the list and post with edits to keep an up-to-date running tally. Hope I didn't step on anyone's toes by pulling this together. Climb on. Indy Silix ROLS 187 list Falco-2 watches Marrickvilleboy sportsterRider rek001 thl j-auz (eta preferred) fxrandy (eta preferred) pugwash (cheapo version) Ubiquitous rbj96-1 or 2 watches yt74-Questionable? rollypolly bmwrolex watchdude (eta preferred) paneraifreak John Paul olreon r11co-Questionable? chrgod klingsor-4 or more watches! alt.watch.obsess-Questionable? robertk riverwindMDS have blue tmg doubletap (good one only) piratedzeus (less expensive version-questionable?) longshot section8 frank2001 waterpruf-Questionable? justasgood jkpadget2 bremerk2 ylltrb masticore joelmassee ajminia DaveR Jimster paragonrep-1 maybe more jetsons (eta a plus, ivory colored lume, not the yellow stuff) manuel rower ciso1969 Indyclmbr (1, maybe 2 depending on movement, cost, etc.)
  13. Wow! What an overwhelming response. I don't know if anyone is keeping a running list, but I'm in for one of these as well. Just a beautiful watch! Climb on.
  14. Having gone through several rounds of acquisitions and paring down, here is the one watch that I cannot and will not do without. My eta 2893 Explorer II. It has a bunch of flaws, but I love the watch and the movement. The other one I won't give up was given to me by a member of this forum. The infamous Triple Red Sub. Not at all accurate, but I cherish the story around it and will use it as a prop to tell the story to my daughters about the first woman park ranger in the U.S. National Parks. Thanks Nanuq!
  15. Thanks for the heads up Andrew. Hope all is well and you can get everything ironed out quickly. Climb on.
  16. Something funny happened on my way to the forum. Check out this link! This is too funny. http://cgi.ebay.com/Caseback-Stickers-Red-...1QQcmdZViewItem
  17. eta 2893 Explorer II. It hardly comes off my wrist.
  18. Don't know about the 2824 question, but I wear my eta 2893 Explorer II everyday and it keeps time as well as the clock on my cell phone and computer. My PAM 063 with the 2893 in it keeps good time as does my handwind, Venus 175, Lemania 1874, Seagull chrono in my PAM 192. I expect the 2893s to last a lifetime and based on The Zigmeister's review of the Venus 175 copy and how supersmooth it is, it should last a while as well. I have a sub with a 2836 but it's been in the shop getting a new crown and stem. It kept good time while I had it. As far as longevity is concerned, I worry about the 2836 the most, but parts should be easily found for it if the need arises. Climb on.
  19. That's tough. I have had a bunch and pared it down, then added some more only to cull it back. My favorite three are a 2893 EXP II, the 2893 063 and the 192. If I could only have one, I'd go with this one. Climb on.
  20. I say vintage Seamaster or vintage Rollie without crown guards. Even though the beat would be off, I'd love a vinty Rollie GMT with a 2893. You could make it cheaper with the 2836 since the GMT hand wouldn't have to be adjustable and you wouldn't have to bastardize the movement. I'm for any vintage watch without crown guards! Climb on.
  21. Would these work with the new 2893 gmt datewheels? If so, I may be in. Just trying to figure out how it would be better than the one I already have. Climb on.
  22. Count me in for one for my 063. Sweet! Climb on.
  23. Everyone loves the SD! Even though you don't have it as an option, I'd recommend the EXP II with black dial. Sweet! But if it's between the two, I say SD as well. Climb on.
  24. I came to RWG in April of 2005 with very little knowledge. Since then, I have studied under professors The Zigmeister, DT, Ken, Ubi, Nanuq and many more (I apologize if I left your name out-I have learned a lot from the members of this forum and its predecessor.) I respect everything Rob says with regards to reps and movements. He is our watchmaster and in the short time I've been here, I am convinced he is on the money as far as identifying the Golden Age of reps as right now. For crying out loud, even the subs, with all their tells are now coming with better crown guards from the factory. But now, the question of the quality of steel is coming up. The titanium watches are harder and harded to find, instead we get brushed stainless. The 2893s have come and gone. It's an ever-shifting landscape and I think we'll see some very good reps continue to come through the pipeline, but I think the progress we've seen in leaps and bounds over the last few years will start to slow, and decline in other areas, as daschund has pointed out with regards to some high quality reps disappearing and being replaced with lesser quality versions. Thank you Zig for this post and for all of your posts and knowledge that you have contributed to the members of this forum. We missed you this summer. I'm happy to have my eta 2893 gmts! Climb on.
  25. Excellent questions from a new member! Welcome Toni. You have already received lots of good advice from some of the most knowledgeable people on this forum. My two cents, for what it's worth--buy both the Omega and the Tag and definitely stay away from the Pams. Yeah, they look big and ugly now, but pretty soon, they won't look so big and the ugly part is what theywill do to your wallet. Welcome aboard and good luck. Climb on.
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