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Everything posted by JohnG

  1. JohnG


    Hey how about NOT turning this thread into a stage for more of your non-stop America bashing. Show a little [censored] respect.
  2. My comment was directed towards your elaborate explanation of what you would do IF YOU WERE THE SELLER. That has nothing to do with what Adrenalin, the BUYER, should do in this case. Edit: That said, I am sorry about the tone in my previous post. It wasn't really necessary.
  3. This option has not only been mentioned, it has been recommended several times. As to Adrenalin's point that the extreme example of hospitalization is unlikely - yes it is unlikely. But it is not even close to being outside the realm of possibility. As long as the truth is unknown and I am not prejudicing my own ability to recovery my funds, I give people the benefit of the doubt. If it were me I would wait a bit longer and then contact the mods.
  4. I am not sure why you explain what YOU would do - are you suggesting you are the benchmark by which all others should be judged? What if the guy is in the ICU? Unconscious? Should he have left a note on his home computer to his wife before he went to work: "If I have a car accident of course tell my boss, but ALSO log onto www.RWG.cc and tell my buyer what happened." You don't know what this guy's situation is anymore than I do. Maybe he has a lame excuse - maybe he has a perfectly reasonable explanation. What is being suggested is that before filing a claim the OP show as much patience as possible and also that he involve the admin before taking action that can have serious consequences for all involved. I am the first to defend a person's right to exercise this option but it should be done responsibly. PayPal claims arising out of transactions involving counterfeit watches sold on this forum should be avoided if at all possible. Seems like common sense to me.
  5. I agree. I can think of many scenarios that would make contact impracticable and a low priority. He might be in the hospital in a coma - the only FACT we know for sure is that we DON'T KNOW. PP gives you 45 days. There is NO NEED to rush out a file a claim after five days. I would suggest to Adrenalin that he just keep track of his filing dates. If he hears nothing after a total of two weeks I would contact the admin here for help. And as an absolute last resort you have your PP filing. I think that 95% of filings can be avoided - and for reasons already stated great effort should be expended to avoid filing against members here. That said, I would never advocate "taking one for the team." That is patently absurd. It is your money - and if after all other avenues have been exhausted you have no resolution - you have a right to have your money returned.
  6. In my experience and for MOST dealers: "Asia Eta 2813" or "Asia ETA" refers to the 21J. It is NOT a clone or copy but just a regular cheap 21J movement. "ETA 2836" is EITHER a gen ETA or might be the clone. So far I have only seen PureTime advertise the actual ETA clone as what it is. Josh and Andrew, for example, advertise a "Asian ETA" that is in fact a 21J. And I know both of them (and many others) are selling watches advertised as "ETA" that are in fact clones. But I have seen neither sell actual ETA clones - that is, counterfeit ETAs with ETA markings - as what they actually are. I have an SSD that came from Ruby that in all likelihood has a fake ETA in it (I paid for a gen ETA). But I have to have the movement partially disassembled before I will know for sure. According to a couple of the accepted tells, it does appear to be a fake though.
  7. To US, and from 12-18 inches away, with good light. 95% of gen owners (if not more) would not notice the five minute marker flaw unless you pointed it out to them. You see it because you know it is there. Trust me, it is not AT ALL noticeable to people who don't already know what to look for.
  8. Here's another opinion from a SSD owner: Do nothing. First of all, no one will see these mods from more than a foot away - and even at a foot the watch must be well illuminated and still for anyone to see any of these flaws. Second of all, you can fix all that stuff and it is still just an okay rep - it is no "super" Sea-Dweller. As a watch, it is great. As a rep - somewhat mediocre. And the most serious flaw is the very very thin rehaut - and that can't be modded. Thirdly, 95% of owners of GENUINE Sea-Dwellers wouldn't know what things to look for to identify your SSD as a rep. So if you want to do the mods, do it for you - because you will be the ONLY person (aside from your friends on the forum looking at pics blown up 20 times life size) who EVER notices that the watch has a nice pearl, has shaved cg's, good SELs, etc., etc., etc.. And frankly, if I wanted a REALLY nice rep I wouldn't use the SSD as a base - you will just never get it anywhere near perfect. Just my opinion.
  9. I actually came across that while doing some googling on corrective surgery. I am a little lazy for that too. I wear gas permeable lenses and thought they are not ideal (discomfort on windy days when there is dust in the air), I see very well and don't have the nerd effect (my glasses lenses are THICK). By the way - weren't you expecting some results with the ladies from the change? How is that going? I had that effect when I went from glasses to contacts when I was eighteen. I actually became really bitter about it - when I wore the thick nerd glasses it was like I was invisible to girls. When I switched to contacts things changed a LOT. I didn't suddenly have women all over me, but at least some of them looked at me, smiled at me, etc. That was a TOTALLY new experience. And it really [censored] me off that suddenly for something so superficial my existence was now acknowledged. It took me a while to get over that.
  10. SEE???!!! Yeah, I was just talking about the light-saber. If you could make them for not too much money, you could do very well. I see you doing the whole StarCon circuit in the U.S. - pretty soon you will be buddies with an aging washed-up Mark Hamill - listening to him tell stories in slurred speech about the filming of Episode IV and how much better of an actor he is than Harrison Ford - all while pounding back Budweiser at a TGI Friday's far from the convention center. And you will sell a few dozen light sabers for $295 per unit ($380 for the "Ultimate" with effects chip) at each convention. It's going to be great man! Well, all except the part of having to watch Mark Hamill picking up flabby chain-smoking lounge lizards wearing lots of makeup.
  11. It came out good for you and everyone else in this thread - which means that I will be the ONE that has major complications (if I let the Fates trick me into relaxing my guard). As to the bird [censored] - that happened to me. I still have nightmares about it - but at least I can see.
  12. Ever try selling these to the freaks at the Sci Fi conventions like StarCon? Oooops. You aren't one of them are you? Anyway, there are always guys there willing to fork over a good sum of cash for any prop that looks and feels realistic. You know, the 40 year old men who have their moms make their Jedi robes from scratch and think that if they can just focus hard enough they will be able to tell girl at work "you want to have sex with me" and she will respond obediently, "I want to have sex with you..." They fantasize day and night about scenarios like this. That is your target market.
  13. Uh oh...
  14. It's cool but it is not "wholly" computer generated like it says on the video. They filmed a person's answers and facial expressions, made a very complex model of the movements, and then recreated them on a computer generated face. What they DIDN'T do, is have her (the computer model) answer a new set of questions and generate completely original context-appropriate facial expressions and gestures. THAT would be impressive.
  15. Hilaire du Berrier. Stay tuned, coming soon to this thread: the Illuminati and Freemasons. This gets better and better. Carry on!
  16. Interesting thread. I had toyed with the idea at times but this thread has convinced me to NOT have it done. A lot of people with complications (minor - but complications) and no long term trials yet. I need my vision 100% (I am a painter) and I just can't risk it. I was most persuaded by the sober advice in these two posts: And by this from the FDA: In other words, no matter HOW good the surgeon, equipment failure during the procedure can have disastrous results.
  17. Doesn't anyone read "SkyMall"? They have been selling these for years. I have always been curious though if they work well... Looks like this guy is impressed! In fact it looks like he hasn't take the thing off in 72 hours.
  18. Those sneaky Rockefellers!
  19. http://www.howtomakeashapedrotatingforcefield.com
  20. Well, eventually it will come to that - just be patient. I am sure that someday, if you think a negative thought about U.S. foreign policy or the Rockefellers, your cranium will just explode in a shower of blood and grey matter. Happier now?
  21. No, they won't need them. They will make you into a docile sheep whose only desire is to lick the boots of every police officer he sees. Oh, and report on the activities of people being critical of the U.S.
  22. There are still cheap reps with solid caseback. http://www.cqout.com/item.asp?id=3569520 Price for watch:
  23. Noooo..... actually I don't. For example, you stated that the media in the U.S. did not inform the public that their own government was giving military aid to Georgia. I gave you a list of periodicals that DID report this fact. That is not ignoring, that is refuting. I was DIRECTLY addressing YOUR point. You replied by making some comment about traveling outside the U.S. That has nothing to do with what we were discussing. THAT is ignoring the points I made. See the difference? No.... I am going to guess you don't.
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