I would be interested in seeing that spread sheet, would be good to show the wife i think
"see honey, I am not as bad as Stephane!"
You have a point but this hobby is not just about virtual people, there are sone good friends of mine here now and i will be sharing a drink of three with some of them this weekend!
Me i just convince my self i dont need it, i failed this week when i sent a PM for a 3rd Ingy but luckily it sold to some one else, I used to sell straps to fund the hobby but i have been busyer with other and biger things recently so that bit of cash i had from the straps is not there so it is hard to take money from other places to spend on a rep these days, i think what some one said above was the rightway, but a bit by every month and only buy a rep when you can afford it from what you have saved. or get a job in the spare time you may have and use this for you reps, but only that