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Everything posted by FxrAndy

  1. What a wonderfully shaped case, loverly watch, very jelous and i am not even a rolly fan!
  2. Sorry never had one
  3. Dont know a paul smith but have a good look about and you will find some great people here, for you i would recoment Eurotimez, Precious time, Narikaa, all in the eu. Welcome to RWG
  4. Welcome to RGW
  5. INGY
  6. Nice one again BT, i assume you have a nice little collection again now?
  7. Third
  8. No but i tell you who is making a profit, all the vendors the Americans bring with them!
  9. Well right now i am sat in a tent in the middle of a middle east desert and have not seen a proper toilet in 13 days! and i am not an oil worker or bedouine!
  10. I think you will find once you get it you would find it hard to take it off, you will find that you are waering watches all the time!
  11. I would say get a few good quality tools from cousinsuk Rob, basics include a decent set of screw drivers, movement holders, hand removers and setters, patience, rodico, a couple of sets of tweasers, pin vises, various case back openers, case holders, patience, a couple of loupes 3x and a 10 x i find good, patience, peg wood, pith wood, patience and a couple of large shot glasses (for covering open movements with to stop dust. oh and a dust plower.
  12. Very interesting thanks for showing them to us, I do agree about the indentity bit.
  13. Thank you, the watch is easy to get the the date wheel you will have to get in touch with Lello
  14. I would swap places with him no worries
  15. Too much talk about hands on poles for me!
  16. I think you would both be well served by spending some more time reading here before you spend any more money!
  17. Morning all, I see alot of the problems here are just the same in real life, some people have different tastes and houmor levels and people get offended inthe real world by what people say and do, some people are impolite and that is becoming more comon place, alot of people are in tilorent and others are inconsiderent. Here is no different! we all come from different cultures and places. Where the problem can be maginfied is that this is a writen world, when we first got dater comunications in my job to replace radio trafic we all had to learn to think about what and how we wrote somr thing. On a radio every thing was spoken in a language with rules that were set in stone! it did not matter what the position or standing was of the person the other end was he got the same voice and wording no matter! when you have to compose a sentance, (and please bear in mind that some of the people that join my profession are drawn from the lower end ofthe education spectrum, like myself) and structure it to be polite so as not to offend or upset the person on the other end as they may be in your rank structure the CEO or MD with the lowest driver or store man writing it, and still get the same responce that you would expect if you sent the order over a radio. it took quite a few long walks to some ones location for a face to face untill people thought about how they wrote what they did. We all have to learn to be tactfull, considerate, tolerant. But at the end of the day and you are not in the mood for that just tell the bloke who pissed you off to Fuck off. I am off to the GGG thread as it is the only place where that content is available where i am in the world right now. Andy OUT.
  18. Nice Photo
  19. Well i read it and i ahev to admit that i do not understand it, but to the point being neither did they (the wall street people) making money off the same money 5 times over but it never existed in the first place, you invest in to a long return, over 25 years some one pays the full mortgage back then no losses, but if they default then no return and you are left with ultimatly the deeds to a property that no one can buy as every one had invested in something that was never going to pay off! Does that sum it up?
  20. I had a exploding fiddy once and i got Finepix to do a crytal swap for me, the crystal was a touch too small for my o581 case so the crystal had to be glued in, no problems with exploding any more but i dont think i would swim with it now! if you are doing any mods on a FIDDY get some DSN hands and a high canon pin at the same time and it will look like this
  21. Not a good sign, some one who is first a watch smith and then declines becase he has to remove hands, keep looking mate you will find some one
  22. I wear my black bird in the bracelet having used my strap for my home made pilot watch and the bracelet is perectly suited for the BB, i am sure if you ask about the collectors here you will be able to get one
  23. Not bad at all, does anyone know if Citizen use the same compound as seiko
  24. Those of us still serving like to know that we are thought of and will be rememberd as i said above.
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