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Everything posted by fotoman

  1. Dude, Zerox totally invented the mouse - did you notice in his presentation Apple was the first to "bring it to market" not Invent according to wikipedia Bill English invented the so-called ball mouse in 1972 while working for Xerox PARC[6]. The ball-mouse replaced the external wheels with a single ball that could rotate in any direction and came as part of the hardware package of the Xerox Alto computer. Perpendicular chopper wheels housed inside the mouse's body chopped beams of light on the way to light sensors, thus detecting in their turn the motion of the ball. This variant of the mouse resembled an inverted trackball and was the predominant form used with personal computers throughout the 1980s and 1990s. The Xerox PARC group also settled on the modern technique of using both hands to type on a full-size keyboard and grabbing the mouse as needed. Modern computer mice took form at the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) under the inspiration of Professor Jean-Daniel Nicoud and at the hands of engineer and watchmaker André Guignard.[7] This new design incorporated a single ball and two buttons and remained a common design until the mainstream adoption of the scroll-wheel mouse during the 1990s.[8] Honeywell produced another short-lived type of mechanical mouse. Instead of a ball, it had two plastic "feet" on the bottom which sensed movement. Another type of mechanical mouse is the trackball mouse, which operates like an inverted mouse. Users rotate a large ball in the mouse with their fingertips instead of moving the mouse itself. The trackball is usually located where a centre mouse button would be, with the buttons on either side. The first trackball mouse was invented in 1991 by Logitech, and was launched with the Apple Powerbook.[9] Trackballs required less wrist movement than traditional mice, and thus decrease the risk of strain injuries. The micro track mouse is a small handheld mouse that is marketed for for use with a laptop computer. I suppose Microsoft didn't steal the windows concept from Apple?
  2. Swiss Made too close to the 6 - or it could be just the way its sitting in the case, it should be halfway between 6 and case. i don't think i have seen that dial before, is it a new davidson or something? its a great watch Beut strap - i love it
  3. ok, First, let me say that my best grade in law school i got in Intellectual Property. Second, they are negotiating in court, but ALL matters are negotiated with the loom of court. third - its not just in the US, wherever Cisco sold this product their iphone, they had trademark rights. (under US law and would assume similiar in many countries) Registration of a trademark as in the US only provides the rebuttable presumption of trademark rights. i.e. it shifts the burden of proof the accuser that they had trademark rights before the registrant Fourth - Yes, Everystatement made by high level officials of public companies is cleared by company lawyers. I think this was a bold move to try to get the public on their side. Fifth - Dubius/ it doesn't apply to us because theirs is an IP phone and ours is a Cell phone is just Rediculous. - its like saying, i'm going to make a beverage and call it coke - but mine is different because its a juice and not a carbonated soda. Sixth - here is a great comment on the subject, - the term Iphone was trademarked in 1996 by a small company that was bought in 2000 by cisco (still before the ipod came out) and it appears cisco has been releasign products under this name for a long time. http://www.gizmag.com/go/6718/ it also appears that the hold up in the negotiations was apple not wanting to integrate ciscos iphone into appple products. This is the same sort of [censored] i don'[t give a [censored] move that Steve Jobs has pulled his whole career - he stole the mouse idea from zerox - and young apple was not Google to work at. - he has done some great things, but he is a real [censored] but - that is what it takes. If you wnat to be on top you have to stomp on people.
  4. Sync yes, push no - thats teh whole thing. they aren't going after that market at all - Yet - i'm sure goodlink and a few others will get software for it, but were 1-2 yrs away from true 3g and push email. then, Fughettabout it. Till then blackberry has the market - i have to say Windows Mobile 5, although not as user friendly as BB - i am happy with . Here is a great interview. in the Phone/ Tech world, there is 1 guy who is like the Super Guru of upcoming stuff and usually leaks the most secret of new things. His name is boy Genious - big in all he major phone forums. this is an interview with the editor of blackberrycool.com Which is a great blackberry blog for keeping up to date on new cool stuff. its VERY telling of what the real impact is and was of the announcement http://www.blackberrycool.com/2007/01/10/003180/ pugs, apparently IPODS work better in europe - must be those crazy plugs you got over there - i hope i'm wrong, i hope it lives up to all the crap jobs said. Having experienced these thing before - well - lets put it this way, They don't even have the rights to use the term Iphone which cisco sued them for today. So with someone that reckles how can you believe all the hype its going to rock even if its what i think will come out.
  5. Your PSP isn't "thinner than the motorola Q" - but, 5:30 is still impressive Sure, i could strap a laptop battery on the thing and play for 10 hrs It also has to do with file size and processing and hard drive The ipod has a hard drive that has to spin - this new thing will likley be all flash based. Which is better for battery power Pugs- how big are your movies on the ipod, mine range in the 3-400 meg size - that could be it to, as larger file sizes will consume more battery/second and just for a short trip down memory lane - My Phone collection
  6. on the battery life - i had a 30 gb ipod video (got the 60) because the battery life was eh - here is apple's specs Power and battery6 * Built-in rechargeable lithium ion battery * Playback time (30GB model) o Music playback time: Up to 14 hours when fully charged o Photo slideshow with music viewing time: Up to 4 hours when fully charged o Video playback time: Up to 3.5 hours when fully charged the 30gb had exactly 1:45 of battery life - you would always miss the end of a 2 hr movie - that is HALF of the claim - cmon, thats some bs the 60gb got 3hrs of video battery life, or 2 hr movie and probably another 5 hrs of just music play Apple does some neat things, but battery power is related to the laws of physics and were just not there yet. But very close OHH, and do you know how hard that screen is going to be to keep clean? with fingers and your face on it -Yuch its hard on my blackjack but when i used to have my i300 which was just a big screen, it was a pain
  7. it is usually because of in house testing - the FCC would approve a phone for months and CIngular or Verizon wouldn't let it out of their QC testing - same thing with phone updates when the 8700 came out it had SERIUOS problems with battery and phone sound. The update, which was only out on Bharti in india fixed these problems luckly iwth blackberry you can load other carriers software. it took cingular nearly 8 months to follow with the update. - Re: airplane mode in the US its no go, the flight attendents now say - we don't care if you have airplane mode, if it can make calls you can't turn it on - at the end of the electronic devices announcment. If it remotely looks like a phone they go apeshit and say look if you dn't turn it off, were goign to call the marshals to come arrest you when we land I tried to tell the lady that i was well aware of FCC regulation and that i was not violating it. BUT - she correctly pointed out that she doesn't give a [censored] because its a crime not to follow the flight attendants orders - at lesat when it comes to matters like this. I was soo [censored]. anyway, i also find that if your wearing a business suit, they won't bother with you listening to your ipod on takeoff, but jeans and tshirt don't think about it this has been accurate for me 80% of the time. There are always a few hard asses and a few who don't care
  8. Which one of our dealers have day jobs? at least the older established ones The markup on the watches is probably in the 80-100% range, but that does not include all of the costs, shipping, seizure, the 30% of crap that rolls from the factory that they have to deal with. and the higher end stuff, probably is in the 60% range - just a guess, but based upon all of my reading and the "reports" from guanzu In the end, High Gross doesn't mean high net, but i'm sure they are making enough to keep it going I'm happy with what i'm paying for reps - i'm happy they can make money at it so i can keep buying them
  9. a few things As someone who used to be as into phones as he was watches - (i was a moderator at the smartphone forums) these "will be out in 6 months, or even 1 yr" is very common, back in the days of hte early palm phone, sprint would announce the phone and have it available almost 10 months later- we had to wait and drool over that time. This phone has just gotten a tremendous amount of press, so thats why it seems different. this is definatly a leap forward in phones - its really amazing actually. I just got the new blackjack. the High Speed Data is Unbelievable. I get a crystal clear picture streaming from my home TV through slingbox. I mean, its really unreal. Downside 1. this new phone will only have edge - which is ok, but if your puttinga full internet browser ect ect in - UMTS is the way to go. I'm sure its all about battery life. The screen will eat it up and so will the UMTS 2. Battery life on this thing will be miserable - we haven't solved that problem yet. we need fuel cells really to use this thing like we'd want to. 3. you won't be able to use it on a plane - which for travelers is why you have an ipod. This will be good for the gym or the subway and maybe the car, but if your really traveling, forgetaboutit. I'm sure the 2nd and 3rd generation of this device wtih the high speed data (i am willing to bet were talking 6-8 months after the first one is released) will be quite amazing. - I hope they have a user swapable battery and a high capacity one, because, your going to get like an hour of talk time and an hour of music out of it and its dead - and, forget about using bluetooth headsets - battery battery battery
  10. it looks cool, ect 4gb doesnt' do much for me, i have 40 gig of stuff on my ipod I just got the new cingular blackjack and i'm in the UMTS data zone - WOWOWOWOWO, its streaming media off the internet like childs play, when a call comes in you take it, hangup and it automatically restarts the feed!!!!!!! this is an impressive device.
  11. Seeing as your relativly new - you made the right choice if the money won't break you - go with andrew. later, down the road, on a less important piece to the collection if you want nto give paul a shot and see 50-50 or 60-40 if it works for ya - then do it then.
  12. gen has a crappy crown - if i got the Gen i'd get a palp crown for it
  13. the "old" davidson dial i put on my 177h - take a look at the comparison in the links in my sig. With the naked eye you won't know the difference.
  14. why not get the brequet with working tourbillion from josh - gold is cool, but tourbillion? for 650? i'm not sure if its 1st 2nd or 3rd generation of tourbillion movements
  15. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/...70103201418.htm Brain Scans Predict When People Will Buy Products Science Daily — For the first time, researchers have used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to determine what parts of the brain are active when people consider whether to purchase a product and to predict whether or not they ultimately choose to buy the product. The study appears in the journal Neuron and was co-authored by scientists at Carnegie Mellon University, Stanford University and the MIT Sloan School of Management. This paper is the latest from the emerging field of neuroeconomics, which investigates the mental and neural processes that drive economic decision-making. The results could have a profound impact on economic theory, because the decision of whether to purchase a product is the most basic and pervasive economic behavior. Previous imaging studies have found that separate parts of the brain are activated when people are confronted with financial gains versus financial losses. The authors of this latest study believed that distinct brain regions would be activated when people were presented with products they wish to purchase (representing a potential gain) and when they were presented with those products' prices (representing a potential loss). The researchers wanted to see if they could then use this information to predict when a person would decide to buy a product, and when they would pass it up. Twenty-six adults participated in the study, in which they were given $20 to spend on a series of products that would be shipped to them. If they made no purchases, they would be able to keep the money. The products and their prices appeared on a computer screen that the participants viewed while lying in an fMRI scanner. The researchers found that when the participants were presented with the products, a subcortal brain region known as the nucleus accumbens that is associated with the anticipation of pleasure was activated. When the subjects were presented with prices that were excessive, two things happened: the brain region known as the insula was activated and a part of the brain associated with balancing gains versus losses -- the medial prefrontal cortex -- was deactivated. Furthermore, by studying which regions were activated, the authors were able to successfully predict whether the study participants would decide to purchase each item. Activations of the regions associated with product preference and with weighing gains and losses indicated that a person would decide to purchase a product. In contrast, when the region associated with excessive prices was activated participants chose not to buy a product. This study challenges the conventional economic account of consumer purchases, which views consumers as deciding between the immediate pleasure of making a purchase and the delayed pleasures of alternative things for which the same money could be used. The results of this paper support an alternative perspective that views consumers as trading off the immediate pleasure of making a purchase against an immediate pain: the pain of forking out the money for the item. The results can explain the growing tendency of consumers to overspend when purchasing items with credit cards instead of cash, because consumers do not immediately pay for items charged to credit cards and the "pain" of the potential loss is minimized. Economic policies designed to promote savings would thus need to take this into account. It also suggests that differences in how much people spend and save may be partly explained by differences in the degree to which they find spending money painful. The Neuron paper was authored by Scott Rick and George Loewenstein of the Department of Social and Decisions Sciences at Carnegie Mellon; Brian Knutson and G. Elliott Wimmer of the Department of Psychology at Stanford; and Drazen Prelec at MIT's Sloan School of Management. Note: This story has been adapted from a news release issued by Carnegie Mellon University.
  16. i gotta get down to the local watchsmith to see if he can pop out my crystals - is there anyone else in South Florida that does this? like another member?
  17. i differ from pugs and highly recomend Canon - if you want to stay around 200 (EDIT ment 200 bucks not 100) bucks - check out the deals on the DS700IS i have it, it rocks its been my research and experience that pound for pound canon has thebest cameras in the sub 500$ market. pugs likes panasonic i have never used them so i can't attest good luck
  18. welcome - yes, much to read, that can't be stressed enough. but there is much wonderful to find here enjoy
  19. i've dumped almost all my pam straps but the v's they have good girth
  20. fantastic, good luck - we all have to come to terms with who we are adn what we are willing to do for money at some point in life
  21. holly crap i better go take the "I AM PHObANd from rwg II" neon sign down from my yard fyi - my real "collection" page is being updated, i am waiting for a new piece to come in then i'm going to bump it- i have a few more pieces now - i will eventually get around to redoing the shelf photo
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