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Everything posted by offshore

  1. Yes S, I was pretty happy with that result. She is currently on my wrist and thus far at about 2 secs/day. So the old girl is in pretty good health. Had one of my collectors around today, dropping off a couple of watches...he spotted her straight away. And an offer of $350 was immediately forthcoming. Now I'm a bit of a $$ whore, but even that wouldn't tempt me on this one. Maybe in a few weeks when the glow of first love recedes? Don't think so, shes here for the long haul. O/S
  2. So Madame Doxa has emerged from the day spa, massaged, oiled, and has even had a new belt added to the wardrobe, courtesy of Mr Hirsch! Pity the photographer lacks the skills to show her true beauty! Definetly a keeper this babe. Just beautiful, for one approaching Granny status! Offshore
  3. Picked these 2 up on the 'bay today. http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=150506681414&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT#ht_500wt_949 http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=270649825985&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT#ht_500wt_949 As it happens, I have a new plexi for the '62, and i just sold one of the 7005 -2000's for some good $$ so it was worth grabbing as a replacement. Another punt I guess, some don't come off, but these 2 look the goods. O/S
  4. I call a shill job here! Gen or no, we need honesty and transparency in this place. Please run your promo elsewhere. O/S
  5. It came through the Offshore door today, not working as was stated. Probably never would with a broken mainspring! A touch over 1 hour later it was ticking along..."just like a bought one" Has now been stripped, and is in the spa. A little lube job, and fit a new belt, and voila....resurrected from the dead. Think this one goes to the watch box...not the shop! Offshore
  6. Well flip it into an envelope, and send it Down under! Thats a pretty watch, and would look awesome in the O/S watch box! Offshore
  7. Freddy said it all- If a sticky ball opens a case back, it was never tight enough to start! And I trust you are testing your watches after you close them with a sticky ball...I'll assure you they won't be closed tight enough! In regards to the specialist Rolex case back sets, there are many grades made, and a lot are packaged very much the same. However prices vary dramatically, as does the quality. The 29.5 die (the most used one) does not line up with the flutes on Rolex case backs, in a lot of the examples available. ( Problems with the smaller sizes also exist, but are not as pronounced.) The model we have selected and sell, is at the top end of the price bracket, however it does have dies which will open your Rolex caseback, and not mulch up the case back flutes. In fact we also source a spare 29.5 die, from the same supplier, to replace into those who have kits with faulty dies! Our DSSD die, does line up and work correctly, and is available as an extra. Do your research on this one guys, as one use of a faulty die will cost more than that complete case opener set! And the price difference from mediocre to excellent is a mere few $$. Offshore
  8. I'd be confident it was good to go! As stated earlier, it may well be a bearing, no biggy just push in a new one...should be relatively easy to get....just don't quote it as a Tag part, use the ETA numbers. and don't mention Tag. O/S
  9. You have incoming re question for those bits! A
  10. Hey, Maybe you need to spend a bit of time here- http://www.rwgforum.com/forum/237-watch-bitz/ Or visit our shop- www.watchbitz.com.au If you register, and quote RWG, you will then receive a further special RWG discount on your purchases. Read how to do that here-. And ask any questions by emailing me at watchbitz@bigpond.com or PM me here. Offshore
  11. For a bit of nostalgia, I went looking for that "Eddie Lee" thread. After sifting through 23 pages, i think this one is what was referred to! Some memories in that lot! O/S
  12. What movement did the one you got hold of run Bob? Obviously hoping for ETA. O/S
  13. No, not a divers Bob! http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=250709618437&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT#ht_500wt_949 I thought it was worth a punt at that money...may be broken beyond repair, but it will be a pretty watch if it goes and has a little TLC. Can't let you guys have all the fun. O/S
  14. I could probably get you a cuppla $ for that in the shop! J K. Great work mate, glad it finally got over the line. Hope Grandma is as pleased as you are. Like it a lot, has a timeless quality, and the strap works exceptionally well. Congrats. O/S
  15. Looks like a snap back to me, so a knife should do it. Look for a lip, around the circumference of the back to get a knife under. And for capacitors- http://watchbitz.com.au/store/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=3_41&zenid=5e280c35c5d10c734e07fcb4be377871 I know you wont find them cheaper than here- especially with your RWG discount, (if you are registered on the site.) Offshore
  16. Some of our members here may have seen this already, but for the rest of you, there is a big benefit raffle happening at Rep Geeks right now. A well-known member of the RepGeek community is having a real hard time of it at the moment. He has been diagnosed with testicular cancer and is suffering very badly. On top of this he has lost all his income and is struggling to feed his wife and family as he is unable to work at present. Rep Geeks have organised a raffle and fundraiser for him to try and tide him over while he goes through treatment. If you'd like to contribute and, at the same time, put yourself in with a chance of winning one of many great prizes, including a gen Brietling, please go and check the thread over at RepGeek (Please note, you will need to be a member there to read the thread and enter.) http://www.repgeek.com/showthread.php?p=1349258#post1349258 The admin team here are always supportive of any legitimate benefit for a member of our communities in distress. For the admin team. Offshore
  17. You are right, I stood and looked at it for 20 minutes today, and my eyesight certainly started to dim!. O/S
  18. This jigger has now found its way into the Offshore household. There are a few things we now know about it (and many we still don't) 1. It is a pressure tester, or at least the attached pump, is a pressure pump, not a vacuum pump. 2. It was built by Omega in the late '60's or early '70's. 3. Omega tech division insist it was part of a series of testers bought out for quartz watches, QUOTE 4.Someone on one of the watch repair forums thought it was a unit bought out during the NASA/Moonwatch project. 5. It functions, and has no leaks. 6. The red fluid is, I think, glycol. On the face of the tube is an inscription, (next to the graph) pg/min. and looking up Wiki, pg = glycol= antifreeze = brake fluid?? 7. The 2 valves on the back are most certainly to shut off air flow, however the sequence of use is unclear. 8. There is another valve in the base of the top chamber, which looks to be some sort of a safety relief valve, which exits outside the unit. 9. The tube running from the bottom chamber to the top, internally has free access between the two chambers, and its base sits in the glycol which just pools in the bottom of the lower chamber. (and will blow up into the top chamber under differential pressures) 10. The watch holder in the top chamber allows the watch to be raised and lowered, which would indicate that some water, (or other fluid,) is at sometime in the top chamber, and the watch is lowered or immersed into it. 11. On the face of the lower chamber are a series of graduations, seemingly to read the red fluid in the two tubes- the rear tube is captive within the lower chamber, the front tube as stated vents into the top chamber, suggesting some sort of variation between the two which can be somehow correlated as to either a leak, or lack of water resistance. 12. The "thing" is called an "Air Leak meter" 13. there is a timer on the base, which works in conjunction with the pump. and can be set to a maximum of 6 minutes. When it reaches zero, a bell/buzzer sounds. So I am FIIK how this jigger is meant to work, however I was speaking to the president of the local watchmakers assoc, yesterday, and we have a meeting this coming Tuesday. So I am going to take it along for "Show and Tell" The other interesting sidelight, was that Omega showed initially some interest in it for their museum, however when I suggested that it may be worth a gold Seamaster, the silence was deafening! Oh well, always worth a try on! Hopefully Tuesday night reveals the intricacies of this "thing", however I am open to all and any theories as to its operation, and how the results are displayed, or deduced. Offshore PS It doesn't make your penis any bigger!
  19. @chiman, No the one we sell is 6mm wide X 50m, and comes out of Japan. I saw a roll of it on a watchmakers bench, maybe 18 months ago, and took details of the specific brand and model, and I get it in from overseas. I'm guessing it is a "high performance" tape, not unlike that however. O/S
  20. Its not unlike D/S scotch tape to look at...its about .011mm. thick. ( .018mm with the cover strip on) It does have a more substantial feel than scotch tape however, its almost as if once the cover strip is peeled off, all you are left with is a glue base, with no actual tape in there. I, and some other local watchmakers have used it successfully over the last 12 months, and we have probably sold 100 rolls all over the place, and have not had one complaint or reaction. O/S Just checked the suppliers promo. Its called a 'high performance acrylic tape"
  21. A bit more difficult if you ever want to remove the dial, and it, like silicon, can find its way in to areas where its not welcome! I would stay away...just get some decent D/S tape. O/S
  22. Agreed on DS tape (as above) however it needs to be VERY strong...I searched for quite sometime to find a tape strong enough to use. And YES, thickness is also an issue. Another method, (although frowned on by some) is to use minute dobs of silicon...just make sure none finds its way where it shouldn't be!! O/S
  23. You don't need "dots". They are just double sided (very strong) tape. We sell a roll of tape- 6mm wide, which can be then cut to size. http://watchbitz.com.au/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=0&products_id=260&zenid=95d72aebc298128ada921e623bf52bd0 You would do thousands of redials with this one roll. Offshore
  24. Some interesting happenings over this. I'll update in a few days. O/S
  25. R, There will be a prayer goes out tonite from here! Hope and trust things will improve. O/S
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