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Everything posted by cornerstone

  1. Ah, you may be right. I think it was this one:
  2. Sundials: For when it's sunny. Not so good at night. Atomic Clocks: Accurate, but bulky. Grandfather Clocks: Not a great look for younger people. Heavy. Mobile phones: For when you need to know the time. Also used by young women for messaging naked pics.
  3. The Shortest Thread takes the lead!! :lol:
  4. On a more serious note (oh, okay - who am I kidding... ) It's more the kind of thread where people that have already made up their minds throw mud at each other rather than aiming to reach any kind of consensus, although I do like the idea that the whole global warming debate might be settled in a RWG thread. Wherever you have vested interests you start to get people paying for their own research (i.e procuring the data they want), lobbyists, and manipulation of the facts. The oil industry has data to say everything is sweet, the environmentalists tell us we'll all die in flames tomorrow. It just makes it harder to discern the 'facts' (if indeed, anyone actually has a handle on the world's future climate). I did read an interesting thing in the Superfreakeconomics book, where they're suggesting that global warming or no global warming - the solution really might not be that complex or expensive. Volcanic eruptions spew pollution into the atmosphere and are shown to lower global temperatures. Adding more pollution to block sunlight may be a cheap solution then
  5. Part of being young is having a dream, and making the odd crazy turn. I'd be lying if I said I hadn't ever done that. But if you want the sensible opinion, it's a crazy notion: - >99.999% of chefs aren't celebrities. - You work nights and weekends forever. - For someone with degree qualifications, the money isn't great - and you make meals for people with better jobs. - An even bigger mistake is combining 'ego chef' with running a restaurant - they're two separate things. If you want to run a restaurant hire a professional, experienced chef. - If you have capital, there are easier ways to make money. Restaurants are hugely capital intensive, and very risky (off the scale risky). - The celebrity chefs make most of their money from books I believe. Combining the risks of restaurants and writing into a single career must have the odds of finding Elvis alive and well in a Krispy Kreme outlet declining a doughnut. - If you want a realistic assessment of likely success, approach a bank manager for a loan for your restaurant and tell them you have no collateral. The expression on their face will tell you their expectations of ever seeing their money again if they were crazy enough to lend it to you. Apply the same degree of skepticism to your own capital. - You must have seen the Kitchen Nightmares series. All of them examples of how exactly the same dream can turn to absolute disaster. - All that cleaning and cooking the same thing over and over again. I think the novelty wears off. - A thousand other reasons if needed. I think it's really hard work. I know a lot of people (me included) worked kitchens to pay for an education to ensure we didn't have to work in kitchens for a living You've already done the education bit.... At any rate: an extra perspective for you.
  6. If you're ever working in Japan, 'Best' watches in Shinjuku, Tokyo is excellent. It has six storeys of gen watches: absolutely fantastic. If Perfect Clones was a shop, it would look like this Practically a smaller version of lanikai's home in fact Excellent shop: I much preferred it to Tourneau and the like. It had a $200k Breguet in there, which to be honest didn't tickle me. Since the only person that has EVER commented on a watch I was wearing was to ask if I was visually impaired (Railmaster XL), there must only be a dozen people in the world that could pick out a 200k Breguet. And none of them are hot. The pick for me was the new Ploprof - that was the first time I'd seen it. It's amazing how 'familiar' you get with all the watches - handling a seconds at six worrying about the movement and the like. Picking up another and wondering if Ziggy could improve it, or whether a touch of the ol' Chieftang AR might give it a lift. Old habits die hard. They also have a used watch store a couple of shops down - probably better for trading in than buying. The main store was doing a brisk trade too. At any rate, if you're in Tokyo and need a break from the love hotels and getting lost in train stations, this store is worth checking out.
  7. Both the Gibbs and DiNozzo characters sport pumpkin PO's for sure.
  8. Beautiful collection was my impression too - lovely. Terrific vintage straps.
  9. Lads, lads - can we not compromise here? No need to come to blows... How about we settle on Keg or Ren, eh? (Kidding: there's a little bit of Ken in all of us.....that have bought him flowers and a shandy.)
  10. Slapper As in an easy gal....not as in a slap e.g.
  11. +1 The View New Posts button works for me.
  12. Happy Birthday! Wow - that photo has raised the bar on how I expect my birthday cakes to be presented from now on [Just to be clear, it has to be a hot naked chick - KB with a party hat on his privates isn't going to cut it ]
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