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Everything posted by cornerstone

  1. Don't know the answer, but that doesn't sound too good.
  2. Get well soon. And hope the whole nurse thing pans out too.
  3. I thought I'd bump this thread since it was raised in another topic. The membership and original mod team of this forum (most still in the current team) used to reside on another domain prior to 2006, but when the admin of that forum disappeared and it looked like the bills would no longer be paid a rescue effort was launched which was this forum on a safer basis here. The members here 'are' RWG and always have been. It was just as well, because the old forum did end up disappearing and the database being lost. RWG meanwhile has managed to continue on a safer basis for our growing membership for approaching four years now. There are no links between RWG and the purchase of the old domain name by a (yet another) new forum.
  4. Seriously, you don't think Twitter hit 10 billion tweets without Victoria do you? (Pugwash was saying - she's on Twitter these days).
  5. Congratulations!!!! Happy Days!!
  6. Makes the Egiziano look positively petite.
  7. Definitely a grail watch, but going to have to spring for a gen on this one. Perhaps the next 'milestone' birthday. Unless I get distracted by the notion of a boat...or a mistress
  8. What a wristshot!!! I need one of these. (Gnaws wrist). [EDIT: Just noticed the post above. I've been in 2 BE ]
  9. Awesome!! Are those different time zones on the lower clocks?
  10. Scotland still produces pound notes (perhaps for this very purpose!!). Or use fivers @Anopsis: gut feeling that the airplane impression probably won't help, but would be interested to see the results.
  11. I guess the upshot of the conversation is to take a roll of notes instead - to throw up in the air as chaff while you leg it.
  12. Reading the thread it sounds like you're honing in on the point. Carrying a roll of coins could be an offence with intent to use them as a weapon (as suggested), proving intent is a matter of evidence. The moment it gets used in a fight, then there's both intent and also a very good chance of proving it. In fact it would be a very bad idea to use coins, because it would raise the type of charge and penalty, and reduce the odds of success of claiming any kind of self-defence - it's more likely to be argued that the person was out 'looking for trouble'. But someone walking down the street with coins in their pocket being wrongly accused? It would be very hard to prove intent. That may not stop the police intervening, but the odds of it being prosecuted would be minimal, and of actually succeeding even less. There are circumstances where you can imagine intent being proven though. If a group of thirty men going to a football match all had a roll of coins in their pocket, I think that would be an unlikely coincidence, say.
  13. Congratulations!!!! Fantastic news.
  14. Out of interest, what is it that makes you warm and fuzzy about this postcard? (More specifically I mean, it intrigues me).
  15. I think Pugwash is on the money with this. I thought the iPhone looked like a rubbish 'phone', but all the apps hadn't been written yet. Now it does things that didn't exist before it. I reckon this is aiming at doing to books and magazines what iTunes did to music, plus ramp up video sales while they're at it. If you think this is 'meh', Kindle's going to look seriously piss poor. Definitely there are some weird things that they'll inevitably sort out. I really don't get the flash thing, I thought it was related to processing power on the iPhone / iPod. Anyway, Stephen Fry says it's good, and there's about 0.00001% chance of him being wrong. It'll be interesting to see how it pans out. And once they jailbreak it - it'll be even better.
  16. Leave those jokers. Month by month is the way to go. http://bc.whirlpool.net.au/
  17. How heartbreaking. All the best for little Ella.
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