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Everything posted by cornerstone

  1. That is an outrageous accusation. As I've said time and time again, the glint off my car is just the type of polish I use.....
  2. Congratulations!!!!!!!!! :drinks: I hope the bride is going dressed as Princess Leia and not as, say, Yoda... Best wishes for a great wedding!
  3. Awesome little video Probably deeper than many gen DSSD's reach All part of the fun.
  4. Select 'My Profile' or just click your username next to a post even, and it's on that page hopefully. Here for example: http://www.rwgforum.com/user/2786-mickey-padge/page__tab__topics http://www.rwgforum.com/user/2786-mickey-padge/page__tab__posts
  5. That's an extra thing in the drop-down menu. If you click on the username itself (your user profile) then the posts and topics are split to make things a bit easier.
  6. You can find your own posts and topics if you click your username top right of screen too.
  7. If we're being honest a lot of the bigger watches look fairly stupid now let alone in 20 years. On the bright side, we'll have 20 years of new watch acquisitions to soften the blow
  8. Had my first go on one of these today, and it's pretty cool. No idea why people have been saying it weighs too much, just like a book really. One thought I had though was that if the iPad had come first, we'd currently be blown away that the little iPhone could do the same and more in a smaller package.
  9. A Scot like you might be as well escaping to somewhere like Edinburgh come the World Cup for your own sanity Failing that, in London a lot of Scots of late have been finding work in and around the Downing St area
  10. What Ken's saying is that the point has already been addressed above.
  11. The G-Force even comes with a cool tool to adjust those screws...
  12. You've got to hand it to her. Having studied the purchasing behaviour across the forum for several months for rich people to fleece, you've got to admire her capacity for picking a mark I am just kidding. I think the real reason is she looked at the hitman signature, noticed the art connection, spotted the $120m heist in Paris yesterday and reckons she's found her man. (PS probably all those expensive brand watches you keep wearing) By the way, the Picasso is mine, right?
  13. It's absolutely stunning. VERY jealous!!!
  14. I don't know how old the kids are but I think the (free) British Museum in Russell Square is unmissable. Treasures from antiquity around the world....nobody stole them quite as well as Britain. If they're young kids very nearby there's a reward for suffering the museum. It's called Coram's Fields and it's a brilliant public playground build on some very expensive land! See www.coramsfields.org And for suffering the playground, for Dad, just across the road there's a great old London pub called The Lamb, which seems to accommodate children.
  15. Sometimes if you try to view a page, then have to log in again I think it can reset your 'last visit' to viewing that page (i.e. a few minutes earlier). It's something to do with the time of your last visit being reset anyway.
  16. This watch is awesome for sure. The (almost pornographic-sounding) Purple Night Monster is eye-catching too: (borrowed pic)
  17. Good to hear you're shipshape, and to see you back
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