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Everything posted by longshot

  1. about a block from where i work there is a small kind of crappy office in a older non-descript cinder block building. that needs paint. with no signage out front. there are 8 parking places out front and almost every day the cars parked there are: silver aston DB9 2006 fly yellow 997 turbo 2007 arctic white 997 turbo black 2006 M5 silver 2006 M5 red Z06 corvette i have no idea what they do, but i wish i worked there
  2. i just find it terrifying that there is actually a michael bay forum? **shudder**
  3. i've seen that rep water nothing like the gen. the rehault is too shallow...
  4. uh, four years ago that link has been posted here at least 4-5 times. and on every other watch board move along folks, nothing to see here...
  5. i camp at bunnycamp at burningman every year and in 2004 i bought one of those on ebay for the woman who put the most effort into organizing the camp. i paid like $65 and the fed ex driver showed up as i was finishing packing up the van it was a huge hit!
  6. i want this one dammit i don't trust the 7750 and it would have to be cheaper too!
  7. what is it with pretentious overweight british women with too many cats and the royal 'we'? a tiresome stereotype. shameful that's so often true...
  8. and gays i know call each other fag. and african americans use the 'n word' towards each other all the time. i don't. you, being terminally clueless, evidently cannot see why i started this thread? i saw someone who is a public figure and a known watch aficionado wearing watch i didn't recognize and was curious as to what it was. very simple really. or is english, or common sense, not in your lexicon?
  9. i am a snob because i support this forum financially? and because i expect others to? if it was not for people like me it would not be here for you to read. and a bully because i object to intolerance? you chose to use an offensive term towards gays and lesbian and their friends. couch it in any pseudo polite terms you wish, now, after the fact. but facts are facts and you said what you said. i do support this forum financially. you don't. maybe someday you will. maybe not. none of this can possibly be in dispute. it's certainly possible to be an intolerant boor in six languages...
  10. ken i started this thread with watch content. while gavin newsom may not be as well known around the world as he is in california, a quick google search would have given context. that happens to me all the time when the european members post about footballers. it also happens to me all the time on the formula 1 section on BBC 606. the young mayor has been photographed wearing a base pam, a ti pam, and a gold FM. so he is obviously something of a watch aficionado. instead my thread gets hijacked by homophobes? i was very curious as to what that watch was. it seems to be ok to ask about watches in obscure television shows, but asking about a watch i saw leads to homophobia and gay bashing? i am not upset about homophobia because my sister is gay. i am upset about it because it
  11. who do you think pays for the servers and bandwidth used here? the watch gnomes? get a clue...
  12. how about you put your money where your mouth is and become a paid member of this board, and not a leech mooching off those of us who do? and no i do not expect homophobia here. or racism. if you do, maybe you should find a different forum? we almost certainly have gay members here. i would no more use an offensive reference towards them (carpet muncher?) them than i would asian members or any other members.
  13. funny how the skeptics expect every single one of the thousands of climatologists around the world to be in 100% agreement on every aspect of an incredible complex system. and use the fact they they are all not as their argument. of course that is not how science works. but they accept without question the shoddy work of a half dozen paid shills funded by the american petroleum institute example from wikipedia; "In April 2006, a group describing itself as "sixty scientists" signed an Open Letter to the Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper to ask that he revisit the science of global warming and "Open Kyoto to debate." As with the earlier statements, critics pointed out that many of the signatories were non-scientists or lacked relevant scientific backgrounds.For example, the group included David Wojick, a journalist, and Benny Peiser, a social anthropologist. More than half the signatories cited past or emeritus positions as their main appointments. Only two (Richard Lindzen and Roy Spencer) indicated current appointments in a university department or a recognized research institute in climate science. . One of the signatories has since publicly recanted, stating that his signature was obtained by deception regarding the content of the letter. In response shortly afterward another open letter to Prime Minister Harper endorsing the IPCC report and calling for action on climate change was prepared by Gordon McBean and signed by 90 Canadian climate scientists initially, plus 30 more who endorsed it after its release" or maybe he was fired for telling students, as a high school science teacher, that global warming was settled science when it was not (it is still not)? personally i would value the opinion of thousands of climatologists with phd's who are working in their field every day and publishing peer reviewed result over a high school science teacher with probably a ba...
  14. of perhaps you are a closed minded bigot? hmmmmmmmmm, "fringe group"? do you live in a cave with the other homophobes and football hooligans? or you don't read newspapers or watch television? lets look at some attendance figures for some pride parades this year: Rio, Sao Paulo: 2,500,000 Chicago: 400,000 Rome: 100,000 Toronto: 400.000 San Francisco: 60,000 Berlin: 500,000 London: 250,000 Sydney: 65,000 here is a list of some of the almost 200 cities where events will be held this year: http://www.interpride.org/12/default.aspx?c=12 yup, you really have to be a "sympathizer" or deep into gay and lesbian culture to know this is all happening. they do such a good job of keeping it a secret
  15. i posted that pic because i was curious about the watch and did not get close enough to see it. i really expected a more cosmopolitan and adult reaction on this forum. i suppose i am a sympathizer. my sister is gay. i have a large number of friends who are gay and lesbian. they cover the whole spectrum from successful writers and musicians to two marine biologists to attorneys to co-workers and employees at local cafes and restaurants. what i don't have are friends who are narrow minded uneducated homophobic bigots...
  16. 1. gavin newsome is the somewhat rock star mayor of san francisco. 2. "pride" is the annual gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender/whatever parade-party-weekend-festival-craziness.
  17. i went to pride yesterday with a bunch of friends, had a great time and caught a pic of gavin newsome not wearing one of his pams. i've seen pics of him wearing at least two different pams but could not figure out what he was wearing yesterday?? of course we had started on the tequila at noon, so sorry for the poor quality pic
  18. was it more than 3528?
  19. uh, because you are welcome to the club!
  20. nothing but more alonso excuses your post is the only place i have read any claim that both mclarens were ordered to "rev down" or that hamilton failed to follow team orders. that not what dennis said? yes the race would have been possibly different if the safety car had come out while hamilton was in the pits (the only chance for alonso to pass him?? ). it would have also been different if alonso had not kept mistaking his car for a riding lawn mower. or if a meteor had struck hamilton's car, and the other six cars ahead of alonso. those things did not happen. the safety car came out 4 times cutting hamilton's lead, 4 times he stretched it out again. even today at indy alonso is quoted as being "happy that i have been fastest all weekend". except he does not have the pole position :whistling: alonso should be better. better then a rookie anyway. he is a double world champion. and a whiner. true champions don't whine when they are beaten. rossi does not, he says "very good race and i will try harder next time". then rossi does, alonso just cries and complains and makes excuses.
  21. while i appreciate the idea of the in house movements the new models do leave me cold... IMHO the essence of the pam is the simple and elegant design. that's probably why my vintage base gets alot more wear than my 036 i don't have anything against busy watches. i think the UN freak is stunning, as an example! i do think it is kind of humorous how the tourby has become the 'flavor of the month' in watch complications. it seemed like every manufacturer just had to show a basic tool/divers/sport watch at basil this year with a tourbillion? most just seemed silly
  22. you are obviously confusing F1 with moto-gp
  23. i have read the same from many sources. that he is a terrific talent, and very fast. but just wants to show up and drive the car and has essentially zero interest in working with the engineers to make it better. i was never a fan of michael, but he was most certainly brilliant at that technical aspect of the sport. personally i'm old enough to have very little respect for modern F1 drivers anyway. they seem more like pilots than drvers. paddle shifters, launch assist, traction control, remote telemetry, incredible aero packages are all nifty technology. but where is the skill of the drivers in the old days who at monaco had to shift 4000 times during the race. matching clutch, engine revs etc. when a single missed shift could cost you a position, or the race? while making an essentially fragile car last to the end? F1 cars were truly dangerous then. suspension parts etc just broke during races without hitting anything. tires failed. brakes faded. yet the drivers got back in them week after week...
  24. funny, i have always felt that alonso was high maintenance, and possibly high strung when he has the best car and is obviously the fastest he does very well. but when pushed or presented with a challenge he does not always seem to respond well. i found his comments, and the comments of his fans, after canada to be quite ironic. he was simply incapable of being a sportsman and congratulating his team mate hamilton. alonso claimed that canada was "a lottery" and that hamilton just got "lucky". did he forget that at the last race at monte carlo hamilton was ordered NOT to chase him down and given a pit strategy designed to prevent that? handing alonso the win? and the "well alonso is adapting to a new team, so..." unless i'm mistaken hamilton HAS NEVER RACED AN F1 CAR before this season? no need for him to need to adapt i suppose once a driver starts making excuses nothing good ever comes of it
  25. reported to ebay
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