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Everything posted by patinga

  1. Not for me unless I was going into the pimping business. Would have color coordinate the scheme with my cane, shoes, and fur coat.
  2. All very nice watches. Was anybody going to comment on the photo of in the first page with the chick/dude with the rack and the shark? Or is it like the 800LB Gorilla in the room; you know its there, but if you ignore it maybe it will go away.
  3. Only the 19th in a 100+ years. Good guy and great organization too.
  4. double post
  5. That is a fantastic watch. Wear it well.
  6. Vac is in Florida and is great. Check out his section.
  7. BTW, Welcome. Vac is in the US. Might want to check his section.
  8. Kentucky, USA. Gentlemen and Ladies: The smooth taste of Woodford Reserve.
  9. I have paid a lot more than $69 to be entertained. Might have to pull the trigger. That's just great.
  10. Welcome and enjoy it. Some of the best and smartest people I have every come across are here.
  11. Current Motto: "Do No Evil" New Motto: "Pay No Taxes" P.S. But we do a lot of good for the world.
  12. I go through phases as well. Metallica, Zach Brown Band, Stone Temple Pilots, and A Perfect Circle.
  13. Nice combo. Wear it well.
  14. Probably see that thing from space. Nice work.
  15. If you can't find what you want on Cousins, PM me I will email you my list of suppliers.
  16. I have read this and started writing and deleting about 5 separate times trying to really convey my feelings (especially being the first to respond). My uncle is mentally and physically handicapped and participated in Special Olympics for a good part of his life. As a younger, much more arrogant man I didn't really take the time to understand him even though I did volunteer all the time. The story that Lani shared is a great summation of his life; He would trade all the years he has had on this Earth to be "normal" like us just for one moment, one day, or one at-bat. I was embarrassed by him. As I grew up, struggled with menial crap (life, career, etc, he was always my biggest fan and is to this day. I have the extreme pleasure of taking him to two baseball games next week. I am a better man for having him in my life. Sometimes you get a second chance to make the right choice. Thanks for the story Lani.
  17. It's a Rep!!!!
  18. Very sweet post. Thanks for sharing.
  19. I just wonder how many of those crushed were meant for some of our members. Steamrolled Rolex's
  20. Great watch. A Classic! Enjoy it.
  21. Interesting watch (Big one!). Not to be a jerk, this is RWG.
  22. Very nice! Looking to see what you do with it.
  23. Who would do that to a poor innocent watch?
  24. Very sweet. Not only the watches but the photography and editing. Nice work!
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