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Everything posted by projectologist

  1. Tried out this new iPhone app today with my new 005K. Lots of great EFX that can be dialed in by %. The watch is my new daily beater
  2. WOW... glad to see a happy ending for this one. The master truly is a Master!!!! Here's a pic of the dial and case at the GTG where Avitt performed the diagnostic...
  3. Thanks all for the nice comments! No real workshop at the moment, but here's a pic of the mini-lathe I picked up a couple of months ago (took it apart to clean and lube). Perfect for small parts. Rad mid-case next to the tool post waiting to be thinned down a little. Thanks! Never brushed the cg, just the lever (and only the roller area). The cg is pretty impressive straight from the factory.
  4. Crown width and spacing was based on this catalog pic... still trying to decide if I want to modify the lever tip.
  5. Thanks! Actually the crown was surprisingly thick through the center. I used my lathe and just took off a very thin amount from the inset area. I don't remember what the read-out measurement was. That combined with taking a little off both sides of the crown gives the illusion the cg opening is a little wider now (that and squaring the inner corners a bit more). Thanks! Luckily this one doesn't take much work, it's so close right out of the box
  6. So last Fri. morning I met up with member Bruce79 at a local Starbucks. Usual watch chatter. I brought along the SD I had FS for him to look at. As he took off his "new 005", and with only a quick glance, I asked him when he got it (assuming he bought the gen back). As I picked it up to inspect, I honestly had a moment of hesitation before deciding it was 100% rep. Yep, it was everything members said it was and I had to have one ASAP!!! As I headed back to the office, I gave member Jidonsu a call to ask him what he thought of it and to pick out the obvious flaws. He mentioned Josh had them in-stock again, but I really didn't want to wait if I didn't have to. So I pm'd a couple of members during my lunch break and no luck. Then a little later I get a text from Jidonsu that member Harley07 edited his 005 FT ad to FS. So it's Fri. afternoon, PayPal funds are sent, a package is ready to be sent Priority Sat. morning and I received it today... this community gets it done!!! It arrived in awesome condition (thanks Harley07 for the accurate description and smooth transaction!) but something about the cg, the lever and the crown was really bugging me. The gaposis between the crown and case (lack of with this one), as well as between crown and inner cg needed fixing. Plus the lever/roller pin stuck out like a sore thumb. I decided the rectangular open area of the cg wasn't as much an issue as the crown was a little too thick (became even more obvious when comparing it to the straight-on pics in the PAM catalogs). I chucked up the crown in the lathe and turned down just a little on both sides, then finally a little in the recessed area. A subtle bevel added (latest gen crowns have a noticeably more squared off look than the earlier series). Last 2 things done... the inner corners made more square and the visible part of the lever that houses the roller/pin was brushed more flush making it less noticeable per gen. Despite it's other flaws (they're all minor) it's still a huge no-brainer... buy it and be very happy right out of the box BEFORE - AFTER - They got the lume color right this time -
  7. Passing fad for them... doubt that many of them will still be wearing OP 5 years from now. Much like when it was common to see young teens emulating adults via smoking. Thankfully that's not as cool anymore.
  8. Looks great! Pre-V 209's aren't easy to get right.. especially the cg.
  9. Thanks! Camera+... best 99¢ I ever spent After cropping I usually go right into FX/Effects > Color > Vibrant > slider moved to 40-50% with Quality set to Full in Menu preferences. Just the right amount of saturation and contrast that also increases apparent sharpness. Here's one that's a good example of the Vibrant effect used at 40% (100% is over the top in most cases). Great for shooting anything metal.
  10. Tried this during a break at work yesterday. Only had to move the light around a little to get the desired reflections. Pics were taken shooting through the light's magnifying lens (great way to get nice macros as well). iPhone and Camera+ app processing.
  11. I've had this app loaded on my phone for several weeks but hadn't really explored it much. Well I've got to say it's very impressive and worth every penny of .99. The Pro version is only $1.99 and includes video editing. This pic took all of 45 seconds to shoot and process... • open the app and select "Stabilizer" to keep pics sharp • shoot and select "Adjust" (if you need to rotate) and "Crops" if necessary (this is real fully adjustable cropping, not fixed-size templates). • select Effects and go crazy (for this pic I selected "Depth of Field" and used it at 50% to soften the background blinds and make the watch pop a little more). • while in Effects I also selected "Overlay" which acts more like a subtle version of HDR (HDR is also available and fully adjustable). • finally I went into "Borders" and selected a thin black one. Many to choose from including some very cool vintage options. Also impressive is that images are saved at full resolution, which is 2592 x 1936 pixels. Pic below was reduced to 800 pixels, so the original image was more than 3 times bigger, suitable for making a nice print. Time for lunch...
  12. They hand them out at the AD's (they're free) and also at Paneristi gtg's (free as well... it's promotional schwag just like the caps, shirts and sailing vests OP hands out).
  13. To be honest, I can't remember (it was taken 3 weeks ago), but it does look like saturation or contrast was probably bumped. Here's one that was bumped and cropped. Pic was taken with the HDR phone app. You can see where it's a bit off-register in the upper right area of the bezel when the 2 exposures were merged to create the HDR effect. I really like the current batch of phone photo apps... updates seem to come up every week.
  14. Had a driveway moment today. Used the Camera+ app to crop and add a boarder. Picked up my 24 today at the PO. Had my phone with me, so when I stopped in my driveway I took some quick pics. The phone can't handle the shadows or highlights very well, but I thought they were still pretty interesting. Edit... What the... just noticed the weird reflections on the bezel dots in the last pic... almost as if they were lumed.
  15. The Metadata for each image will tell you which lens, as well as all of your other settings, that were used with your Canon EOS 20D. You can get that info via any image processing software when you open the file. BTW... loved your slant on color (though it doesn't really work when the background is busy), and the crops where the watch is NOT dead-center are way more visually interesting.
  16. The Father of all PAM frankens to follow... classic stuff! Thanks for posting the pics
  17. Here you go... a gen 360 next to a DLC coated sterile Rad project. Same lighting for both, so the comparison is relative to the discussion. The Rad bezel looks darker because it was polished prior to coating.
  18. +1 re. respect and the owner probably has more love for them as well
  19. As far as I know the gen 195 was the first watch that OP decided to go with a DLC coating. The gens I have seen in-person are a little darker than previous gen PAM s with a PVD coating. Here's a 195 next to a 292 (the 292 is quite a bit darker than OP's PVD coatings)...
  20. Just depends on the light the pic is taken in. Here's mine and another in both sunny, overcast light and indoors. Last 2 pics of a gen 360 next to a rep Rad that was recently DLC coated (in the US). I'd say it's a good match!!!
  21. For the record, the iPhone can get in close... This was taken last year with the 3G version... Recent with iPhone4...
  22. Image data can be viewed with most image processing software. In this case I opened the pics in Photoshop... click on "File", then "File Info", then "Camera Data 1". This will tell you the camera used, lens, f-stop, exposure time, ISO etc.
  23. These particular pics were taken with a Fuji FinePix S7000 or at least that's what the image data says.
  24. Really like the last pic! Regarding getting the subject matter in the middle of the frame with Hipstamatic... (1) go into "Settings" for your iPhone (2) scroll down and click on "Hipstamatic" (3) click on "Viewfinder Mode" (4) select "Precision Framing"... now what you see in the viewfinder will be centered... your subject where you want it
  25. Arrived this week and I'm very grateful that I'm wearing it today...
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