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Everything posted by deltatahoe

  1. amazing diagnosis doc unfortunately there is no mrs. deltatahoe.....but maybe if i had a better backhand the girls would swoon.... hmm....i think that's about as likely as me selling you my chrono avenger!!! deltatahoe
  2. nice choices AGID... i like the look of the black sfso on the shark? strap.... btw, where are you living in denmark? i studied in copenhagen for four months while i was in school; lived with a family in brondby during that time.... deltatahoe
  3. you will know when you've fully wound the mainspring -- essentially you won't be able to wind anymore. ziggy has said that unless you're maliciously trying to overwind the watch, there is a very low likelihood of breaking the mainspring. fyi, the standard power reserve for a handwind 6497 is about 48 hours.... hope this helps, deltatahoe
  4. hmm....this is a good thought....maybe i'll put a feeler out to see if my dad would have any interest in the explorer....given its small size, it's not getting as much wrist time as it should at the moment. it is such a well done, unique piece -- i just couldn't NOT get it... my dad may have you to thank for a new watch euno deltatahoe
  5. this thread turned into some good discussion. i'm like pugwash -- i don't mind an occasionally flying scene here and there (ie. crouching tiger)....like most others in this thread, i generally watch TV or movies to take a break from thinking and be entertained; i'm willing to accept some creative license if it makes for good TV. however, in my mind (generally speaking), quality character development is what makes for good TV. @pug, i've never heard of tony jaa -- any movie suggestions? deltatahoe
  6. i hear you jumbie. this is the primary reason i stopped watching 24 (combined with the fact that at this point it's all the same stuff over and over again)... btw, prison break is really addicting, isn't it i watched the first season on DVD in a matter of days deltatahoe
  7. i hate to be the bearer of bad news by-tor, but it looks like they are only accepting entries from the US.... deltatahoe
  8. that was by far my favorite part of the story.... i'm sitting here trying to think of a ridiculous panerai story of my own but not having much luck hmm....i'll come back and edit this post when i think of one.... EDIT: ok here's a story....when i received my pam 212 (i had purchased it off another member on the trading forum), it had a really loose crown guard lever (this had been disclosed in the sales listing); however, i was so excited about getting the 212 that i just couldn't NOT wear it that very day. so i wore it to dinner at a friend's place that night before having a chance to fix the floppy lever problem, and literally every time i moved my hand the lever would shoot out perpendicular to the crown guard in the open position like a sword. my friends could care less about what watch i was wearing, and chances are they didn't even notice that it kept on happening, but it absolutely drove me nuts....i was constantly having to either flick my wrist the other way or push the lever back into the closed position, and i was SURE they were watching me thinking i was some kind of nutcase. so that is my ridiculous panerai moment....unfortunately it's the best i could do... deltatahoe
  9. so sorry to hear this reg. as you can see from this thread, you've got bunches of people here at RWG thinking of you & your family during this tough time. deltatahoe
  10. looks great dutchy what a nice gift to yourself -- congrats again on getting into university!! deltatahoe
  11. i believe flav's full works typically includes a relume, cannon pin fix, white dial text darkening and floppy lever fix... deltatahoe
  12. i was wondering if you would catch that you're right -- it's tahoe (as in the lake), not hoe (as in garden tool or bitchy/slutty woman). it's funny how many people respond to my posts with "deltahoe". anyone who's ever been to the california delta (origin of the delta portion of my name) knows there are bunches of hoes out there; even though i'm a guy, i might actually need counseling after being called deltahoe so many times absolutely, although it's easy for me to give you first option given i don't plan on getting rid of it. it's become my tennis watch deltatahoe
  13. one quick comment re: AR coating scratches....given the goal of an AR coating is to make the crystal invisible, most of the time minor scratches in the AR coating of a crystal are not noticeable. i'm usually pretty anal about scratches on watches (in particular, scratches on crystals), but for whatever reason, small scratches in the AR coating don't bother me too much. deltatahoe
  14. it's funny -- i was thinking the exact same thing when i looked at your collection thanks doc; re: the europelli strap, you are correct -- it is the black strap with copper stitching (thanks for the catch -- i've updated my description). deltatahoe
  15. looks great swdivad -- one of many cases where the strap makes the watch deltatahoe
  16. first off, welcome to RWG great choice starting with the 112h -- it is one of my favorite reps (and completely underrated relative to the 111h). i may be mistaken, but i don't believe you can buy an asian 112 w/ sapphire glass for $120. however, i've taken the approach of going with asian movement pams (for more about my experience / philosophy collecting reps, click here) and spending the difference on a few mods & nice straps, and i've found it has served me well. feel free to ask any other questions you might have; i think you'll find everyone here is very helpful. cheers deltatahoe
  17. i'm sporting my 063 on prada strap today....
  18. this has been discussed in a couple threads (the search function should find them quickly); most credit card companies offer "single use" numbers to keep your actual credit card information safe. deltatahoe
  19. thanks for the nice comments everyone i just updated the thread; i've been meaning to update it for a while -- my collection has grown quite a bit over the last several months this thread used to be called 'my humble collection'; unfortunately (i think humility is something to strive for), i don't think it can be called humble any more, so i've changed the title to just 'my watch collection'. it could be just as easily named 'my watch addiction'. when will the madness end? deltatahoe
  20. some pics would be great V; i'd like to see a mf 1942 with a nice patina.... deltatahoe
  21. thanks vbarrett. i really like this strap (i've been eyeing one for a while); i think it goes well with the brown dial. at some point i might pick up a MF 1942 vintage strap to see what it looks like on this watch -- i think once it developed a nice patina, that combo would be amazing. deltatahoe
  22. so after some convincing by dluddy & rolli, i sprang for a davidsen pam 232 and paired it with a mario paci xi papaya brown strap. thanks to rolli's thread about his 232 and his keen eye for detail, i asked davidsen to put shorter-than-fiddy hands on this one. to be honest i was a little surprised at the color of the dial -- in direct sunlight it really is much lighter in color than i was expecting. in quite a few of the pictures i've seen of the 232, the dial looks much darker in color. i've taken a couple pictures in different lighting to try to capture the changes in dial color. anyways, enough talk about the watch -- let's see some pics. i didn't take as many pictures as rolli (or any denim shirt wrist shots), but here are a couple signature deltatahoe coffee table wood grain shots: in low lighting: in brighter lighting: side view: unintentional lume shot of sorts: wrist shot: i'm really happy with the watch; the brown dial is really unique and interesting, even if it is a little lighter in color than i was expecting. in the back of my mind i'm still wondering if davidsen has changed the dial, but i'm sure it is the same. dluddy & rolli, can you confirm? is your dial fairly light in color most of the time in good lighting (similar to the picture above)? finally, here's a quick review of my experience with davidsen: this was my first watch from davidsen; i have to say it is really nice to buy a pam with already super-lumed dial and hands, AR coated crystal and no cannon pin issue. communication with davidsen was top notch. i sent him payment via a bank wire, and after waiting a couple weeks i emailed him to check on the status of the watch. apparently the bank left my name off the wire so he didn't know the payment had come from me; after we confirmed these details he upgraded my watch to the swiss version (i had paid for the chinese movement version) for free given the delay in shipping the item to me b/c of the bank wire issue. that's what i call service. i wouldn't hesitate to buy from davidsen again -- i like the fact that he will construct the exact watch that you ask him to make (in this case, the special request of the shorter fiddy-style hands). thanks for looking, deltatahoe
  23. she's a looker. everyone needs a nice basic, brown strap; i like that it doesn't have stitching 'across the lug' if you will. wear it well deltatahoe
  24. i hear these SHT-Mod Dep buckles are basically invaluable.....$1300 is a total bargain -- let's do it deltatahoe
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