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Everything posted by deltatahoe

  1. @TT, sounds like a great trip; it must be a beautiful time of the year to be in alaska. any chance of a business trip to the bay area anytime soon? deltatahoe
  2. @nanuq, very nice untraditional a$$ shot of that seiko monster
  3. this is an interesting point. are most of the pictures we see on here really photoshopped? i'd be curious to see who's are and who's aren't.... i'm not much a photographer, but none of my pictures are photoshopped (i've actually never used photoshop).... deltatahoe
  4. thanks TT -- it's great to be back given i wasn't able to spend much time on RWG this summer, i didn't buy a single watch-related item for over a month so i rewarded myself with the 42mm ss b&r w/ date now that i think of it, i bet a b&r would probably look right at home on your mega-wrists....have you ever given one a shot? deltatahoe
  5. done and done. it's good to be back from my travels and finally have time to enjoy RWG again. cheers deltatahoe
  6. angus doesn't have a website; his sales section is located here and his member profile (along with his email address) can be found here.... glad that this thread has been useful to some people....i was surprised by the lack of chatter around this watch; i'm really looking forward to getting mine.... deltatahoe
  7. thanks so much for this wrist shot -- i think it looks great it's big, but not ridiculous at all. good luck w/ the pvd coating!! deltatahoe
  8. good discussion guys @kollektor, how does this wear in terms of size (ie. smaller or larger) compared to a santos 100 chrono? i'm really looking forward to getting this one -- i've been waiting quite a while for a decent 42mm b&r rep deltatahoe
  9. hmm...i hadn't realized the tickmarks are shorter where the screws are. like you say, for someone who knows & is looking, easy rep spot. the good thing = i'm guessing there are very few b&r enthusiasts out there. for example, i'm guessing there are 5-10 panerai enthusiasts for every b&r enthusiast.... on that note, i'm sending my paypal payment on the ss version right now deltatahoe
  10. thanks for the reviews anton -- nice writeup & pictures. i'm pretty much sold on picking up one of the new 42mm versions w/ date (i can't imagine wearing a 46mm square watch). i'm curious -- how big is your wrist? regards, deltatahoe
  11. yellomen, do you have a multiple personality disorder? in this thread you mention it looks like a good bang for the buck; in the other thread you complain that it's overpriced. first off, angus does have the ss 42mm version w/ date and without "limited edition". i've attached a picture angus sent me; i figured posting pics of the rep and gen would probably be helpful for everyone (including me), so here we go: here is the picture of the rep (w/ the correct dial w/o limited edition) and here is the real deal my impressions from these pictures are as follows: -the dial print looks acceptable (probably could be better) -the date window might be a little bit too far from the edge of the dial, but this looks acceptable to me too (plus, it may look worse than it actually is given the angle of the picture) does anyone else see anything glaring that i'm missing? i'm probably going to go ahead and pick this one up - given estaban and relaxman's first impressions, i think the ss version will be good relative value (plus, if i really like it, i can always have ziggy make it glow properly).... deltatahoe
  12. nice!!! thanks so much for the review/impressions estaban. i just emailed angus about getting a ss version w/ both the rubber & velcro straps; i'm pretty excited about this piece. i'm sure it must wear large -- square watches wear so much bigger than round watches. i just got the santos 100 chrono (beautiful piece by the way), and it wears BIG. deltatahoe
  13. thanks for the response sulone re: your CONS listed above, the difference in thickness doesn't bother me much. i believe that the "limited edition" error for the black dial has been fixed; personally, i wouldn't go for the PVD on this one -- no way it is going to be quality pvd at this price... thanks for the feedback re: the strap -- i was debating whether to get the rubber or velcro; i think i'll probably spring for both given you have indicated the rubber strap is nice... deltatahoe
  14. i've been traveling for the past 7 weeks and haven't been able to spend much time on RWG, but one thing i've noticed since i've gotten back is that the new bell & ross 42 mm watch with date has been released for a little while now (in a number of different styles), and no one seems to have written any sort of review on it yet. i'm a bit puzzled, as i feel like there were tons of people waiting for a reasonably accurate b&r rep in the 42 mm size. now the dial printing isn't perfect, and from what i can recall i remember someone saying the rep is too thick (i could be wrong here), but is there any reason people aren't giving this one a shot? at $189 shipped from puretime and i believe $139 shipped from paul, i would have guessed someone would have bought & reviewed one by now... so let's hear it -- any new 42 mm b&r w/ date owners out there? i'm particularly interested in the ss black dial version -- everyone knows pvd at this price isn't going to be much to talk about.... deltatahoe
  15. i'd go for the pilot chrono (3717) -- it has a lot of presence that pictures can't capture, and the bracelet is one of my favorites (and i don't like many watches on bracelets). i wouldn't bother with the cheapy big pilot -- there are rumors that a quality version will be coming out in 2008... deltatahoe
  16. this watch case from ebay is a remarkable value -- it is top notch quality and craftmanship (and a nice design w/ the velcro straps). deltatahoe
  17. it's a beauty kruzer sending mine off to the ziggy spa in about a month for the same treatment.... deltatahoe
  18. great story victoria -- really touching... this is so true. it is really sad when you see parents treating their kids poorly (i've been traveling just about every week this summer, so i've seen lots of families in airports, etc). i really can't believe the way some parents behave around their children. it is shocking. deltatahoe
  19. @teejay, i'm not going to argue w/ you about josh or trusty's honesty levels.... however, w/ regard to price fixing, what about this possibility: the factory owner/maker of replica watches realizes: hey, if i buy a genuine watch, use it to make a high quality replica, fix the price at an above-average price given the quality of the replication, and limit the supply of these watches to the big dealers that can move high volumes of these watches, i can make a handsome profit. i'll also tell these dealers that if they start trying to compete with each other to drive down the cost of these watches, i will stop giving them exclusive supply to this product. doesn't sound too far fetched to me... deltatahoe
  20. well said, clive. there is a reason why josh & trusty are so popular (namely, their prompt communication and top quality after-sales service), and teejay will clearly never have the pleasure of dealing with them. teejay's self-proclaimed aim is to inform/protect people, which i respect. however, in the end, it's up to each individual to do their own research and make educated decisions about what exactly it is they are purchasing, and what the relative benefits and/or downsides of who they purchase from. what i don't respect about teejay's manner is the condescending tone of quite a few of his posts, and the indignant way in which he regards people who choose to still support josh & trusty. just my thoughts... deltatahoe btw, good to see you posting here at RWG clive
  21. good post p4gtr....it's always interesting to see behind the curtain deltatahoe
  22. best of luck dudro; can't wait to see the results!!!
  23. for me it was buying multiple panerais (now i have eight )....i couldn't understand why someone would want/need several pams....they all look the same, right @pugwash, this is a shot in the dark, but i'm guessing your sfso gets more wrist time than your iwc gst these days? if someone had told you a year ago that a breitling would get more time than your previous favorite watch, i bet you would have laughed them out of the room... deltatahoe
  24. happy birthday kenberg!! get well soon deltatahoe
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