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Everything posted by deltatahoe

  1. looking forward to the review pugwash -- i'm about to send my ingy off for a double AR coating btw, your signature picture isn't working at the moment (at least not for me)... deltatahoe
  2. given i was on a fly fishing trip this weekend (and therefore missed the weekend wristcheck), i'm going to cheat and include a wrist shot i took on the trip. you can see more pictures from my weekend in the wilderness here. deltatahoe
  3. this weekend i went fishing up near mount shasta; i took some pictures during the trip and figured i'd share a couple of them here. it was a really relaxing weekend -- there's nothing quite like getting out in the wilderness and enjoying some time away from city life. we drove up on friday night and got up early saturday morning to head to the river; we picked the pit river for fishing saturday -- the local fly shops said it was fishing really well. as we drove to the river there was still some fog in the valley -- really beautiful with the fall colors. there were lots of cool trees and brush around the river; here's another shot through some tree branches. if you look closely you can see the fog sitting on the river in the background. we fished all day at the pit river; i didn't get any action shots because most of the time i was trying not to get washed away down the river the pit river was very deep, which made for difficult wading (almost waist deep in most places). the scenery was pretty incredible though -- such a beautiful place. after a while i sat down on a rock and took a little break, where i managed to take a quick wrist shot. i decided to wear my sinn u2 on the trip -- it is a nice rugged watch and was a good complement to the trip. after fishing on saturday we drove along the river for a while; there are a couple places where the pit river gets really wide and deep -- the river has several dams and powerhouses along the way. this picture was taken in one of the areas close to the powerhouses. on sunday we fished the mccloud river. it is equally as pretty as the pit river, but a little different in terms of fishing. the mccloud is much more narrow, with the river carving through the forest / canyon. there are lots of big rocks all along the river, so we decided to leave the waders in the car and go rock hopping. we worked our way upstream, jumping from rock to rock to find the best fishing spots. and of course i had to take a wrist shot on the mccloud river as well. my buddy managed to take a picture of me casting; as you can probably tell i'm still a beginner so after a nice weekend of fishing, we finally headed home. the road takes you right past mount shasta, which dominates the skyline. and finally, i saved my favorite picture for last -- the wrist shot that best captures my weekend spent fly fishing hope you enjoyed the trip as much as i did deltatahoe
  4. personally, i prefer to have the main hands showing the local time, and the gmt hand showing the time in my home timezone. this would be an ideal question to use the poll function with... deltatahoe
  5. here's my 112h on greg stevens historic brown deltatahoe
  6. hmm...maybe i should tell oli that he should know his comex isn't a REAL rolex and i'd be happy to pay half what he's asking deltatahoe
  7. i was thinking the same thing reading all this. will be interesting to see how it plays out. while i managed to get my 063 datewheel without incident (my only dealings w/ mark), i'm just glad i chose ziggy as my modder of choice a long time ago deltatahoe
  8. thanks for the interesting story bruce i'm curious -- do you remember what the used 212 was selling for? your observations are the primary reason why it is unlikely that i will buy a genuine watch that can be (relatively) easily repped. hence the reason why i picked up the sinn u2 this year (my first nice genuine watch). next year, it will likely be a jlc -- i've got my eye on the squadra hometime reverso deltatahoe
  9. you trying to punish me for my greed doc , pointing people in the direction of MY comex? deltatahoe
  10. i sure hope so i'm all antsy in my pantsy about the comex....waiting for oliver to respond to my emails, i feel like a kid waiting for a toy store to open btw, you have PM nanuq -- quick question for you deltatahoe
  11. top stuff DBR & nanuq perhaps one day i'll have a fraction of the knowledge you guys have. one thing is for sure though -- vintage rolexes have my full attention deltatahoe
  12. umm all this information is here on RWG. we even have a special forum for comparing reps w/ gens... deltatahoe
  13. oh man - this hurts I had placed an order w/ angus for the 42mm b&r w/ date and given the delays in new stock arriving, I switched my order to the blackbird... deltatahoe
  14. ummm...guilty as charged somebody stop me before I buy again!! deltatahoe
  15. totally agreed. i know the 187 shouldn't have a double AR coating, but imho it makes the watch to each his own i guess... deltatahoe
  16. assuming i'm understanding your post correctly (namely that you paid for the watch to be serviced and it came back w/ no power reserve), i would first suggest that you find a new watchmaker. i'm guessing you didn't get a true servicing but rather some sort of quickie "swish & dip" (see a discussion/post from ziggy about these here), and your watchmaker (obviously) didn't test & regulate the movement after his so called servicing. if it were me, i'd demand my money back and set out to find a new watchmaker that will service your watch using the traditional method with a full breakdown... good luck getting this resolved deltatahoe
  17. hmmm might just be worth the trade for such a legendary piece of RWG lore
  18. well if it is any consolation, it will hopefully (fingers crossed) be on MY wrist a year from now (oli & i have been working out a sale that he'd be happy with on the comex).... we could of course temporarily swap with one of your other vintage beauties for a short while if you REALLY want to have it on your wrist a year from now deltatahoe
  19. i've had several similar occurences here on RWG... the one that i kick myself over the most is the beautiful vintage franken omega 300m that went on the boards twice for $500ish and both times i couldn't bring myself to pick it up. *kick kick kick* deltatahoe
  20. sorry to bring back an older thread, but just as an update to those interested -- joshua is willing to sell just the bracelet and endlinks for this watch; i've just ordered the bracelet/endlinks from him. when i receive it, i'll post with pictures to get members' opinions on how they look. deltatahoe
  21. @ajoe... I believe all of the collectors are currently awaiting a new shipment of these - I had actually paid angus for one of these several weeks ago, but given the delay he offered to change my order to something else... I'm not in a rush - we can probably gather more people for the group buy in the meantime Btw, did your source give you an ETA re: when these will be available? Thanks for your work in putting this group buy together - I know firsthand how much logistical work it can be to put these together. Cheers deltatahoe
  22. david has always been nothing but professional with me. i emailed him asking how much it would be to send me the updated dial; he responded with a price (which was very reasonable for a new superlumed dial) and after discussing payment methods (i purchased my 232 from him using an international wire transfer, which apparently he ended up having to pay $20-25 in fees to receive), he just sent it to me for free and said we'll settle up with my next purchase. i'm wondering the same thing. i really need to just suck it up and buy the necessary tools to complete simple tasks like this on my watches, but i find myself so busy when i'm not working that i don't really have much excess time to do my own watchmaking work. given ziggy is so slammed these days, i'm at a loss regarding what to do. one thing is for sure, when i get it done i will take some pics to show off the new darker dial; i think it will look awesome with the mario paci papaya brown strap i have on my 232... deltatahoe
  23. essentially, the double sided AR coating prevents reflections on the crystal, which makes the dial more readable (for many watches, including the ingenieur w/ the waffled dial, it makes all the difference in the world). hope this helps. oh, and welcome to RWG deltatahoe
  24. let's hope this is the much awaited big pilot EDIT to add: ooh....ss ingy w/ double sided AR coating? this is a good new development...
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