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Everything posted by b16a2

  1. Because the parts section also encompasses rep items. If you have gen items, try selling on eb&y or TZ
  2. I agree with everything above, but I feel the horse has already bolted. If we want to stay an underground community then we need to consider the advertising of this website and it's purpose. Is it here to stop people getting scammed, or is it here for a community to share a common interest? If it's the latter we should pull the plug from search engines, if it's the former, then being an underground society isn't really possible. At best we can abide by the rules in the above posts to lower the amount unwanted attention.
  3. First impression - that is nice Second impression - don't like the crown Third Impression - I'd definitely buy one if a rep was available!
  4. Looks good Teejay! One of the best watches around (gen or rep)
  5. @ Andreww - I totally agree. In reference to my post, it was an idea as a filter for new memberships, not really as a filter for existing members. A ban or brandishing people who don't contribute to this forum as not worthy is ridiculous and rude. However, it might encourage more commitement from newer members who come here. I think this could be getting a little off topic, sorry I hope we get this problem sorted out soon.
  6. I believe that being a member of this forum is a privilege, VIP or no VIP. How many of us would be buying pretty bad rpelicas or paying more for repiclas that we can get here for chepaer if it had not been for this forum. I'l tell you how many, all of us. I think that membership should include an introductory period of a month. After that if you want to stay, you pay, if you don't like, it you can leave. It costs money to keep this place going, and alot of effort form our mods, admin etc... and for the sake of $30 per annum, it's pretty poor practice not to pay it (This isn't a direct dig at you Teejay just so you know. You're posts are well thought out and you are indeed a valued member!! This is just my opinion in general)
  7. Paul McCartney - Unplugged Muse - Hullabaloo
  8. b16a2

    Omega GMT

    This looks really good for the price! Think I may have to jump on the band wagon too. What are thw waves on the dial like? Do they stick out well when in sunlight?
  9. That's incredible, give them a few years and they're going to be incredible!
  10. For sale is a genuine SMP band. Would be good for someone with a SM looking to upgrade the band so it is more accurate (from screws to pins) http://cgi.ebay.com/Omega-Seamaster-300M-C...1QQcmdZViewItem **I am in no way affiliated with the seller, just something I saw and thought would be of some interest to someone**
  11. I agree. This is about making a better forum, and network for everyone. When we post in there, it doesn't have to be a full blast at the dealer in question, merely pointing it out will suffice. Hopefully, now with Andrew's increased posting and Joshua's also in the dealer section, we might see them change, and/or see the gradual decline of these misrepresentations, albeit a mistake or intentional.
  12. Look very good! How do they feel compared to your gen 111h?
  13. Yes. The black bezel with white numbers was the original colours. They then released (last year I believe) the black bezel with orange numbers. Both are just as accurate, comes down to personal preference which one you choose.
  14. How long's a piece of string! I have one that hasn't been serviced, that is the still going after 12months. I have two others that work perfectly after 4months. All a game of chance, if you get them serviced, there is no reason why they shouldn't last a long time with care.
  15. The rubber strap is definitely the best option for a PO. Wear it well!
  16. Good choice, the B-1 is an excellent watch! Wear it well
  17. Welcome. Choosing between those is very difficult. I beleive that all should be part of your collection at some point. I am a huge Breitling fan, they are my favourite watch brand without a doubt, however, I would recommend the Ultimate Planet Ocean (PO). The PO is one of the most versatile, sophistcated, sporty, casual, etc.... watch I believe to be available as a rep. It is simply stunning. Black bezel, you won't regret it.
  18. It's certainly true, most of the time we are in a position to spot a rep more so than gen collectors. We know what the flaws are in the reps, as we are continuually searching for that 'perfect' rep. Whereas the majority of gen owners are probably less likely to notice that the rehaut on a sub is a fraction too thin, or the two little tails on the UPO.
  19. I remember reading that the case back is real wood. The 'graphic' probably refers to the ship on there.
  20. Andrew, I don't suppose you have heard if the black dial UPO is also of a better standard now? I read the review of your re-sent orange bezel and saw that it had a few refinements to it?
  21. Be careful if you wish to receive the replacement form your dealer. Just imagine them finding another replica watch, exactly the same! I don't know anything about prosecutions, but that would make me very wary of re-ordering so soon.
  22. Beautiful collection! Thanks for sharing.
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