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Everything posted by nikki6

  1. Think I might have a full bracelet, let me have a rummage around for you.
  2. New steelfish chrono from mr Breitling! http://youtu.be/XzqvX1teDes
  3. My baby! Short haired exotic Persian.
  4. + 1 here also! It's shocking that you've been treated in this manner, I really hope Moab and the mods at the other RWG can sort this for you! As Moab says, they're pretty strict over there, so I'm surprised that it's gotten this far! Always had an affinity with they guys there, but this is very strange for that forum! Hope it gets sorted Doc, you don't deserve to be treated in this manner!!
  5. I think there is some red on the omega!? Plenty colour!! .
  6. Think they flew into Scottish airspace too, up off the Shetland isles, where we keep our oil! That's slightly worrying, especially as we are voting on independence very soon! Hope you're there to save our butts too Ezio!!
  7. Worn makeup since I was 14! Mainly eyeliner, but did the whole lot when I played in glam bands when I was young!
  8. If it's the true Ti model, that wins every time!
  9. Agreed, I think it sounds very cool! Good Summer watch I'd say! I'd wear it no problem! (I already look like a girl anyways!!) .
  10. A rep is a rep until you try and pass it off as a gen, then it becomes a fake!! A very clever, but forgetful, sealion told me that! Wise words!
  11. I was just about to say the same thing Asci! Some way cool sounding pieces!!
  12. Those clasps are brutal for falling apart, I think I have about 3 of them, all like yours, in my strap box! I'd suggest Toro, he's fairly active on here!
  13. Seems like a Pam day so far! Love the Pam rubber on deployment, it's just the right thing to do on a 196!
  14. Hi all, Thought some of you may enjoy this, it sounds very cool!! https://www.youtube.com/embed/UwpP_s8LV_Y
  15. Gens should be a good bit cheaper though, no sales tax on them.
  16. Liking that Bombfrog bud!! I started one dafty! Vlydog anniversary wristies! .
  17. Here's to one of our very finest! Proud to be your friend V-Doggy!!
  18. More proud to have you as a friend B!!
  19. Gugliano in full control as ever huh?! Lol. Fraggle, I did a speed shoot out around Rockingham oval for a mag years ago, 228mph the scenery changes pretty fast!! Great wee infield track too I always thought!?
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