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Everything posted by nikki6

  1. I thought there may have been the Tag F1, Abyss chrono 44mm, tag 500m chrono, Flying B and I'd give a big shout for the Raymond Weil Nabucco chrono in SS. Excellent work by everyone involved though, that's a lot of work right there!! Sixx.
  2. I would imagine that it's because of the small limited number of them and the fact that this is NOS! Sixx.
  3. Thanks for the nice compliments gents! It is a stunner from memory! Re, the attack, there are scum all over the place now. Unfortunately the world we live in today! Lol, Z you defo trumped me on the baby front dude, huge congrats to you and mrs Z!! Sixx.
  4. I was thinking more of a stripper stage!! But I think that says more about me rather than Raymond Weil!! . Sixx.
  5. New baby for today I think!! Sixx.
  6. It's an RW variation of the eta 7754. Smooth as silk and a very high beat! The box sounds wicked cool I have to admit!!
  7. Hi chaps, Thought I'd share this with you guys! After this. http://m.local.stv.tv/edinburgh/news/200982-blind-man-in-wheelchair-robbed-and-assaulted-in-his-edinburgh-home/ Happened to me last year and my gen Skyland was taken I finally got the insurance money sorted and went to find a nice 2nd hand Skyland, thinking with the cash I'll be getting I could get something else nice too. But not to be, I was given a company card for Signet Group, not the greatest jewellers ever, but they sell some nice watches, so bugger it says I and go looking for what they have! I spent a while trawling their website, was very close to buying the blue dial SOH, but then I discovered a watch I've drooled over since it came out!! So I order one, they say each piece is hand made and it will be a six week turn around, this ended up being a 9 week turn around, but to those who wait and all that! I haven't been very well the last couple of weeks, so haven't done anything and can't go anywhere. So Geoff, my pop, said he's go pick it up and he brought it round. This was prolly the coolest unveiling ever, well would have been way better if I could see right enough! So, on to the unveiling!! That's a very cool watch box and the matching carbon and Ti cuff links were a nice touch! Hope you like!! Sixx.
  8. I've been here a good few years now, I've dealt with KB, have joked and laughed with him and once had my knuckles rapped for being a bit of a dick (true story, hard to believe I could be, I know!! ) but, as with every mod on here, he's a stand up honest guy!! I'm no ass kisser, I'm sure you'll know that if you've been around long enough, but neither am I a coward or too stupid to admit my mistakes! You sir, seem bent on covering yourself in the latter! PM KB and talk to him there, we don't need to hear your "handbags at dawn" call out!! Back to topic now I think!! OP, copy and paste this into TB's feedback forum in the dealers section, that's where this really belongs and you're far more likely to get an answer there! His forum is in his section in the TDs area. Sixx.
  9. I've known you for nearly 4 years Dutchy, traded with you, laughed with you! Never once in all that time have I ever thought anything but respect for who you are!! Scammers are people who hide from what you've posted!! Sixx
  10. There is a yellow handed Ebel in there too mate, it's yours if you want it, PM me Thanks for the kind words guys, there is another box and a half to come! @Daniel including gens not pictured, I'd say about 60? The gens will be in the next shoot, more Invictas, Tissot GP watches, breits and Raymond Weil. Sixx
  11. Hey, After Rionrlty showed us some of his collection I've decided to try and get a chunk of mine photographed! As most of you know, I'm not the best person in the world to give a cameraq too, but I do try! Here are a few from the boxes! Hope you enjoy! Sixx
  12. I think that calls for at least a VIP member upgrade!! This place will save you from that ever happening again, that's gotta be worth a few bucks, right?! Sixx
  13. MY ride for this summer!! It will be a fairly quick one though! Sixx
  14. I just recently got the Abyss chrono too Relaxman, they are amazingly well made!! I have a polished version!
  15. Holy crap!!! They are big boys toys indeed!! That challenger sounds crazy cool, you kept that quiet when I snagged the Sub C XL from you!! Nice collection there man, wear them in good health! and you're right, Pete is one of the best out there, he's a proper guy!! Sixx
  16. IWC, gen German day/date wheels! Sounding very nice there J!!
  17. Ouch, that's nasty! But, as I'm sure many of us are thinking, how far did it go?1?! Come on we're guys, we want measurements!! Sixx
  18. Lol, Still here Z, just can't seem to upgrade my account, the new payment portal isn't available in the UK yet. But I'm still lurking in the depths! Oh, and if anyone is in the Edinburgh area, or Scotland for that matter, and you like bikes, I'll have a stand at the MCN Scottish Bike show at Ingliston Royal Highland Arena, (or whatever the chuff they are calling it these days?!) Would be great to catch up with some of the UK crowd!! Sixx
  19. OR you fight back like I did and get 23 stitches down your face!! http://local.stv.tv/edinburgh/200982-blind-man-in-wheelchair-robbed-and-assaulted-in-his-edinburgh-home/ sixx
  20. Thank you all for the warm welcome back!! So nice to be back home!! I will be putting pretty much my whole collection up for sale in the next few weeks. My main Sponsor has backed out on me at the last minute and I have the bike and serveral other expensive bits that I now need to pay for! Keep yer peepers peeled in the Sale section, there are a few rare birds and stunners on their way!! Sixx
  21. Afternoon/morning/evening gents, I haven't been around much lately, my life has kinda went insane lately!! I want to apologise to the guys I promised parts too that never managed to get out! If you still require the parts, I'm more that happy to still send them out to you! So, my life is kinda changed now, I have taken on the challenge of a lifetime and after some serious injuries, moving home, being in and out of hospital, I now have more time on my hands finally! (no pun) I have decided to make something good out of the bad that's happened in my life! If you would like to look and see what I'm up too, then visit www.raspberryrippleracing.com It's interesting to say the least!! Again, I just wanted to do a quick post to say hi and to apologise to the guys that have been messed about by various goings on in my life, I will make them right if you still need me too! Missed all you guys, hasn't been the same without abuse from my friends, HackR, Panther, Floyd et al!! Hope to catch up with you all in the next few days!! Sixx
  22. Guys, I have huge apologies to make here!! I have several members awaiting parts that I promised to them a couple of months back and sooner. Things have been pretty rough around here lately with illness and also trying to get my new home sorted etc. I'm home and kinda well, so all parts are going to be sent out in the next couple of days. Including some links for Lazarini from Fireman_Fred, if either of you are reading this. I'm really sorry for the wait gents, but I'll try and make it right for you all! Thanks Sixx
  23. Go to the trusted dealers forum and look for watch international, thats mary! Just email her with some details and a picture and she will go to the markets and try find it for you! If it exists, Mary will find it! Sixx
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