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Everything posted by nikki6

  1. I think I have a spare R, I'll have a rummage and get back to you! Sixx
  2. Hey mate, Have a look for Andyfxr and check his sig at the bottom. He has a great 'how too' for bringing your bracelet back to life again!! Sixx
  3. Watch is in transit as I type guys, as soon as it lands I'll take pics and you can tell me what I've won!! Sixx
  4. You are best sticking with the dealers we have here or trading with other members mate! All the dealers go through a vetting system by the Admin and mods on here, so you can be sure you are getting the best from the best!! I'd advise staying clear of that site!! Sixx
  5. Tag or Cartier seem to be the most accurate! The Womens Tag reps are amazingly well made and finished!! Sixx
  6. This 'Stevie' also agrees!! Bill has every right to give the dials to whomever he likes!! Hell he can use them for shooting practice, they're his!! To do with as he pleases! Sixx
  7. Lol, that was one of my favourite quotes from the article too!! Seriously, he's on an autobhan with a supercar and a 19 year old piece in the seat next to him, I don't think we need Poirot on this one!! lol. Sixx
  8. DJ is a class act!! I met him about 5 or 6 years ago through Tommy and Nikki. Awesome wee guy and just one of those amazing musicians who can play pretty much everything. Makes you sick!! lol Here's a couple of vids from Sixx:AM, the band he's in with Nikki. Oh, and just to make it watch related, DJ is wearing an AP and James (the singer) is wearing a PAM!! Nikki is wearing his usual Dave123 diamond rep! Sixx
  9. If you are concerned about security on your phone think on this. What do you do with your old phones when you get the newest super duper one?! Go on the 'Bay, sell on a Forum, such as the one in our sales Forum, sell to one of the 'enviro friendly' put it in an envelope send it to us and we'll send you cash' companies, or maybe just give it to a friend? Whatever you do with it, you should know that pretty much everything you have done with that phone is still held on a chip within the phone. It can store your bank details, passwords, texts, emails, you name it, you can find it if you know where to look!! Why do you think phones go for the money they do on the 'Bay? Buyers who know this will know that at least 3 out of 5 phones will have info on them that is worth 10x's what they paid for it if sold to the right ( or wrong depending on your point of view) people. Easiest way to get around it, or wipe it, is to reset to factory settings! Only way to delete it all! But the fact is, as TX said above, there is no real privacy anymore! These phones these days are basically mini net books, they have the functionality of a laptop or net book, so obviously it's going to pick up a lot more info than say your old Nokia 5500!! The new Iphone 4 is basically a stripped down blade server almost! These things have huge power, just because they're small doesn't mean they don't bite!! Sixx
  10. I'm pretty sure Alex still uses that wee coin he has as a plectrum too, I've always thought that has given his playing a very distinct sound, even among other similer guitars!! Slash loves that Les Paul, I read something in a magazine about it years ago. He said it had the grindiest noise of any guitar he had ever played and loved it, hence why he still plays it now! One of the new G n' R guitarists, DJ Ashba, has some cool custom guitars, google his name and it should come up with some pics of his work! He told me that Axl actually tried to steal Slash's 59 when they broke up because it was the sound of Guns n' Roses. I've been friends with DJ for a good while and he has no reason to lie about it and it certainly sounds like something Axl would have done back then!! Sixx
  11. Hey Map, do a search in this GD forum for a thread on this exact subject. I think in the main most people used different ID's in rep and gen forums. Makes sense really, the gen forums are so far up their own arses most of the time, that if they knew you were even just a member on here or the other Fora, your name would be mud within days. Most of the guys on the Gen forums are like our very own lovable Dave123 x1000, now imagine that and try not to cry!! For them it's all, "look what I have, aren't I great because I have an expensive watch, unlike those rep scum who just make us look cheap!!" Fuck em I say, Dave123 owns and has owned countless gens and reps, he has the odd drink and likes a ramble on the forums when he drinks, nothing wrong there most of us like a drink and a boast sometimes, but these guys make Dave look like an innocent school kid!! It's all about the $$'s and the "look what I have that you never could!" I have better things to do with my life than to listen to some jumped up arsehole tell me how great they are because they have the newest Sub from Basel World, or that they have *insert bullshit line here*!! At least on here you get real people talking about real things! That and Dave123 is generally very funny when he drinks and mouths off!! Sixx
  12. Are we going to name names here or just pussy around the fact?! Surely if a member of one of the boards would do that to a fellow member it would be nice to know who to stay away from and who not to tell of good finds!! Sixx
  13. That sounds very sweet!! I've played Neil Peart's drums and had a twang on one of Geddy's basses, but Alex wasn't there at the time and I don't like touching something so personal to someone without them being there. It too was a Les Paul if I remember rightly, it was an ocean blue with a sparkle through it from what I remember! Sixx
  14. Has to be worth a shot at that kind of money for sure!! Classic Les Paul is just that, classic!! I have always liked the Gretch that Izzy Stradlin played, he had a white one with off white paisley on it. Tyla from the Dogs D'amour has a gorgeous purple one that I've had a play with! Sixx
  15. I'v been rocking the Panada most of the week!! Think I'll go with BlackSteel lovelyness for the weekend though!! Feels amazing on the awesome, large scale gator that our very own Blackbard made for me!! Sixx
  16. Andreww, 2nd one all the way!! Real classic lines and an awesome sound!! Modded UPO's are always nice!! Sixx
  17. Hahahaha, the "lingman" *cough* Dave *cough* is never wrong!! Obviously I can't see the red, but from what I'm being told, it sounds a bit of a pinker red, or maybe thats just the light bleaching it in the pic?! If it is that colour, don't think it would be good with a BS, it's a real fire engine red on the BS insn't it? Relaxman, I'll take a couple for you tomorrow mate, I have it on my PAM 050 white dial. Sixx
  18. There is a radio button when you edit posts that ask if you want it to show you have edited the post or not. Not sure if it's part of the VIP package, but I know it's on the Plati package! Hope this helps C!! Sixx
  19. Omega Planet Ocean, the watch that James Bond wears. Go to the Omega forum and you will find loads of reviews and pics from guys who know far more than I do!! Josh is doing a real good deal on the new 42mm PO, or Narikaa has his infamous POrikaa. Both can be found in the dealers section on the main forum page. Sixx
  20. I have the blue shark strap, it's a real nice strap, very well made!! Sixx
  21. There are a couple of real nice Sinns in the sales Forum!! Or maybe a PO on rubber? Sixx
  22. Really fancy the new Blacksteel Blackbird!! Love the SS BlackBird and love my ASBS, so figure this has to be worth a try!! Prolly a bit on the small side for you Dave, but it sounds real nice!! Sixx
  23. Ok, on it's own then! Be very careful with those insults my friend!! Sixx
  24. I'll go with Whatevers big brother!! Sixx
  25. Hahaha, that is exactly what I was thinking while reading it!! That is a top class find Andy!! Kinda like the ebay sale for a GSXR1000, stating it was up for sale because apparently "Do whatever the f**k you want" doesn't mean what I was led to believe it did!! Sixx
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