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Everything posted by nikki6

  1. This is from a SABS, but they look exactly the same bud! Hope these help mate. Sixx
  2. Concord always make great watches I think and Subbie is spot with the marketing team, they have one of THE best out there!! The C1 alone is a phenominal watch!! The quiality rep of it is insanely well made and finished!! Sixx
  3. Spoke to Pete today, he's got an awful lot on his plate at the moment, so he thinks it's best to take a break until his way is slightly clearer!! Those of you who know Pete knows that he likes to put all he has to offer into what he does, he can't do that right now and he feels it's best not to give a half arsed try rather than his full attention! We have all been there, but he will be back with his filthy, hairy, cockney gorrilla arms soon enough!! Sixx
  4. I'm all in if the back out Andy!! Sixx
  5. Does the date still turn over using the quick change? Did the quick change work previously? Sixx
  6. Hey Nig, Do you mean you can't use the quick change function on your day/date anymore?! Or does it not turn over at midnight? Sixx
  7. You should hunt down a show called Rome too M, it's in the same vien and is a killer show! We actually got this series first in the UK for a change, my Father is really into it, but it's a very visual show, so I kinda get lost and lose everything! Shame cause it sounds great the couple of episodes I listened too! Sixx
  8. If you have a source, I'm all in Andy!! Sixx
  9. Same as V-Doggy, played the drums for about 12 years I think, maybe a bit more. Was good times, got to tour Europe, play on The Strip in LA and made a few real good friends along the way! Sixx
  10. CNY for sure, I've not heard of Andrew taking that long to respond at any other time of the year! As has been stated by others, it's best to know the approx time of CNY in this hobby, being a member since 08 I thought you would have known about CNY?! As for the extra payment, that one is very strange! I'm sure it will all get sorted once things get back to normal. Hope you enjoy your watch when it arrives mate! Sixx
  11. The brushed bracelet sounds cool! I wear a steelfish or a Blackbird bracelet on one of my Skylands, it goes well with the bezel, in my head! The Maratac sounds cool too, kinda like the black and red one for the Blacksteel! Wear it well mate, it sounds a great piece! Sixx
  12. Blue is a notoriously bad colour to get, there are maybe 2 or 3 reps that have had an anywhere close to gen blue colour. Annoying as the gen blue is generaly stunning!! I have both the black and graphite skylands and a blacksteel, can't go wrong with dark dials, well not overly wrong anyways! I think someone done a short review on his code yellow in here not so long ago. I think there is a gen one also?! Sixx
  13. With lots of help!!! Seriously though, I have certain forums that I tend to head straight for, Omega. breit, Tag and of course, the Sales Forum!! But if I'm wandering down the main page and something catches my ear, I'll generally pay it a visit. I tend to scroll down the main page and listen for interesting stuff, then go to my usual haunts. Sixx
  14. I would be in for sure N!! I have approx 5 xtals I want done at the moment and more to come, all double sided! There is a guy in Germany doing some good work, a guy called Uwe (FineDD on the boards I believe) he has done some work for Whatever123 and a couple of others and they have been really impressed. Would be so good to have a UK outlet though!! Well for us in the UK it would be, also means that more of the EU crowd would have a choice of Uwe in Germany or you over here in the UK. Or the old schoolers who have always used Chiefs excellent service, still have that option open to them!! The more modders/services we can get in the EU the better for all of us I say! Means work would need to be at a constant high standard or you face losing custom to another modder, price doesn't go crazy having to ship to US/CAN or to Asia! Price point for mods would come down too as guys try to deal in the same market, thats how we got the reps we have today no? More dealers, means more choice and competative pricing!! In short. YES!!! lol. Oh and congrats on your ton up mate!! Welcome to the club!! Sixx
  15. It seems to be C, I just went over the page and all the coding etc seems right and no scatter servers! Someone with eyes will be able to give you more detail on whats on offer though, but seems ok to me~?! Sixx
  16. You got zero chance of getting an answer from a dealer, let alone a watch until the 15th or 16th bud. Keep checking the sales forum on here, someone might be selling! Sixx
  17. Oh you big sig funny stealer you, Big Minty Bear!!! Sixx
  18. I have a rose gold Chopard MM GTXXL and the gold plate is excellent!! The 5mils stated on the site won't be flaking anytime soon I wouldn't have thought!! Pretty hard to flake that!! Sixx
  19. Hey Gents, Thank you very much for the concern and nice words!! I haven't been too well again and was unable to use the computer or my phone to access the Forum, the were confiscated. Again!! lol. I'll hopefully be back and posting properly soon, just trying to settle back at home and take it easy for a few days! I will be back though, oh yes, I will be back!! Mwuhahahaha! Thank you again for the concern and well wishes, both on here and by PM, every single bit of it helps!! Thank you so much!! Sixx
  20. I've shaved for as long as I can remember, more from a hygiene point than anything else really, but to be fair, I would expect a female to have it well tended down there, so why shouldn't she expect the same?! I use a Mach Fusion on all parts, only thing I don't shave are my legs and pits. Oh and head, I have hair so no need for the bald wig on my head!! Make sure to use a good after shave balm when done to prevent razor burn and alls good! Sixx
  21. I have a great FM Conq dial, came out of a gen from a guy in Holland. Great piece!! Sixx
  22. Hahahahaha, I would have thought impossible not too!! Well done sir!! Sixx
  23. Good team effort chaps, especially Francisco!! Hope your good lady enjoys the watch bud!! Sixx
  24. Search for FXRandy, he has a fantastic guide on how to make your bracelet smooth and gen like! I'm sure, with some advice, it could work for the cases too! P4GTR also has a great bracelet clean and lube how to. Do a search for them both, the bracelet lube is one of the easiest, yet best mods you can do to your rep IMO!! Sixx
  25. Good to have you around, hope you have fun and we hear more from you this year!! Sixx
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