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Posts posted by cougaree

  1. Excellent! Thanks! The case looks very nice! Especially it's great to see the case underneath the pushers are nice and straight. I think this one you have could be a v4 (some seller calls v3 as v2 + corrected dw). The factory still has not fixed the model number. For two tone watch, I believe the model number should start with "B" instead of "A".

  2. Does the v3 accept a gen bezel?

    If this watch is same v3 like mine, the answer is yes. Just make sure you are also using gen bezel spring because the rep bezel spring on the v3 is a little bit thin, so you may not be able to reuse it. On the other hand, you can reuse rep bezel ratchet ring.

  3. Very nice! Thanks for sharing! For some reason, I just really like the BCE over any other watches. Do you have any pictures of the caseback? I'm wondering if it has the correct model number.

  4. I just found an old post, this was what Yodap said.

    "There are 3 versions.

    V1: lume dots at 15, 30, 45, 60 - bad datefont - low beat movement = crap, stay away

    V2: much better, refined dial, but can be still spotted at the blobby , uncentered lume, and the A173XX caseback

    V3: Dial AR application is near perfect, caseback corrected, awesome AR and OR strap = THE WAY TO GO! "

    I wonder if v3 = HBB maker's SOHC

  5. Member X, thanks for the reply and clarification!

    Basically, I was talking about the first watch under Breitling superocean on Josh's website. You are probably right. It's the v2. I originally thought v2 was from the same factory as v1 and then there is the HBB version of SOHC.

    If it's virtually perfect, does it mean the lugs are perfect also? I mean I've heard on the SOH v2, people say the lugs are longer and bent down more... something you can't really mod to fix.

  6. It's still fun for me, actually more fun than collecting gen because I like have my rep watches modded and procuring gen parts are difficult and may take months, years... (kind of like fishing also). This makes each of my watch special. I've learned a lot more about watches from modding rep ones I've collected in the last couple years than many years of me owning gens.

  7. I found this on the Internet.

    "Mao's personal physician, Dr. Li Zhisui, published his memoirs in the book, "The Private Life of Chairman Mao." This book captured his observations and experiences of Mao's private life.

    In this book there was a section which talked about Mao's passing. Dr.Li was with a team of doctors who tried in vain to keep Mao alive. Dr. Li mentioned that upon his death, one of the concerns voiced out by one of Mao's aide was to locate the Omega watch that was given to Mao. Dr. Li described that they tried looking for the watch as this now had a significant historical value but could not locate it. The watch is not mentioned again in the book."

    Regardless what the model of the watch is, it's an Omega. I think it's a manual wind one.

  8. When I grow up, I've been given advices from elderly about women. They say when evaluating a gal to be your mate, you have to look at her shortcomings more and don't get blinded by her strength.

    I think this advice applies to watches we are going to buy... very well, especially our imperfect reps. As you all know, I've been crazy about Breitlings lately and having a few nice ones in my collection. Now, I would like to seriously looking into the HBB maker's version of SOHC.

    Any thoughts on it? I don't see a whole lot of discussion on this watch on our board. From what I see on the dealer website, it certainly has the correct model stamped on the caseback. Anything on the rep bothers you somewhat?


  9. Just FYI. If you are planning on doing some modding on it later, get the v2 BCE over v3. Although I was told the original v2 is no longer being made, I have seen some BCE's with asian DW font and "maker after 10" which leads me believe those are the v2 (or pretty close). Based on my own experience, the DW with proper font is hard to find, but the gen bezel fits much better on the v2 over v3, which is something you can't mod.

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