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Everything posted by maxman

  1. Welcome to RWG Nanzabo. Good have you here. I hope you enjoy your stay with us, have fun Mike
  2. Your getting pertty quick on the draw there my friend. I guess there is a new sheriff in town Mike
  3. Well lets just put it this way my friend. It would not be a good thing to be a receipiant of such a device. Puts a hole new meaning to "Dip Stick" Mike
  4. There is no need to feel useless. I see that you give back by being very active on this forum. This is very Important. To Interact with other members is the life blood of this commuity. When you can you will upgrade, untill that time comes you are a valuable member just the same. Mike
  5. Welcome to best watch forum around. In time Im sure you will agree. Toads Noob Guide is a great Intro into the world of reps. Also the search function in the uper right hand conner is quite helpful. Good to have you here Jumper,enjoy Mike
  6. I dont even have to think about this one. Drum roll. The Omega SeaMaster Automatic chrono Late 60s-early70s vintage Mike
  7. Thanks for the Post. This issue has been brought up just recently. I agree, the less said the better. Friends and family are one thing, In a ADs shop is somethig completly different. Mike
  8. Seeing the way things are going for you I wont be suprised if you win the dam watch. In all honesty,I hope you do. Platinum man Mike
  9. Thanks Toad for the post. I realy can t add anything else but "off I go to purchase a ticket" Mike
  10. To Dempsey, Samurai, and Sammmalone. Thanks for keeping it classy guys. You were able to get your point accross and do it in a well manored and professional context. I know that I appreciate it and you can sure bet that MPP does as well. good job Mike
  11. WELCOME TO RWG. I would try to read some reviews of the watches your considering. Then go to the trade reviews. There is a lot of realy good infomation there. Im sure a long the way some UK members will be more than happy to help you out. Good luck Mike PS You might want to check with Chris @ eurotimes. I think he is based in Europe.
  12. Welcome to RWG John. It looks to me that your off to a very good start. Indeed you are right. It realy is hard to go wrong here at RWG. Stick to the basics and all should go well. Good luck Mike
  13. Welcome to RWG. I would have to agree with my good friend Valerian Reading Toads Noob Guide or The TNG report Is very good advice. This will clear up some of the fog and set you on the path of the righteous. Good luck and happy hunting Mike
  14. to RWG. I believe that Idolreplica is connected to watceden is some way. Same watches, same prices, same format. same videos, you get the picture. This is not a bad thing considering that Watcheden is one of the better rep sites. Good to have you here Mike
  15. Welcome to RWG Dan. The second mortgage is not realy that big of a issue here at RWG. It's the third and forth that tell us that there may be a problem, enjoy Mike
  16. I came only one click away from ording from Exactreplicas. I decided to do some research and thats how I found RWG. I came up on a complantsborad.com. There was over six pages of complants about Exactreplicas. Several people received nothing. Others received a crapy watch that they had to return. Then there were still others who received the wrong watch. I cant tell you how relieved I was that I chose to do some snooping around. So stick to the dealers that have done well here. Mike
  17. Im also no expert.but looks to be one of the usual suspects. Im thinking your wife should like it enough. I hope this answers your question Mike
  18. I warned you about that dam bug, ferocious little bestard, aint he?
  19. This is true but does anyone realy care/notice? Example.... When was the last time someone looked at your watch and questioned the movement? The truth of it is 99% of the general public could care less about someones watch. This has been my experence. The few who you might run into who like watches probably know nothing or very little about movements. Remember that this community makes up only a small part of are socitey as a whole. Most people that I know wear a watch for one reason, to tell them the time of day. Some use there dam cell phone. I dont think It will ever happen but lets say someone looks at my watch and says " Ohhhh thats a quartz, must be a fake" My reply would be " Indeed it is, thank you very much" I have never had someone question the authenticity of my watch. Im not saying that could not happen. But the chances are astronomical. I like my quartz watches as I like my automatic/self winders. I say " if you like the watch, get it", no one's going to realy care/notice. Imho Mike
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