Well, firstly I have to say I avoided opening the post at work for fear of what might be inside Your post is a reflective one, I didn't think about what would happen to our collections if something should happen to any of the members on the forum. People can leave us at any moment and if there is one thing that is important to remember, is to live life to the fullest...with no regrets! So, like you said, if family could be saved from a potential nightmare, then it's a good thing!
Once a person starts acquiring items of value like a house or's always insured, there's records, pictures and a value to any of the items. I was taught that anything worth something to myself or my family, like pictures...should be kept in a safe place. Items around the house should be documented, photographed and the information stored...just in case! But the value of a collection that may contain Gens & Reps is a different kettle of fish, so a detailed journal and a "buddy" is a great idea The earlier someone starts the better so...I'm gonna start my "in-case" journal sooner rather than later, to be safe There isn't that much, but why not continue with past practices, right?
P4GTR makes a good point...loved ones might cherish them more than we might think!!! Lots to think about I guess!
Thanks Pete, great idea