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Everything posted by Star69

  1. i have to feeling LAZ will be very VERY drunk next week on the GTG LOL Frank
  2. depends how much money you want to spend - her is my cheap solution - stock 47mm rep-case + plexi and Fiddy caseback. not very accurate, but i like it cheers, Frank
  3. Jawo, congratulations !!!!! nice work shitty weather today - rain rain rain ... cheers, Frank
  4. Tribal - 2 extra beer if you bring this watch to the GTG
  5. yes - i saw also different noobmariners with different date-mags looks like you really into it - which is great please make the watch right and you have a new costumer. i gave up on modern Sub - Reps long ago, would love to have an 16610 back in my collection. cheers, Frank
  6. don't want to bash you or anything thanks for the reply. im happy that a new Sub comes out - bring em on - but make them good - finally on the gen - the mag is not filled completely look what i mean : - i think the mag on the noob is perfect as it is. if you look frontal on the noob (with better insert and crown) its as good as it gets - in the rep world .... just don't look at the rehaut-depth. looking forward to your Euromariner ! cheers, Frank
  7. judging from the 3x magnification it a tuned up MBW .... lets wait for Tribals non-photoshopped pics Frank
  8. my vote : Explorer or Date Just - the Airking is too small with 34mm. but they are all nice Frank
  9. thanks a lot for you comments - the vote is clear - it stays base cheers, Frank
  10. cool strap !! perfect color hope you'll bring it to the GTG. Frank
  11. Star69

    No Date

    keep in mind that gen 5513 dial are available and not soooo expensive - esp the later ones - i would go gen. Frank
  12. yes - i think nothing beats a base-dial Frank
  13. prob this watch the next days (just got the crystal back from AR coating) cheers, Frank
  14. Hi, had some time in the morning - so i played with my toys this came out : before : after : which combo whould you keep ?? thanks ! Frank
  15. do yourself a faver and get the "noob" version. i think andrew has it. i had both - the retro and noob. the noob is 1000x better (rehaut, cyclops, datefont, datewheel, bracelet ect. are all better on the noob) cheers, Frank
  16. same same same - all the time cheers, Frank
  17. no way Jose looks there are better ways to waste money like the new GMT or Tudor cheers, Frank
  18. how could i miss this threat ? nice to see the watch on a bracelet - i just adore this dial Frank
  19. i feel a little sentimental - so a bump for this thread Tommy is missed 4 sure - i still remember all his topics ;-) also when Oliver and Tommy had some "misunderstandings" - good old times what i really miss - is that some skilled young modders show us their amazing work there still out there - but maybe the reps got better and the interest in mods smaller ? some watches from Tommy that i had (keep in mind this was 3 years ago) cheers, Frank
  20. wow !! very nice mix - congrats ! if you want to trade it - PM me Frank
  21. congratulations !!!! :close_tema: i remember when i hit the 1000 ! .... upss - sorry i didn't but you still own me a beer cheers, Frank
  22. "post of the year" - so far for me ! thanks a lot !!! 3 extra beers at the next GTG Frank
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