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Everything posted by Star69

  1. serious ... it looks MBW to me - an movement shot would be nice good luck with the mods ... a looong way to go i can lend you my dremel Frank
  2. i don't like the snake coming out of Cats watch ....
  3. this is my MBW - if it helps : cheers, Frank
  4. no its him .... if you search his posts in the gen forum you see he is from Belgium and he shows a watch that he sold to and member here ... its 100 % him. Frank
  5. sad - but correct decision .... yesterday he asks for pics of the lasercrown .... http://www.repgeek.com/showthread.php?t=23932 then he post them on the gen forum ... an makes jokes how bad the lasercrown is on the rep ... wtf ? he was even an modder who earned good money with this hobby cheers, Frank
  6. looks good ! 2 questions : how is the DW on the Silix Rep ? is this a gen topic ? if yes - does it fit nicely ? thx Frank
  7. basically he wrote : i got this pictures ... check the Chinese made a new replica with ceramic bezel bla bla bla ... posted all kind of pictures from the rep-boards ... showed the serialnumber ect ... Frank
  8. okay ..... thats why perfect German .... BUSTED he posts this pic : and writes check SN Z754008 = 100 % fake
  9. yes - NAVis name is Patrick ...... now im shocked
  10. thats the guys photobucket http://i289.photobucket.com/albums/ll228/P...ckxxx1212/1.jpg Patrick .... its you !!! cheers, Frank
  11. the Mod of this forum writes that he would not be able to spot it in RL ... maybe i should order one .....
  12. i think our NAV is from Belgium = not German .... maybe he stole the member name also from here
  13. i don't know if the link works without registration : http://www.r-l-x.de/wbb2/thread.php?threadid=77072&sid= all the pictures are from members here the good news .... they think its really good cheers, Frank
  14. so i managed to get an other nice Base-dial - in which case would you put it ? steel (already base, but T SWISS T - new dial is L SWISS L) pvd -> 009 or ti ? -> 176G with wrong closed caseback ? has not to be 100% correct .... just has to look nice thanks ! Frank
  15. brownie today (has nothing to do with Paul McCartney) cheers, Frank
  16. just bought yesterday 2 "old" iPhones for 1 Euro each ... i looooove the new model cheers, Frank
  17. i see something green on the pictures - which gives me hope that they fixed the colour of the glass - but for $888,888.00 i better buy the gen
  18. next time i will dremel your watch for sure btw. i learned the basics from watching this video 50 times cheers, Frank
  19. only one single lonely beaten up Sub cheers, Frank
  20. WOW - excellent pictures Saso !!! thanks a lot for this superb field-report ! cheers, Frank
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