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Richard Tracy

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Everything posted by Richard Tracy

  1. Great suggestion,... from the boss ! What I did not want to happen in this thread was a muddying of the waters to where a busy person would not be able to see the full potential risks of doing business with Joe. I know the good,.. have seen his work posted and read the reviews for years, however whenever the negative facts were revealed, a few, good intentioned though misdirected people, would take it upon themselves to blur the lines.. That circle needed to be broken.. and I know that many understand why.
  2. Mutual respect would mean, to me, if not trust, at least an attempt at understanding, when a subject that you know only as far as your wrist, was being revealed. Regards to the rest of your post,.. I leave it up to your most exalted professional opinion to analyze your own motivations for it, and your future in the game...
  3. I understand that... I have been working out several re-toolings with him as well.. My point is that it would serve us all and save him time, if we speak into one of his ears,.. verses two, which comes across garbled...
  4. No, but it reveals you as another who is missing the whole point & intention of this intervention.. Confusing this as some sort of stoning, call for personal experience reviews... or threat to delivery of watches he still maintains possession of.. I suspect however that you are in the minority, so won't waste any more of my time..
  5. Excellent Review !! One of the most Professional I have seen to date ! Thanks for taking all the time & effort,.. !
  6. Isn't it strange how those who analyze for a living are usually blind to their own actions ? Just for reference,.. Azmindreader is supposedly a psychologist of some sort.,... Just to make clear for the few, like the two here who just don't seem to get it,.. The purpose of this board is to guide as many people as we can, to the best services, and product, and away from rip offs, before you risk your money. In other words, you don't have to personally get ripped to know the score. Though people may have different 'opinions' regarding a business, you must be able to discern the difference between postings from a. someone who may have a different view or experience and b. members and board moderators who are guiding you from collective knowledge gathered over years. Sounds easy, and in fact it is,.. if, you can keep your ego in check, and trust that someone may know something that you don't,.. For quick instance... You will notice, at the start of this thread, health, was an 'excuse' for not returning e-mail .. Did you notice the miraculous recovery later in the thread ? I have personally seen this miracle occur several times now,.. Once even when during a several month absence from his board customers,.. he was able to run a golf equipment business over ebay,.. Isn't health mysterious,...? Let's say for arguments sake however that watch repair is much more taxing on strength as is answering e-mail or pms related to such, than say,... selling golf equipment over a strict site as is, ebay.. ... Would not a person who suffered from such an ailment not be better suited to another occupation, or are we to support him with our dollars as a charity case allowing him to,..from his own words.. keep our merchandise 'as long as he wants'.. years in some cases, and also making mistakes or damaging our watches as he faints, or falls into fits of jitters...? The bottom line is it's up to you of course,.. your choice, however,.. those of us to who warned you can't have our words or actions to be misinterpreted by people who are speaking from a place that we came from years ago,.. If we did that,.. we would be shirking our responsibility and going against the purpose of our board.
  7. Thank you ! I stand corrected,.. there are a more flaws than I had noticed... Seems that the silver face rep is much more accurate... If we were to choose between a Mark XV, the black Spitfire chrono or non-crono to re-replicate, which would garner the most interest...?
  8. One good thing is we will have you full time here !
  9. The flaws are not so glaring imo,.. not compared to any others that are mega sellers,.. so I guess it's the size that keep this off the radar... However if it weren't for the 3717 being here and now, a face make-over would not be difficult to order..
  10. That's a great looking piece,.. I really wonder why more don't go for these,... Is it 38 or 39mm ? Seems the dealers all list different sizes for it...
  11. You may get the alarm, but not the other functions,.. including date,..movement is too complicated.
  12. For me BCE & the Legend in it's short time...the 3717 !
  13. TTK will never rip you off,... he may get busy & slow at times and is a bit communication challenged ...but will Never rip you .... I have the feeling that he will be getting back to you shortly...
  14. Hey there FX,.. The JB is only awaiting to have the caseback refitted,.. Regarding the submissions however, I think we need to come to him with one voice, and that voice does not need to be mine,... so if Falco, or anyone wants to take over,.. I will step aside, as I am still very busy until mid summer,.. This way, Jay's time, which is so limited these days, will not be chipped away from every direction... Come to the RT forum and post this,.. or take the forum over,.. but let's be organized and use our power of numbers... otherwise we come off as merely pests...
  15. ..........exactly !!
  16. Isn't this place grand ? Just gives me goose bumps all over....
  17. Just wanted everyone to note that too may projects all at once will result in a very long wait or worse case, zero going to completion. We already have the Casino Royalle, the three other watches in cue,... as well as a perfect modern sub,... Now this ? Hmmm we will see how it turns out though from the communications I have been having with Jay lately,.. he's getting pretty backed up.
  18. Wow,.. nice ! I would love a Connery Bond case to build on !!
  19. ...may this be the last regurgitation here, and the beginning of a cure for all the boards..
  20. I think there is more than enough information in this very thread for anyone to make up their minds about who Joe is,. and how he thinks.. if you can call it that... Just know Denise, that this goes way back long before this particular board ever existed... I'm out.... Have a great one.... !
  21. Denise,.. I like you,.. always have,. You sound like a really nice person.... However, in this case, you are way behind the curve, and I hope that others will simply take the word of those that have been around a while, who have, like me, nothing against Joe, and everything for the board. This is NOT a jumping,... but an unveiling .... and it's in that sprit that we do this.... Look back at previous posts in this thread.. one is by Two Tone, who is a mod here...one of the most honest people we know who gives of his free time to work for us all... If you choose not to listen,.. fine, continue your business with Joe,.. but please just in case you are wrong,.. {which you are} think about the others who may fall into the holes that you are helping him to cover up, like he has so many times in the past...
  22. Everyone here is my buddy Joe,... No single person in particular,.. While you, Joe are here for profit,..
  23. No Denise,.. with the heart of gold... The fact that I have no grudge against him, nor any product with him, speaks to the fact that I care only about the board,... While you on the other hand...
  24. Which one of the many threads are you speaking of Joe ? From which board ? From which Year ? Lastly,.. the whole purpose of a board such as this is to discover what is what, and who is who, before, you spend your hard earned money.. If we entertain your silly question,.. we open the forum to every one of those rip off dealers from outside to come here and use as defence,.. "Did you ever buy from me ? If not,.. how do you know I'm a thief ?"
  25. Could take forever,...? Read that Ladies and Gents,.. Take Note,.. However don't believe that he will send it back when requested,... That issue has been dragged through the mud as well,.. many times over,.. As for his work,.. our resident master watchsmith has already covered that area as well.. Anyone with any pride,.. after all these years, would pack it up and go full time into selling your golf equipment, or whatever it was you were selling on ebay during that time you were absent from the boards for months, supposedly too sick to answer your watch client's request for updates or to return their merchandise... However I know you won't leave us alone,.. your soap operas will continue to haunt us until such time that you are banned... however at least some will in future reading these warnings will know better...
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