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Everything posted by Nanuq

  1. I really dig that AR on the back of the crystal, it's tough to make it pop but when it does it's glorious.
  2. Nanuq


    I'd vote for it but I like Bob's Bump even more.
  3. The Monsters are taking over! Run for the hills!
  4. Nanuq


    Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr He says he did it to be sensitive to the needs of native Alaskans. If he truly cared about "the needs of native Alaskans" he'd open NPR-A and the Coastal Plain so we could drill OUR oil off OUR land, and let us have jobs, and heat our homes. It's all politics. I've been here over 50 years and everybody I know calls in McKinley. Besides, the Koyukon (Athabaskan) call it Denali, but the Dena'ina people call it Dghelay Ka'a. It's also been called Tenada, Bulshaya, Densmore's Peak and Mount Allen. The Koyukon live near to Denali, and the Dena'ina live near to Dghelay Ka'a. So why do the Athabaskans "win"? If he wants to rename it, the least he can do is be honest about it. But then again, we're a feisty bunch, prone to individualism. /rant off
  5. DANG, elchino! Where did you get that?!
  6. When someone overpays for something based on implied value because of marketing and product placement, and ignores the actual quality being purchased, they are in for trouble. For example, who in their right mind would pay multiple thousands of dollars for something as simple as a ......... Oh, wait........
  7. I wonder if a psychologist would say this is a response from wearing too many black watches over the years?
  8. Very. But exercise good hygiene. I have had contacts save my corneas from impacts with pine needles or sand or unexpected falling leaves on my mtn bike racing through the trees. Since my LASIK surgery I'm forced to wear eye protection. Note: don't try camping with them much below about -20 or -25F because the saline solution freezes.
  9. I wondered that too, Legend. If it was made of small hoops stuck together like chain mail, no way.... a shark would bite right through it. This one, the mesh is made of a long wire that's coiled into a long twist like a Slinky. Then the next length is another long wire twisted the other direction, and every loop intersects every loop of the previous "run". So in effect it's a solid wire from end to end, looped around the previous wire. I took out one length of wire to shorten the band a smidgen, and I had to cut the end loop, then I had to "unlace" the wire and pull it through every loop of the preceding row to get it out. It's a darn strong design. If a bear bit me there he'd still crush my arm but I don't think his teeth would break the skin.
  10. Hey Mike, that's not even a big moose! Now about those H2s......
  11. You got it cc, it's great underwater! Very readable with the Orange. It also passed a 10-bar pressure test. The crystal is from Dagaz, and the mesh came from the upper hillsides of the Kobuk mountains where the air is cold and the villagers are quirky.
  12. Yeah you keep saying nice things like that and ALL the beers will be on me when you get here! Or akkevit... frozen akkevit.
  13. Thanks mate! This beauty is cheap, rugged and good looking enough I want to wear it. I took it into the Rolex AD this afternoon and the guys all oooo-ed and ahhhh-ed over it, while leaning across the Daytona counter. That says something in itself!
  14. Thanks guys! I'm into this one for exactly $196 TOTAL, plus shipping for the parts.
  15. I picked up another Orange Monster on a whim, and decided to punch up its presence a little. So I added a shark mesh band, and started a search for a lurid huge domed crystal to make Raquel Welch blush. Here's the result.... I like it! A lot.
  16. Well do it from a distance mate.... they're dangerous. Q: what was the last thing that went through her mind when she took the pretty moosie's picture? A: her camera.
  17. It's a Friday and PeteM is back.... does it GET any better than this? Now where's the BAN button.............
  18. Tea is for pansies anyway. Real Alaskans drink coffee.
  19. And in my rush to humor I reversed the syllables of (drum roll) RedBigJoe! Lol
  20. Y'know, after all these years of bartering off Ken's Left Nut, he still has 3 or 4 of them. Seriously. The man is a testosterone factory.
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