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Everything posted by Nanuq

  1. Thanks db2, but I try to limit them. It's so bizarre and fascinating living here, people would think I was smoking something if I posted a third of the stuff that happens. So I just put up a snippet now and then. Like... there's this guy that lives down the mountain from me, and he likes rabbits. So in the spring he gets a pair and lets 'em run around outside and before winter comes, there's tons of bunnies out there hopping around. Then the first snow hits and it's all white with these dark bunnies sitting there thinking "uh ohhhhhhhh". Then the lynx start to show up and every time I drive past there's a lynx sitting there in the brush watching me go past. And a couple weeks later, no more bunnies ... and no more lynx. Or last week Mama Moose was bedded down in my backyard with her two calves and they were all chillin' then a yearling bull made the mistake of sticking his head out of the woods 50' away. She was on her feet RUNNING after him in a blink, with her calves on her heels. That bull beat feet down through the woods like his tail was on fire, and she was right there looking for blood. Or the night last winter when I heard a wolf howling in the woods right beside the house. So my favorite wife says "You have to go look, he's injured!" Yeah right. Injured. A wolf. So I put on my boots and parka and started out into the woods, the snow was waist deep and I'm floundering down the mountain into the trees, toward the sound of the howling. Not a big deal. I get about to where I figure it is, and there's no stinking wolf. So I stand there a minute and I hear it howl off to my right real close through the trees, so I head that direction. It's cold out, maybe -25F and I'm starting to sweat from the exertion, I get there and the stinking wolf isn't there. So then I hear it howl over the other direction, 100 yards off through the woods. So I head over there, and then get into a little clearing and in the moonlight I see the ground is COVERED in wolf tracks. No blood, just lots and lots of big tracks. The buggers were playing me. So I turned and headed back up through the woods, up the mountain back to the house, floundering in the deep snow. By the time I got up to the driveway I was exhausted and soaked in sweat, and realized how much danger I just put myself in. That was really REALLY dumb. That's life in Alaska.
  2. Well, it starts with politely. Let's see if he's reasonable. Most of the time you go out and tell him to scram, and he's off like a shot. If not? Then it escalates.
  3. My God, that's a ... *gasp* ... a genuine INDIANA JONES PEPSI?? Sweet Lord Jesus, I thought they were only rumored to exist. In fact, I can safely say this is the only photo I have ever seen of one. That's it, LHOOQ wins the über grail award. I am not worthy.
  4. I just chased a big fattie out of the driveway, he's the biggest one I've seen yet this summer. Nice big strong healthy black bear. Beat it, Yogi!
  5. If a Grail ticks in the forest and there's nobody there to appreciate it, does it still show the correct time?
  6. Donerix, I've found that a "grail" is an elusive concept. I have all the bases covered in vintage gens, and each was a quest in its own right to get into the stable. I've got, IMHO according to my tastes, the epitome of each category of sport/tool watch made by certain iconic watch makers, none being newer than 1974. When each one fell into my trembling hands I felt "yes, now I have finished, I am satisfied and my collection is complete." And yet, those pieces that I lost sleep over, sometimes for years, now gather dust on my shelf. It's the song of the stainless steel siren.
  7. Yobokies. Take a look here: http://www.pmwf.com/Phorum/read.php?10,91303,91303
  8. Oh, boy that's a nice one. One of my favorites as far back as memory serves. Wow!!
  9. The Grail: Rolex 1665 DR Honorable Mention: Rolex 6536 gilt Rolex 6542 Tudor 7016 Doxa Black Lung And that was a very good question, "are you left wanting for more?" The answer is always yes. I'm working on that. Being satisfied with what I have, living in the moment and enjoying this thing I have in my hand RIGHT NOW is my new goal. I'm getting there.
  10. I have this link on my troop website, and it applies in situations like these: The Last Page
  11. Nice, it has the word "Anchorage" showing!
  12. I went to Tourneau in Atlantic City and there was no sales person older than maybe 25yo and no security guards at all. And the doors were wide open! In Waikiki the Rolex shop (the good vintages are in back) had the same thing, young sales dudes and no guards.
  13. Heresy yes, but the visual results when using gen can be remarkable. Here is a comparison of three tropic-39s: service replacement, gen Superdome and domed aftermarket. Compare the clarity, then compare the poor refractions from the aftermarket crystal on the right. When mounted on a watch the aftermarket presents a "ringed" appearance around its perimeter.
  14. Sure, you already have everything you need out in the driveway.
  15. Another happy customer here, I've had mine since 1997 and put on a gen Superdome 39 about 10 years ago. Since then I've bashed it hard enough to give it a visible crack at the 12:30 position, and still it's never leaked even down to ~50' depth. It's been in 1,000 hot tubs, it's been frozen down to -50F innumerable times, it's been stepped on, it went through the clothes washer a few times, it's been through dozens of hockey practice sessions (an hour of slapshots) and I play with the kids by throwing it out into the water and let them race to get it and bring it back. No problems, no leaks, everyone's happy. I'm not SURE it's not a Timex. Rolexaddict, I'm not sure where you get your crystals but I'm not seeing many $10 tropic 39s out there. So I reuse mine. Still no leaks on the MBW.
  16. That's one of the very few COMEX I have seen with an "O" that's sorta squared off on the inside. Most miss that detail. Very nice indeed!
  17. A dog walks into a bar and pulls up a stool with a bloody bandage, and says... "I'm lookin for the man that shot my paw" A horse walks into a bar and the bartender says "Why the long face?"
  18. Nice, but I hope you got it for a good price... the date is off by 16 days! Seriously, let's have some better pics of this beastie!
  19. Yes, good advice. But I bought a 9411 Snowflake made with a Phong case, gen T19 crystal, new Triplock crown and tube, and all new seals ... and it leaked. When I countersunk the case so the tube's taper fit correctly, problem solved. It's a potential leak that most people overlook. I know I did. EDIT: one little trick I've tried is to smear the outside of the rehaut lip and the bottom inside of the crystal with a little silicon grease before assembly. Then smear a little on the inside of the retaining ring, and when you press it on you get a smooth installation. You can feel how tight it's squeezing on there. It's like using anti-seize thread compound on a car's lug nuts to get accurate torque readings.
  20. Well said, panerai153. I just had the same thing happen with my gen 1665, the Rolex AD inspected all pieces (including the NOS Superdome T39) under a loupe and they were correct, but it still failed the pressure test. As for the watch in question, check where the tube screws into the case. I've gone to maniacal lengths to waterproof watches and found they were leaking at the case/tube juncture, resulting in fogged crystals. You can fix this by making sure the case is relieved to accept the taper of the tube, then using thread sealant (LocTite) when you put the tube in. Seat it firmly and I bet that will do it.
  21. The tinted metal of the bezel is a nice touch!
  22. Nanuq


    Here's a new one, about to hit the Ziggy Spa for a treatment.
  23. How about another religion with cool headgear? Rasta-BEAR-ian?
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