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Everything posted by hambone

  1. This is a nice strap, a TC sharkskin, one of which I own and can say it is a beauty. There happens to be a good sale on it today also. Link.... http://timeconnection.biz/Merchant2/mercha...Product_Count=5
  2. Tough choice. I have the 172 from Joshua and it is probably my favorite pam. It is really great, so I would tell you to get that one first and then later get the PVD. They both have a different look, but in all around love of the watch....the 172 hands down. Great first choice too BTW.
  3. Got it from TC...Honey bone croc, no stitch. Here is the link.. http://timeconnection.biz/Merchant2/mercha...roduct_Count=21
  4. Just put the 253 on this croc strap.
  5. Yeah right Flav....I have shown my wife the photo of your cabinet filled with watches as an example of "See? I'm not so bad" so if your wife believes that you are trading new watches for old then I want to be the first to sign up for your salesmanship course.
  6. My wife bought me the new Sony DSC T 50 which was used in the James Bond movie, Casino Royale. It is a compact 7.2 m pixel that works really well. It arrived from Japan last week and I am just getting used to it. I highly reccomend it as does CNET. The review can be seen in the link below. http://reviews.cnet.com/Sony_Cyber_Shot_DS...7-32058899.html
  7. Go to www.ttwristwatch.com and there is a link for womens bags. purses, etc. As far as forums, don't know about that...sorry. Welcome to the board by the way!
  8. Seems perfectly reasonable to me and in theory it should work, but nooooooooooooo
  9. I have caught much hell from the little woman for my watch collecting. Went on a pam buying spree over the course of three months and it was no easy accomplishment. Still recovering. Honesty is always the best way...painful as it is, when a deceit is discovered, usually the [censored] hits the fan and testicles become a target for pointy boots.
  10. Rodney Dangerfield once said that he spent the rest of his life trying to win back the 3 bucks he lost at the tables in Atlantic City
  11. It may sound strange, but it has a great deal to do with the level of acidity in your sweat. This is the main cause of gold plate loss. I wear my gold plated watches only on special occasions for this reason. Other than that it should last for a long time.
  12. Panerai Radiomir 232 Andrew Yes
  13. I am not that dealer, but thanks for asking and yes, Caesars is great, although it was better before Harrahs bought it. The Tourneau store is a place I am in quite often.
  14. Working in Caesars Palace in Las Vegas 5 days a week I see a large number of amazing watches and it is great amusment for sure. "Watch talk" has become a good pastime and you would be surprised about how people love to talk about their watches. Except on occasion if someone is wearing a rep then they tend to shy away and exhibit a somewhat uncomfortable demeanor. Depending on the situation I will or will not tell them my watch is s rep, but it sure is interesting to see what people are wearing.
  15. Agreed, Klink provides us with the finest gobbledegook ever to hit a fan. You gotta love it! BTW....I started purchasing reps just last July, and have 12 of them so far. Two I bought before discovering this forum, and I must say that I am very happy with my new hobby, Yes there have been bumps in the road, but that is expected in life. Collecting reps is a joyful thing as is being a member of this forum. Let's lighten up on the whining a bit shall we?
  16. Monday is my day off, but I am keeping my 172 on.
  17. When a lie is told over time it often becomes the truth to many. For years these dealers have advertised their watches as 1:1 etc, and have had few complaints . This topic comes on the heals of our dealers legal persecution and website havoc. To be branded liars on top of it would leave them somewhat exasperated to say the least. Now, Pugs, topic is excellent and raises a very good point. Let's call a spade a spade and tell the truth when it comes to product description of watches. I feel confident that the dealers will change their language, and that word, language,is key here. These guys are Chinese merchants and not exactly linquistic wizards. That is no excuse for lying, but I am not convinced it is done in the spirit of fraud. It would seem to me that our 'friends' feel as they are under attack and due to the different culture, let's all give them the benefit of the doubt and the opportunity to correct the 'language' of description.
  18. Having tried on the gen, I can say that the new rep is a fair copy, and a great looking dive watch. Seems though that for such a big watch, the strap will only fit up to a 7.6 wrist and mine is 8....I am considering the watch but wonder if another strap would be hard to get for my size.
  19. Two of the biggest dealers on these boards just had their websites shutdown by attorneys from Rolex, who also froze their paypal account. They were informed that the boards are being closely monitored by these same guys gunning for reps so the topic of this post is valid and makes a point, however it has not stopped these dealers, only inconvenienced them, so who can say what the future holds. I would have to agree with Ted Kennedy when he said "Let's drive off that bridge when we come to it"
  20. Old news....Boring dribble.....Written by a guy who wears latex buttplug underwear.......
  21. Here are your good looking RWG folks celebrating the latest sub
  22. Thats nice to get the watch winder with it, but I saw the same watch winder in Steinmart for 20 bucks. By the way, that strap, could that possibly made from hide of the naugha?
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