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Everything posted by panerai153

  1. Never put a rep GMT together, probably one thing I was always put off by the crownguards. The 1675 (0) uses that tiny crown, and when you try to put it in a rep case, the gap on each side of the crown is and instant "Tell" .Amazing the difference between a 6mm crown and a 5.3mm. I do have this old girl lying around. Probably in my top three favorite watches, and my number one when traveling. I thought about selling it and getting a 1675, but I really like the quickset date on the 16750
  2. Sort of like a big family, we may fuss and squabble some, but when someone needs help, the family is there to help them. Lots and lots of great guys here on RWG
  3. Looks really nice. I'm trying to understand the way the hands are working,Ffrom what you said, nothing is adjustable. It has the hand stack of the newer GMT models (genuine) that have the adjustable hour hand, but functions like the older 1675's and 16750's that have the tracking GMT hand but non adjstable, correct? Works just like my genuine 16750 in that you have to use the bezel for the second time zone.
  4. Thanks very much for the replies and information. A clasp is on the way thanks to one of our gracious members. My son should be back in business in a few days.
  5. Hi Guys; I need some help. I gave my son a nice BK noobmariner a couple of years ago. It's a pretty nice watch, especially for the price I paid for it. Yesterday we were over visiting, and he asked me if I could fix the clasp on his watch. Somehow the pin holding the fliplock,which also attaches the bracelet to the clasp, broke. I'm not quite sure how the pin comes together, but it looks like the pin is hollow, and the cap is either threaded or pressed on. Of course the cap end is lost. Would anyone happen to have a 93250 clasp lying around in your parts box gathering dust? I would be forever grateful for your help. More than happy to pay for the clasp as well as postage to me. I'm in the CONUS Thanks
  6. Very nice looking 16610
  7. There aren't any Tags, but some of the vintage Heuers are very, very nice. They are not new watches however. Some folks would never be happy with a "used" watch, so she (The bride to be) needs to make sure of that before she buys something.
  8. When you really get down to it, hobbies are one integral part of what makes life interesting. I have Physician friends who are about my age and older who spent their entire life caring for everyone else, they never had the time or interest to develop any outside hobbies or interests. Now some of them are retired, or approaching retirement age and they are at wits end as to what they will do. I hope that all of the things that interest me outside of medicine will carry me through into doting old age with plenty to do This watch hobby while expensive at times has probably not cost me very much money over the years. I tried to keep pretty level headed about the costs, selling some when I wanted to buy something else. I have a nucleus of around 10 watches that are "Franchise watches" they are protected and probably will not be sold unless my financial position deteriorates to the point of a forced sale. Several of these are genuine, a few are Frankens. Anything else in the box is fair game for sale or trade if something comes along that really strikes my fancy. The main thing I'm trying to do is keep the hobby revenue neutral. As I look back over the years of watch collecting ,selling, trading, the cost pales in comparison to what some hobbies cost. Imagine the money folks spend on serious fishing. Down here, there are literally thousands of high price Bass boats sitting in garages and carports. Now talk about a hobby, 20k boat, FWD truck to pull it, fishing all day = probably 10-20 gallons of gas @ 3.40/gal plus rods,reels, lures, etc. And, that pales in comparison to the guys who are into offshore fishing. Most of the rigs I see tied up in the Marinas along the Gulf Coast start at around 80k and go up from there to "Skies the Limit". So compared to most other hobbies, especially those involving things with motors or big animals, ours is a pittance.
  9. That is a beautiful and heart wrenching poem. Please take a moment out of your day and remember those who fell in battle serving the cause of keeping us free. Enjoy your Memorial day everyone.
  10. Several come to mind. I would second the Schuren. If they are not to your liking, there are a few more I would suggest looking at Zeno Watch, Vintage Heurer, Fortis and Hanhart. Google the various brands you see suggested here, look on Ebay, and from that you can get a better idea of what you are looking for. One thing to keep in mind, some of the Pilot watches are pretty big. It would help to know what size the fellow is, and whether or not he prefers regular size (39-42mm or bigger sizes (44-48mm).
  11. I believe that once you establish your creds, that you are who you say you are and that you are a legitimate business or individual who is moving money honestly, they should be satisfied. They probably are trying to head off someone sending 10k to a someone in South Texas, NM or Arizona to buy guns and ammunition to smuggle across the border to Mexico. Here is another reason to be careful with your identity info. The latest scam is fake IRS tax returns. Seems like South Florida around Tampa is the epicenter. The thieves steal your SSN,name and address, change the address, file a fake return with a big refund, and wait for the money, which incidently is usually a debit card with a PIN. The police are saying that the drug dealers are quitting the drug racket and are having parties where everyone sits down with a laptop and files fake returns from a list of names, usually bought off someone who works at a bank, hospital, retirement center or department store.They are seeing these guys riding around in Bentley's and Lambourginis, and they don't have to be worried about getting shot by a rival drug gang either. Amazing what the thieves will think of next. Here is the link to the story in todays New York Times online http://www.nytimes.com/2012/05/27/us/id-thieves-loot-tax-checks-filing-early-and-often.html?nl=todaysheadlines&emc=edit_th_20120527
  12. Very nice watch, and J is a great guy and a real asset to the forum. He can do wonderful things with a hunk of metal!!
  13. You had me going as well, Couldn't figure out how everything looked so pristine after 40 years in the jungle!! The Rolexes would have been OK, the case, 'fraid not. Great Post and really beautiful photos.I bet Fidel has a locker full, looted from the Rolex Distributor as well as major Jewelry stores.
  14. I bet all this started from a few big "iffy" transactions that got through Paypal and raised the antenna of the IRS/DEA/FBI/homeland Security,etc. All it would take is a couple of transactions that those guys were tracking to go through Paypal as part of the laundry/terrorist pathway, and the next day Paypal headquarters looked like a Lawman's convention!! It probably scared the bejezzus out of them and they complied 100%.It's getting harder and harder to move big sums of money around these days. Unless you have the money in a bank account already and are known to the bank, it's difficult. I wire money overseas to my wife when she's visiting family and friends every summer. It's not big money by any stretch, but this past summer when I went to my local branch bank, the form I had to fill out had a lot more questions than before. They too asked for my SSN, date of birth, place of birth, home address and phone number.IN the past they were more concerned about the recipient, recipient bank and that' bank's SWIFT code. All they had from me was my name and account number the money was coming out of. Of course the bank already had all that info in my account information, but this was part of the wire transfer paperwork, and was sent to the correspondent bank in NY where the actual wire transaction took place.Never had to do that before, but i suppose the Feds are really looking at any money going out the country.
  15. You are absolutely correct! He has your credit card number, probably your PIN number as well, now if he has your SSN, date of birth and place of birth, very easy to pay a couple of bucks and get a whole lot more info. Then he can use your card online and he can probably answer most all of the secuity questions. With AMEX, to get into my account with someone from AMEX on the telephone, they ask for your last 4 digits of your social, date of birth and sometimes your mothers maiden name. Gets all your account info, and he's off to the races!! Not saying that this guy is really "phishing", but it would certainly not be out of line to ask why he wants to know these things.
  16. For all its problems, Paypal is still the safest way to complete a transaction. Believe me, i know. I've had to change one of my AMEX cards three times in the past few years, because of someone stealing my information from online transactions. One time they charged over 5k in Stereo equipment and an airline ticket! They also tried to book a first class ticket from USA to London on British Airways, but when the BA agent said they would need to call AMEX because it was a large amount (over 6k!!) The thief immediately logged off the website. I've never had any problems with Paypal, except for a bunch of those "phishing" emails which I promptly delete without even opening. As several have said above, anything that Paypal wants from you will be on your Paypal page. I'm sure they are under pretty close scrutiny by the Feds, as it would be an ideal way to move money around. I do know for a fact that any cash transaction over 10K requires the bank or institution initiating the transfer fill out an IRS form with all your information, Address, SSN,etc. Paypal operates under the same rules. With Drug money flowing South and terrorists trying to get money into the USA, banks and money transfer operations like WU are very closely scrutinized. I'm anxiously awaiting news of Amazon's money transfer operation. I'm pretty impressed with Amazon's business model. They are very fast, totally stand behind what they sell, and returns are hassle free. Hopefully they will follow that same business model with their "bank". Ebay pretty well forced most of us into using Paypal initially, and since they are part of Ebay, they are the "800 pound Gorilla" in the room. If you are an Ebay seller or buyer, you cannot get around Paypal. Amazon won't chnge that,but it could give us and alternative for all other transactions. My only concern is how readily will businesses sign up for and Amazon program, especially since Amazon is competing directly with a whole lot of businesses.
  17. Don't give up yet! Here is my bizarre story of the USPS. Last spring, I ordered something (Not a watch) from a company in Australia. they sent the package EMS, as they had been having trouble with shipping airmail (not trackable), About a week after ordering, the package showed "inbounds to Customs, Los Angeles" several days then it showed "cleared customs". After about a week, still no package. Got my local post office to track it. They showed it was in transit to Brisbane PO Australia, the origin post office!! I emailed the seller, they checked with the Brisbane PO, they had no record of the item being returned or in transit. Several weeks pass, still no package here or in Australia. By now at least a Month has passed. they send me another identical item, it arrives in about 10 days. I email the seller tell thm that the second package had arrived, still nothing from the first one according to them. Another month or so goes by, check my PO box one day and there is a package locker key inside. What the Hell, I haven't ordered anything? i open the locker and lo and behold, there sits the long lost box, about 2 1/2 months after it's original posting. It never went back to Australia, the labels and addresses weren't defaced or missing. All we could figure Is the package got scanned through customs got misplaced in transit and was finally found. We still cannot figure why it showed as being scanned for return to the origin PO. Possibly someone scanned it and realized that it was never delivered, didn't cancel the message and sent it on it's way to me.
  18. Great story, and kudos to you for telling the fellow the truth about the value of the watch. What most of the younger members around don't understand that up until the past couple of decades or so, watches, especially mid price watches like Rolex, Omega, Etc, were not collectors items. I'm sure there were wealthy "collectors" out there, collecting Patek's Breuget's and other high end watches, but not stainless steel sports watches. During the late 60's and early 70's I bought several Rolexes, A 1680, a 1665 and a Daytona. I never paid over 500.00 USD for any of them. It was very hard to sell a used watch back then, usually ended up trading them for another. only way was classified ads and word of mouth.Most people bought a Rolex because it was considered to be a sturdy, well made accurate watch that with some cxare would last for a long,long time. People wore the heck out of them, and it's a testament to their quality that most of them have survived to this day in pretty good shape. Guys just like your lumber yard gentleman wore their Sub to work every day in everey kind of working condition. Their weren't any "safe Queens" back then!!
  19. This has been going on for several years. in fact there wasa news program a few years back about the danger of using counterfeit parts in Jet engines. Some of the parts were related to turbine fan blades and assemblies. Could you imagine what would happen if a jetliner cruising at 38000 feet suddenly had a turbine disintigrate ? Scary thought. the problem is the parts are being bought from supposed well established parts suppliers. it was never announced how they got into the system, but some thought it was happening at private repair facilities, some of which are overseas. Quite a lot of the major airlines outsource repair work to other countries. Everyone is trying to save a buck!!
  20. i would say probably more toward 5K. Agree the box is irrelevant unless you had the other "stuff" punched papers, accessories, etc. Service history if documentable will help as well. VRF or Rolex forum then TZ would be my choices to sell. Absolutely not Ebay. Probably wouldn't hurt to list it on all of them.
  21. Having had several problems over the years with credit card information stolen, and my card used for purchases by the thief, Paypal is a welcome option. I try to use Paypal as often as possible, primarily because it is a firewall between your credit card and possible unscrupulous sellers, or folks who work for the seller. Western Union and Moneybookers are a last resort, and frankly, if I don't know and trust the seler, I will not use WU. Absolutely no recourse, as soon as the money gets sent, It's gone. no recourse whatsoever. Paypal certainly isn't perfect. they really infuriated sellers a while back with hteir announcement that they would "hold" funds for as long as a week before dispersing them. this was just a thinly disguised attempt tp make some profit off the "Float". Holding millions of dollars even for a week at a time earns a pile of interest every year.Disputes, often over silly or nonexistent problems can be a headache to sellers, but it's pretty darn nice to know that you as a buyer have some recourse if a seller really stiffs you. As far as the "gift" option, I've used it, but as was said, using it cancels your buyer protection. I believe that it's better to either split the fees, or decide before you sell something that you are going to have to eat the fees. While not inconsequential, splitting a 4% fee will not add a lot to a purchase. On a 500.00 USD watch, you are talking about 10.00 USD. Until something better comes along, I'll continue to use Paypal
  22. I would second the 7960 Tudor. First off, If you are a young cadet (and I certainly don't know if you are, you could be the Commanding Officer of your country!!). But if you are, I wouldn't wear something too ostentatious. It's going to draw the attention of those above you with possible negative outcomes. The Tudor looks like a Rolex sub,made by Rolex ,uses a Rolex case, but it isn't, it's a Tudor. The second choice would be the Omega Seamaster "Bond". The Tudor if kept in good condition, will likely appreciate in value, or at worst not lose any. The Omega on the other hand will depreciate over time at least to a certain point.
  23. It looks like that's the genuine movement.Here is a photo of the movement in my Lange Datograph (Seagull ST-19) . Doesn't look anything like this one. I just read a great thread by robbieg on the different hand wind chrono movements. Here is the link:
  24. here in the USA, when the package leaves the destination country, their website generally stops tracking the package. When it arrives here in the USA, as soon as it's scanned in, it appears on the USPS website tracking page. Also works in the opposite direction, once a package leaves the USA, it stops tracking, and then hopefully reappears on the destination countries website. This lack of continuity is very frustrating if you are trying to track a package.
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